Comparison on fingerprints of extract solutions from Huanglian Jiedu Decoction by three kinds of methods Fingerprints of Radix Glycyrrhizae by HPLC Genetic variation of Magnaporthe grisea isolates from single rice blast lesion Molecular ID Establishment of Apple Cultivars by TP-M13-SSR HPCE fingerprints of Forsythia suspensa from Hebei province RAPD Fingerprinting Analysis of Cucumber Cultivar‘Chun-yu’ Studies on fingerprints of Macrocarpium officinale A new method of origin information in fingerprints of traditional Chinese material medicines—Radar Feature Peaks Research and Evaluation on Chemical Fingerprints of Diterpenoids from Rabdosia rubescens A Preliminary Research on the Quality of Musk Identification of Chinese Goldthread (Coptis chinensis) by 1HNMR Evaluation of green tangerine peel processed with vinegar using HPLC fingerprint technique HPLC-ELSD Fingerprints of genuine Semen Ziziphi Spinosae from Hebei Province Fingerprints of genuine Radix Asteris from Hebei Province Fingerprints of soybean total isoflavone by HPLC Fingerprints of Xinshu Oral Liquid by HPCE GC-MS Fingerprints of Radix Bupleuri from various habitats A test on competition in nodulation ability of peanut bradyrhizobia by AFLP fingerprinting method Study on applying principle component analysis to data processing on chromatographic fingerprints for Pinellia Cum Bile Determination of HPLC fingerprint of Qingfengtong capsule Study on HPLC chromatographic fingerprint of anti-tumor active site SSCE of Caulis spatholobi X-ray diffraction Fourier fingerprint of mineral Chinese medicine Chloriti Lapis Quantititive study for chromatographic fingerprints of processed products of Paeonia lactiflora Modernization of Chinese materia medica processing piece Quality evaluation of Semen Cassiae by both indicated component determination and HPLC fingerprint Screening of Bacillus strains with high inhibition on rape Sclerotinia disease and its lipopeptide compounds detection Discrimination of Descurainiae Semen and Pantagirus Semen by HPLC fingerprints Studies on identif icat ion of Rhodila sachalinens is by1HNMR f ingerprintsin dif ferent Changbai mountain regions Fingerprints and Heavy Metal Contents of Dendrobium officinale Produced from 12 Areas Influence of different processing methods on Lonicerae Japonicae Flos from Donghai cultivation base in Jiangsu province Study on HPLC fingerprint characteristics of Selaginella plants Clustering analysis of HPLC chromatographic fingerprints of Paeonia suffruticosa Fingerprints of different samples of processed Rhizoma Coptidi by HPLC Study on fingerprints correlated with pharmacodynamic of
Paeonia lacliflora and Glycyrrhiza uralensis effective compounds
Role of Radix Platycodi in Tianwang Buxinwan decoction analyzed
by fingerprints
Selection of Guanxin Suhe Pill reference preparation by internal standard quantified fingerprints method HPLC fingerprints of Polygonum hydropiper and its adulterants Fingerprints of oligosaccharides in Morinda officinalis before and after processing by HPLC-CAD Research status and prospect of Chinese materia medica fingerprint database Fingerprint study of Wendan Decoction by UPLC-UV-MS/MS Fingerprints of Rheum tanguticum from Qinghai Region by HPLC Hierarchical cluster analysis of Radix Glycyrrizae from different habitats Finger print of hydropholic components in Smilax china Genomic DNA Extraction Method and AFLP Amplification Reaction System of Ageratina adenophora Spreng. HPLC Fingerprint of Yanhuanglian Injections Correlative study on quality of Herba Desmodii Styracifolii Multiple fingerprints and multi-comonent quantitative analysis of Danhong Injection HPLC-ELSD Fingerprints of Yinhuang preparations HPLC Fingerprint of Saussurea involucrata Fingerprints of Salvia miltiorrhiza water-soluble components by HPLC compared with fingerprint reference substance In vivo and in vitro correlation of quality control components in Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid GENETIC ANALYSIS AND IDENTIFICATION OF MAIN CULTIVATED VARITIES OF CHESTNUT (CASTANEA MOLLISSIMA) BY RAPD MOLECULAR MARKERS Fingerprints Construction of Hybrid Parents in Brassica napus and Its Utilization in Hybrid Purity Test Study on fingerprints correlated with pharmacodynamic of constituentsin Herba Erigerontis against neurotoxicity induced by beta-amyloid peptide HPLC fingerprints of Tibetan medicinal herb “Songdi” Spectrum-effect relationship of antitussive effect by total organic acids in crude and four processed Pinellia ternate based on gray relative analysis method Analysis on fingerprint for root barks and stem barks of Toddalia asiatica Study on HPLC fingerprint of crude and processed products of Entada phaseoloides Studies on fingerprints of Dendrobium densiflorum by HPLC/UV/MS Preliminary Construction and Application of GIiadin Fingerprints Database of Chinese Wheat Germplasm Study on fingerprints of Redix Paeoniae Rubra by HPLC Identification of Belamcanda chinensis and related Chinese materia medica of Iris RAPD analysis Comparison on polysaccharide content and PMP-HPLC fingerprints of polysaccharide in stems and leaves of Dendrobium officinale Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Some Species in Populus by AFLP Marker Composition change in extraction process of Huanglian Jiedu Decoction by fingerprint division total statistical moment method Relativity of commercial specification of Menthae Herba based on chemical analysis Correlation between Andrographis Herba preparation‘s fingerprint, pharmacological activity and preparation process Fingerprint analysis and quality control evaluation of ethanol extracting bioactive compositions from Ganoderma Fingerprint analysis and quality control evaluation of ethanol extracting bioactive compositions from Ganoderma