Energy signature technology and its application on energy flux in mangrove ecosystems:a review and outlook Studies of the tolerance of Avicennia marina and Aegiceras corniculatum to seawater immersion in Guangxi, China Species diversity in mangrove wetlands of China and its causation analyses Mechanisms of mangroves waterlogging resistance Mangrove biodiversity restoration Correlation Between Mangrove Species Distribution and Soil Environmental Factors at Qinglan Harbour, Hainan Province, China Adaptability of Several Mangrove Species and Taxodium distichum on Deep-water Mudflat Allelopathic Effects of Sonneratia apetala Aqueous Extracts on Growth Performance of Some Indigenous Mangroves Study on Intraspecific and Interspecific Competition in Exotic Species Sonneratia apetala Overview to active constituents from mangrove Bruguiera gymnorhiza Chemical constituents from Chinese mangrove plant Cerbera manghas Studies on the Biomass of Mangrove Plantation of Sonneratia apetala and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza in the Wetland of Nansha in Guangzhou City A Study on Dynam icMon itor ing ofMangroveWetlandRestora tion Using Remote Sensing Techn iques Characteristics of photosynthesis and photosynthetic carbon fixation capacity of five mangrovetree species in Zhanjiang City Cloning of Salt Tolerance-Related cDNAs from the Mangrove Plant Sesuvium portulacastrum L. COMPARISONS OF LEAF CHLORIDE CONTENT AND LEAF TRAITS BETWEEN TRUE MANGROVE PLANTS AND SEMI-MANGROVE PLANTS Distribution and bioavailability of seven heavy metals in mangrove wetland sediments in Dongzhai Harbor, Hainan Island, China. Periodic characteristics of soil CO2 flux in mangrove wetland of Quanzhou Bay, China. Landscape pattern change of Dongzhai Harbour mangrove, South China analyzed with a patch-based method and its driving forces. Influences of artificial Kandelia obovata mangrove forest rehabilitation on the macrobenthos in Ximen Island A review on the application of remote sensing in mangrove ecosystem monitoring Tide elevations for four mangrove species along western coast of Guangxi, China Antifungal activity of endophytic bacterium AmS2 against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and its identification Bio-control efficacy of a marine bacterium CⅢ-1 from mangrove on capsicum bacterial wilt Vegetation Composition in the Mangrove Forest Nature Protection Area of Qinglan,China Secondary metabolites of mangrove endophytic fungus Penicillium aurantiogriseum 299 from South China Sea RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRANSPIRATION OF RHIZOPHORA STYLOSA MANGROVE FOREST AND ECOLOGICAL FACTORS Studies of eco-physiological characteristics of three mangrove species in constructed wetland sewage treatment system Purifying effect of mangrove constructed wetlands on domestic sewage Advances in Salt- Tolerance Mechanism of Mangrove Absorption and distribution of K, Na and Mg in Avicennia marina seedlings under cadmium stress. Chemical constituents of mangrove plant Excoecaria agallocha in Hainan Province Accumulation and Dynamic of Heavy Metal Elements in Rhizophora stylosa Community at Yingluo Bay in Guangxi Element Distribution and its Relationship with Soil Fertility in Different Succession Stages of a Mangrove Community in Yingluo Bay, Guangxi Mating System of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Populations of Mangrove, China Carbon storage and carbon sink of mangrove wetland: Research progress. Vulnerability assessment on the mangrove ecosystems in qinzhou bay under sea level rise THE ACCUMULATION AND BIOLOGICAL CYCLE OF NITROGEN AND PHOSPHRUS ELEMENTS IN RHIZOPHORS STYLOSA COMMUNITY ,GUANGXI THE CHANGE OF CALORIC VALUES OF A MANGROVE SPECIES, KANDELIA CANDEL IN CHINA THE ACTIVITIES OF POLYPHENOL OXIDASE, PEROXIDASE AND PEROXIDASE ISOZYMOGRAM IN THE LEAVES OF MANGROVE PLANT GROWING NEAR DAYA BAY Expanded Gap Space Nutrition Index of Mangrove Wave-Prevention Effects of Sonneratia caseolaris-S.apetala Mangrove Ecosystem Analysis of the 16S rDNA PCR-RFLP and the Phosphate-Dissolving Capacity of Phosphate-Dissolving Bacteria Isolated from Rhizosphere of Mangrove in Southern China Distribution and community characteristics of threatened seagrass Halophila beccarii in Dongzhai Harbor, Hainan Mangrove PSB:Isolation,Culture and Phosphate-dissolving Ability Study on the Natural Regeneration of Mangrove Species Sonneratia caseolaris Early Screening Trials of Provenance on Bruguiera gymnorrhiza in Shenzhen Bay of China Ecological Study on the Small Mangrove Communities Established by Partial Artificial Method——The Suitability of the Entire Environment of Shrub Community to the Arbor Populations and the Strategy on Community Rehabilitat Barnacles Harm to Artificial Mangroves and Their Chemical Control The Studies on Seedling Nursery and Afforestation Techniques of Aegiceras corniculatum of Mangroves The Studies on Seedling Nursing Techniques of Sonneratia carseolaris and Its Seedling Growth Rhythm Studies on the Primary Character and Storage Method of Mangrove Kandelia candel Hypocotyl Ecological Study on the Small Mangrove Communities Established by Partial Artificial Method The Disturbance Effect of the Arbor Populations Introduced Directly into the Original Shrub Community and Its Shrub Populations A Study on the Afforestation Techniques of Kandelia candel Mangrove THE Law for Vertical Structure and Succession Dynamics of Mangrove in Qinglan Harbour, Hainan Island The Utilization Protection and Afforestation on Mangrove Wetland THE SUPPORT SYSTEM OF MANGROVE RESOURCE INVESTIGATION AND MANAGEMENT ON THE BASIS OF GIS IN FUJIAN PROVINCE Introduction and Domestication of Several Superior Mangroves in Shenzhen Bay Studies on Detritus Energy During the Decomposition of Kandelia candel Leaf Litter Critical tidal level for Kandelia candel forestation in strong tidal range area. Health assessment of Qi’ao Island mangrove wetland ecosystem in Pearl River Estuary. Researches on Typhoon Damage to Mangroves and Preventive Measures Preliminary Report on Introduction of Several Superior Mangroves Effect of Salinity and Temperature on Seed Germination of Mangrove Sonneratia apetala Buch. Ham. Mangrove Plants’Adaptive Ability to Habitat and Their Horizontal Distribution in Qinglan Harbour, Hainan Island Biomass and Leaf Area Index of Secondary Shrub in Mangroves of Qingland Harbour in Hainan Island Study on the Distributive Pattern of Principal Tree Populations in Bruguiera sexangula and B. gymnorrhiza Communities Compounds from marine mangrove plant Bruguiera sexangula var. rhynchopetala Homogeneity Index of Stand Spatial Structure of Mangrove Ecological System INTERANNUAL DYNAMIC OF LITTER FALL OF Kandelia Candel MANGROVE AND ENERGY FLOW THROUGH THE LITTER IN JIULONGJIANG ESTUARY, FUJIAN PROVINCE,CHINA Screening and Identification of an Actinomycete Strain with Nematicidal Activity Studies on Dynamics of C, H and N Elements for Bruguiera sexangula Mangrove Forest in Hainan Island, China The Physio-ecological Response of Acanthus ilicifolius Seedlings to Different Degrees of Light Intensity in Tide Environment Vegetation carbon stocks and net primary productivity of the mangrove forests in Shenzhen, China. Sapflow characteristics of Kandelia obovata and their controlling factors in Zhangjiang estuary, China. Net primary productivity of several mangrove species under controlled habitats Biodegradation of di-n-butyl phthalate by mangrove microorganism Rhodococcus ruber 1K Niches of several mangrove species in Dongzhai Harbor of Hainan Island. Dynamics and species-diversities of artificial Sonneratia apetala,Sonneratia caseolaris and Kandelia candel communities The effects of roots and crabs’ bioturbation on AVS, migration and transformation of heavy metals in mangrove sediments