Advances in Phylogeography of Alpine Plants in the Tibetan Plateau and Adjacent Regions Morphology and Distribution of Calcium Oxalate Crystals in Pinellia pedatisecta Schott (Araceae) Influence of Overstory on Seasonal Variability of Understory Herbs in Primary Broad-leaved Korean Pine Forest of Changbai Mountain Effect of Soil Moisture Variations on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Slash Pine Seedlings Pollen Morphology of Sixteen Pimpinella Species (Apiaceae) and the Systematic Analysis Slow Growth Conservation of Pinellia ternata and Its Somatic Variation as Detected by ISSR Markers Effects of Different Levels of NP Nutrition on the Dry Matter Distribution of Rootand Shoot of Chinese Fir,Slash Pine and Timor Mahogany Seedlings Nutrient Characteristics of Throughfall and Stemflow in Three Forests at the Subalpine of Western Sichuan Study on Regeneration Niche Metrics Based on Ecostate-Ecorole Theory Hydrogen Stable Isotope Characteristics of the Precipitation Allocation Processes in Sub-Alpine Dark Coniferous Forest in Wolong, Sichuan Province Construction of A Pine Needle Symbiotic Engineered Bacterium Exhibiting the Insecticidal Activity to Dendrolimus punctatus The Influence Factors of Sub-Alpine Forest Restoration in Miyaluo, West Sichuan Community Spatial Structure of a Chinese Pine Plantation in the Upper Reaches of the Minjiang River: Species Richness and Coverage Changes of Plant Species Diversity in the Process of Human-Induced Vegetation Restoration in Sandy Lands of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Characteristics of Growth and Soil Properties in a Mixed Stand of Pinus luchuensis and Schima wallichii kort. Ssp. Liukiuensis Bloenb. In Subtropical Zone Fixed Point Measurements of Crown Transmissivity of the Broad-leaved Korean Pine Forest in Changbai Mountain STUDY ON BIOLOGICAL CYCLING OF MICROELEMENTS IN PINUS MASSONIANA PLANTATIONS DIGITAL SPACKLE CORRELATION METHOD (DSCM) FOR MEASUREMENT OF WOOD COMPRESSION ELASTIC MODULUS STUDIES ON SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION FUNCTIONS OF LITTER IN CHINESE PINE STAND ON LOESS PLATEAU Study on Spermatophyte Flora of the Alpine Frigid Zone in Shergyla Mountain of Tibet Effect of Acidity and Aluminium on the Growth of Pinus massoniana Seedlings Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio and Activities of PEP Carboxylase and PEP Carboxykinase in Pineapple Leaves Application of Numerical Classification to Study the Grazing Retrogressive Succession Stages of the Kobresia Vegetation on the Subalpine Meadow Anti-HIV-1 activities of pine cone extract from Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis in vitro Fingerprint study of Wuji Pill by UPLC-MS/MS Spectrum-effect relationship of antitussive effect by total organic acids in crude and four processed Pinellia ternate based on gray relative analysis method Comprehensive evaluation on yield and quality of Pinellia ternata from Sichuan based on principal component and cluster analysis Optimization of rutaecarpine solid lipid nanoparticles by central composite design and response surface methodology Study on processing of origin integration method and technology of Pinelliae Rhizoma Praeparatum cum Zingibere et Alumine Achievements, Problems and Its Countermeasures of Genetic Improvement of Masson Pine The Response of Young Slash Pine Plantation to Fertilization on the Shale Red Soil Five Years′ Growth Response of Young Slash Pine to Fertilization Investigations on the Nutritional Value of the Pupa of Dendrolimus punctatus wenshanensis Growth Response of Masson Pine Plantation to Fertilization:Two Years Results Effect of Seed Sorting on Germination and Seedling Quality of Slash Pine Multitraits Selection of Loblolly Pine Families for Pulpwood Impacts of Fertilization on the Change of Nutrient Content in Soil and Leaf in Young Loblolly Pine Plantation in Acid Rain Region Study on the Seedbed Density of Growing Slash Pine Seedling Determination of Optimum Seed Sources for Paper-pulp Wood of Masson Pine The Response of Fertilization on the Young slash Pine Plantation Study on the Change of Needle Nutrient Element of Masson Pine under atmospheric Pollution The Early Selection of OPen Pollinated Families of Slash Pine Studies on the Seasonal Susceptibility of Masson Pine Caterpillar to Insecticides and Its Application Variation in Wood Characteristics and Rotatlon Age of Loblolly Pine for Pulpwood study on Mycorrhization of Pine in Nursery and Field by Cutting Primary Root Apex of Young Seedlings Tentative study on Effects of Intermediate Cutting in Slash Pine Plantation Effect of Long-term Storage on Seed Quality of Masson Pine Genetic Analysis and Combined Selection for Growth and Wood Quality of Open-pollinated Families of Masson Pine The Sensitivity of Dendrolimus Light Intensity and Spectrum in Photoperiodic Reaction The Genetic Variation of the Main Economic Traits of the Loblolly Pine’s Seed Sources and Its Comprehensive Selection Growth Analysis of Loblolly Pine in Hilly Area of Zhejiang and Eastern Anhui Province Selection of Fine Provenance of Masson Pine for Afforestation Regions The Development of Die-back of Pines by Sphaeropsis sapinea Studies on the Resistance of Pine Trees to Pine Wood Nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus Variation of Wood Basic Density and Tracheid Length of Different Provenances of Loblolly and Slash Pines A Primary Research on High-Yield Provenances of Masson Pine Pollen Studies on Control Measures of Die-back of Pines Selection of Mycorrhiza Fungi with Masson Pine and Their Inoculation-Effects in the Nursery Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Evaluation of Good Families in Pinus massoniana The Cultural Conditions for the Proliferation of a Symbiotic Fungus (P.t) with Masson Pine A New Var iety for Pineapple ‘Yuecui’ Advances in the Functional Ecology of Alpine and Arctic Plants Effects of Temperatures on Seed Germination Characteristics of Alpine Plant Stipa purpurea (Poaceae)* Phylogeographical Study on Eriophyton wallichii (Labiatae) from Alpine Scree of QinghaiTibetan Plateau Effects of Altitude on Photosynthetic Gas Exchange and the Associated Leaf Trait in an Alpine Oak, Quercus guyavifolia (Fagaceae) Plant Community Succession on Ant-hills of a Sub-alpine Meadow in Northwestern Sichuan, China: Species Composition and Diversity Pollen characteristics of twenty-eight species of Saussurea in alpine meadow of the eastern fringe of the Qinghai-tibetan Plateau Effect of NH4+-N/NO3--N ratio in applied supplementary fertilizer on nitrogen metabolism and main chemical composition of Pinellia ternata A Simulation on Wind Factors of Fuelbed of Korean Pine Needles Fine Root Decomposition Dynamics during Freeze-Thaw Season in the Subalpine/Alpine Forests Relationships of Stable Carbon Isotope of Abies faxoniana Tree-Rings to Climate in the Sub-Alpine Forest in Western Sichuan Vertical Distributin of Soil Organic Carbon and Carbon Storage under Different Hydrologic Conditions in Zoigê Alpine Kobresia Meadows Wetland Generalized Algebraic Difference Site Index Model for Ponderosa Pine in British Columbia, Canada Cold Resistance Characteristics of 22 Alpine Plant Species in the Eastern-part of Qilian Mountain Study on Characteristics of Plant Niche in Maqu Alpine Desertified Meadow Study on Community Quantity Character in Alpine Mixed-sown Grassland under Different Grazing Intensities Seasonal Variations of Short Wave and Long Wave Radiation in Layer of Soil and Atmosphere of Alpine Wetland at North Area of Qinghai Evaluation of Using Land for Constructing Qinghai-Tibet Railway on Native Vegetation A Research on the Secondary Community Character and the Ecosystem Rehabilitation of the Alpine Meadows Along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway A Primary Study on CO2 Emission from Alpine Potentilla fruticosa Scrub Meadow Ecosystem