Impact of temperature increment before the over-wintering period on growth and development and grain yield of winter wheat. Effect of long-term fertilization on lignin accumulation in typical subtropical upland soil. Effects of shading on the aboveground biomass and stiochiometry characteristics of Medicago sativa Spatial heterogeneity of soil organic carbon and nutrients in low mountain area of Changbai Mountains. Effects of shade and competition of Chenopodium album on photosynthesis, fluorescence and growth characteristics of Flaveria bidentis. Effects of irrigation and planting patterns on photosynthetic characteristics of flag leaf and yield at late growth stages of winter wheat. Effects of environmental factors at different altitudes on leaves and fruit quality of Fuji apple. Chemical characteristics of the rhizosphere soil of water spinach cultivars differing in Cd accumulation. Effects of different LED light qualities on growth, photosynthetic characteristics and nutritional quality of savoy. Effects of shade on photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence of Ardisia violacea. Effect of different nitrogen forms and their proportion on biological characteristics of Isatis indigotica Fort Responses of nitrogen supply forms on leaf photosynthetic characteristics and root characters of sweetpotato Genotype difference and heterosis of nutrient characteristics of fluecured tobacco in seedling stage Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on physiological characteristics of peanut under iron-deficient stress Effect of glycine betaine on physiological characteristics of cotton seedlings under drought stress N release characteristics of controlled/slowed-release fertilizer in different media and its effects evaluation Effect of Exogenous NaHS on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Tomato Seedlings under NO3- Stress Isolation of cellulose-degrading bacteria and determination of their degradation activity Effects of GA3 and CEPA on photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidant enzymes in the flowering phase and the flowering response of Lilium casa blanca Effect of intercropping potatoes with oats on the photosynthetic characteristics and yield of potato Effects of light intensity on biological characteristics, physiological indexes and flavone content of Kalimeris indica A comparison of photosynthesis responses to light of four Elymus species Effect of different levels of nitrogen on physiological characteristics of
flag leaves and grain yield of wheat
Community characteristics and soil nutrient dynamics in the beginning two years after artificial vegetation on rock slope STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF BAMBOO TIMBER MOULDING I. MOULDING CHARACTERISTICS AND CAUSAL FUNGI OF MAO BAMBOO TIMBER STUDIES ON BESAIA GODDRICA (NOTODONTIDAE,LEPIDOPTERA) BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BAMBOO PLANTS IN FLOWERING STAGE DISCRIMINATION OF SINOBAMBUSA NEPHROAURITA FROM INDOSASA ALBO-HISPIULA BY WOOD ANATOMICAL COMPARISON Nutrient spatial variability of tobacco soil restoration area and fertility suitability level evaluation. Effects of row spacing on canopy structure and grain-filling characteristics of high-yield summer maize. Effects of light quality on photosynthetic pigment contents and photosynthetic characteristics of peanut seedling leaves. Remote sensing analysis of forest resources characteristics in main ecological restoration counties in the Three-Gorge Area based on the 2nd-class inventory  data. Effects of elevated rhizosphere CO2 concentration on the photosynthetic characteristics, yield, and quality of muskmelon. Effects of NaCl stress on photosynthesis characteristics and fast chlorophyll fluorescence induction dynamics of Pistacia chinensis  leaves. Screening, identification and phosphate-solubilizing characteristics of Rahnella sp. phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in calcareous soil. Effects of tillage patterns on photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of maize in rainfed area of Northeast China. Shoot type morphology and growth characteristics of winter wheat sown at different dates. Effects of light regime on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Alnus formosana and A. cremastogyne seedlings. Eco-physiological responses and related adjustment mechanisms of Artemisia ordosica and Caragana korshinskii under different configuration modes to precipitation variation. Photosynthetic characteristics of Bothriochloa ischaemum under drought stress and elevated CO2 concentration. Characteristics of soil mineralizable carbon pool in natural restoration process of Karst forest vegetation. Effects of brassinolide on the leaf mitochondria and chloroplast ultrastructure and photosynthesis of cucumber seedlings under hypoxia stress. Adsorption and bound characteristics of soil minerals with Hg The effect of fertilizer with different anions on the physiological and chemical characteristics of solar greenhouse soil The characteristics of cluster redpepper in nutrition uptake and its response to N and P fertilizers Characteristics of farming-forestry-animal husbandry integrated ecosystem in Kaifeng sandy region Vegetation micro-ecology and application of vegetation micro-ecology preparation Effect of mulch and shade on physiological and biological characteristics of ginger growing in field Relationship among the application of N,P and the yield characteristics of cluster redpepper The relationship of soil nutrient cycling characteristics with productivity of terrace millet on hilly loess plateau Spatio-temporal characteristics of the expansion of poplar plantation in West Dongting Lake wetland, China. Age, growth and fecundity of Clupanodon punctatus in Xipu Bay of Dongshan Island, Fujian Province Fruitage of Larix gmelini and its relation to age structure of short branches Structural index systems of agroecosystem and their quantitative methods Characteristics of natural contents of soil elements in Karakoram and West-Kunlun Mouatains of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Morphological characteristics of Ⅱ Frankia strains under different ecological conditions Study on poplar canker caused by Botryodiplodia populea ZKZhong: biological characteristics of pathogen, pattern of disease incidence and fungicide selection Geological characteristics of eco environmental in Leling jijithus producing area Spectroscopic properties of Heterosigma akashiwo under iron limitation Spatial distribution characteristics and ecological effects of carbon and nitrogen of soil in Huolin River catchment wetland Characteristics of seedlings regeneration in Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata secondary forests in Qinling Mountains Research on the morphological interactions between Tamarix ramosissima thickets and Nebkhas under different sand supply conditions:a case study in Cele oasis-desert ecotone Eco-physiological responses of Phragmites australis to different water-salt conditions in Momoge Wetland Alleviation effect and mechanism of exogenous potassium nitrate and salicylic acid on the growth inhibition of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings induced by deicing salts Spatio-temporal variation of morphometric characteristics of Brachionus forficula in relation to ecological factors Effects of different soil water treatments on photosynthetic characteristics and grain yield in rice Seasonal variations in the stems of Larix principis-rupprechtii at the treeline of the Luya Mountains Physiological responses of Eucalyptus trees to infestation of Leptocybe invasa Fisher Accumulation and tolerance of Salix variegate and Pterocarya stenoptera seedlings to cadmium Effects of powdery mildew infection on zucchini growth under elevated CO2 and temperature Photosynthetic diurnal variation characteristics of leaf and non-leaf organs in winter wheat under different irrigation regimes Effects of compost from municipal solid waste on ecological characteristics and the quality of different turfgrass cultivars The biochemical mechanism and application of anammox in the wastewater treatment process Changes in invasion characteristics of Dendroctonus valens after introduction into China Litter amount and its nutrient storage and water holding characteristics under different coniferous forest types in Xiaolong Mountain,Gansu Province Comparison on spatial scale analysis methods in landscape ecology Effects of different tree shapes on light use in Castanea henryi Effects of iso-osmotic Ca(NO3)2 and NaCl stress on growth and physiological characteristics of cucumber seedlings Impacts of structure characteristics on the thermal environment effect of city parks Development history and future research priorities of landscape ecology in China