Correlations Between Sucrose Accumulation and Activities of SPS, SS at Processing Maturing Stage of Sugarcane Analysis of Genomic Structure and Introns of SoNIN1 Gene from Sugarcane Research Progress in Breeding Technique of Sugarcane Healthy Seedlings or Seedcanes Survey and molecular detection of sugarcane virus diseases in Hainan Province Cryosectioning method for the observation of microtubule cytoskeleton in plant cells Leaf Senescence and Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in Sugarcane Studies on the Activities of ATPase in Tissues of Different Sugarcame Genotypes Effects of Rare Earth Spraying on Activities of ATPase and Enzymes in the Rhizosphere of Sugarcane Effects of intercropping with soybean on bacterial and nitrogen-fixing bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of sugarcane Application of Lake-model based indices from chlorophyll fluorescence on sugarcane seedling Application of Lake-model based indices from chlorophyll fluorescence on sugarcane seedling THE MUTAGENIC EFFECT ON THE SUGARCANE CALLUS IRRADIATED WITH ~(60)Co-γ RAYS EFFECT OF NITROGEN-FIXING BACTERIA INOCULATION ON BIOLOGICAL NITROGEN
Molecular Cloning and Expression of ScABP4 Gene in Sugarcane Genetic Diversity and Construction of Fingerprint of 29 Yunnan Germplasms of Sugarcane Innovation by SSR A quarantining sugarcane white leaf disease caused by phytoplasma found in sugarcane field in Yunnan Cloning and detection of coat protein gene of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus by real-time fluorescent RT-PCR Studies on cry1Ac Gene Transgenic Plants of Saccharum Complex by Particle Bombardment Species Identification of the Sugarcane Germplasm Deyang Dayezi Based on Phenotypic,Karyotypic and Molecular Evidences Effects of nitrogen fixing bacteria on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in sugarcane at elongating stage Identification and evaluation of elite sugarcane varieties /materials resistant to Sorghum mosaic virus Using 15N isotopic dilution method to quantify the biological nitrogen fixation in sugarcane Correlation between changes of photosynthetic characteristics of different sugarcane varieties and their cold tolerance under low temperature THE BREEDING POTENTIAL OF THE SMUT RESISTANCE OF SUGARCANE STRAINS AS REVEALED BY COMBINING ABILITY ANALYSIS Biocontrol efficacy of Coniothyrium minitans strain ZS-1 on Sclerotinia stem rot of oilseed rape caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in field trials Identification of the pathogen of falcate-conidia anthracnose of tobacco and its biological characteristics Isolation and identification of Fusarium proliferatum causing soybean root rot and its biological characterization Influence of planting pattern, density and fertilization on wheat powdery mildew Advances in researches sugarcane yellow leaf disease and molecular biology of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus Subcellular Localization and Expression Analysis of Hexose Transporter Gene ShHXT6 in Sugarcane On Application of Herbicide Resistant Gene bar and EPSPS in Transgenic Sugarcane Multiple Gene Transformation in Sugarcane and Multiple PCR Detection The Optimization of Southern Blot for Transgenic Sugarcane Plants Preparation of antiserum against the bacteria of sugarcane ratoon stunting disease Development and application of nested PCR assay for detection of phytoplasma of sugarcane white leaf Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci Conferring Resistance to Sugarcane Mosaic Virus in Maize Inheritance of Resistance to Sugarcane Mosaic Virus in Maize Genetic Diversity of Elite Maize Germplasm for Resistant to SCMV Phenotypic and genetic diversity of sugarcane ( Saccharum L. )protospecies and landraces Impact of manganese stress on chlorosis and iron-deficiency in sugarcane seedlings Effect of sugarcane//soybean intercropping and reduced nitrogen rates on sugarcane yield, plant and soil nitrogen Studies on Factors in Cryopreservation of Sugarcane Calluses Somatic Embryogenesis from Sugarcane Protoplasts Effect of Different Nitrogen Application Types on Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency and Fate of Fertilizer for Sugacane RESEARCH PROGRESS ON GENETIC ENGINEERING OF STRESS TOLERANCE IN SUGARCANE EFFECTS OF NITROGEN APPLICATION RATES ON NITROGEN UPTAKE AND UTILIZATION BY SUGARCANE Effects of inoculating nitrogen fixing bacteria Klebsiella sp.120on photosynthetic characteristics and mineral nutrient contents of sugarcane The work was conducted at the USDA-ARS,Sugarcane Research Laboratory,Houma,LA,U.S.A. under a Non-funded Cooperative Agreement(USDA Control No. 410334)between the Sugarcane Research Center,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanning 530007 and the USDA- ARS,Sugarcane Research Laboratory,Houma,LA 70360,U.S.AAssessment of genetic diversity in Saccharum using SSR markers and capillary electrophoresis Nested-PCR detection for Leifsonia xyli xyli, the causal bacterium of sugarcane ratoon stunting disease Optimum fertilization for high yield, high sucrose content and high profit of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) on different soil types Comparison of Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics Related to Cold Resistance in Sugarcane under Field Conditions Phylogenetic Relationships of Sugarcane Related Genera and Species Based on ITS Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Establishment of DNA Fingerprint ID in Sugarcane Cultivars in Yunnan, China Efficiency Evaluation of Two Molecular Markers Linked with Resistance to Maize Dwarf Mosaic Disease Identification of a Putative Trigeneric Hybrid "Shennong Gaotangzhe" for its Germplasm Origin Genetic diversity analysis of Yunnan commonly-used parent by using SSR marker? Karyotype Analysis of Different Genotype Saccharum spontaneum Clones Cell chamber structure and influences factors analysis on sugarcane stem tips browning in vitro Study on sugarcane alkane alcohol to quail hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis model Cytochemical Localization of ATPase activity in the cells of Vascular Bundle of Different Parts in Sugarcane Leaves Differential Gene Expression in Sugarcane Leaves Regulated by Ethephon During Early Growth Stage Advances in the Ratoon Stunting Disease of Sugarcane Analysis on variation of main economic characters in crossing offspring of sugarcane Construction of expression vector of nematode-resistant gene and transformation of sugarcane Cloning and Loss Expression Analysis of 5′ Flanking Sequence of UDP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase from Sugarcane Analysis for Anti-oxidation Metabolism of Variation Lines of Sugarcane Introduced Exogenous DNA under Osmotic Stress Analysis of Yield and Quality Traits in Sugarcane Varieties (Lines) with GGE-Biplot cDNA-SCoT Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Sugarcane Induced by Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli Cloning and Expression Analysis of Sugarcane Alkaline/Neutral Invertase (SoNIN1) Gene Colonization of Nitrogen Fixing Bacterial Strain Klebsiella sp. DX120E Labeled with Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Gene within Sugarcane Plants Cloning and Expression Analysis of CIPK Gene in Sugarcane Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Transcriptional Activators ScCBF1 Gene from Sugarcane Screening of Differentially Expressed Genes and Analysis of Plant Hormones Related Genes under Water Stress in Sugarcane Isolation and Characterization of a Na+/H+Antiporter Gene from Sugarcane Evaluating on the core collection of sugarcane hybrids based on important agronomic traits and analyzing their genetic relationships Compositive Evaluating of the Grey Closeness Degree for 09 Series Hybrid F1 of the Sacchrum species Effects of applying tea seed meal and EDTA on the speciation transformation and phytoavailability of nickel and zinc in soil. Cloning and Expression Analysis of Sugarcane Isoflavone Reductase-like(IRL)Gene The Differential Expression of Monosaccharide Transporter Genes in Disease-free Sugarcane Plants The discussion of affecting factors on soil microbial community structure in a sugarcane land under different fertilization treatments STUDIES ON THE ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION OF RARE EARTH ELEMENTS AND ITS EFFECT ON ABSORPTION OF PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM IN SUGARCANE (Saccharum officnarum L.)

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