Effects of Different Light Qualities on Root Growth and Development of Test-tube Plantlets of Vitis vinifera L. In Vitro Pollen Tube Growth and Distribution of Microfilaments in Pollen Tube of Pinus tabulaeformis Anatomical Characteristics of Self-Incompatibility in Camellia oleifera Chemical constituents from Actinostemma lobatum (II) Molecular cloning, bioinformatics characterization, and gene expression analysis of full-length expansin gene cDNA from Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Growth and propagation of wild Pinella ternata in cultivation Technique on artificial seeds of Pinellia ternata Effects of seeding and sowing methods on the yields of root tubers of Curcuma longa Study on tissue culture of Bolbostemma paniculatum Observation of pollen tube germination of Platycodon grandiflorumby fluorescence microscopy Observation of Differentiation and Pigment Deposition Process in Colored Cotton Fibers Biochemical Indicators for Storability of Eight Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Tuberous Roots in Postharvest Storage Process Comparison and Analysis of Effects of Antisense Oligodeoxynucleotide Inhibition of NtGNL1 in Three Culture Systems of Tobacco Observation of the Interspecific Cross Process between Rhododendron ‘Nova Zembla’ and R.excellens Compatibility of Different Pollination Combinations in Primula forbesii NaCl Stress on the Growth, Ion Uptake and Transport of Helianthus tuberosus L. Seedlings Correlation analysis between induction of maize parthenogenesis haploid in vivo and intersperm nucleus distances in pollen tubes germinating in vitro of male parent Effectof sucrose concentrations with or without SA onformation and growth of In vitro microtuber in potato Rapid Propagation in Vitro of Chiritopsis repanda var. guilinensis Establishment of the distinct species status of Polygonum ciliinerve based on morphological and anatomical data Effects of seawater with different concentrations on growth and physiological and biochemical characteristics of Helianthus tuberosus seedlings Effects of seawater irrigation on soil safety and crop yield in coastal semi-arid area RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOLANlNE AND TUBERlZATlON OF POTATO PLANTS STUDIES ON CHROMOSOME DOUBLING, TRANSPLANTING AND MANAGEMENT OF TUBE SHOOTS IN WHEAT DEV ELOPMENTAL STUDIES ON ANOMALOUS SECONDARY STRUCTURE IN ROOT TUBER OF POLYGONUM MULTIFLORUM THUNB. STUDIES ON LEAF SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GENUS EPIMEDIUM IN CHINA Effects of Arabinogalactan Proteins on Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth of Torenia fourieri and Nicotiana tabacum L. Study of Antimicrobial in vitro from Fagopyrum dibotrys Extracts Effects of Soil Aeration on Potato Yield and Its Physiological Mechanism Variation of Polyphenol Oxidase Activity and Isozyme in Transgenic Homozygous Tetraploid Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Function of classⅠpatatin Gene in Potato Microtuber Formation Cloning and Expression of a Full-Length cDNA of SoFtsH Gene in Potato under Drought Stress Mutagenic Effects of Co -rays on Polianthes tuberose L Regulation of exogenous brassinosteroid on growth and photosynthesis of Helianthus tuberosus seedlings and cadmium biological enrichment under cadmium stress Study on optimization of induction system of test-tube tuberous roots from leaves of Rehmannia glutinosa Establishment of extraction method and 2-dimensional electrophoresis conditions for root tuber proteome analysis of Rehmannia glutinosa GC-MS Fingerprint of root tuber of Pseudostellaria heterophylla EFFECTS OF ANTIBIOTICS ON PLANT REGENERATION in vitro ON CHINESE CHIVE ( Allium tuberosum Rottle) COMPARISON OF POLLEN GRAINS OF PINELLIA AND THEIR TUBER PROTEIN IN ALCOHOL Effects of Calcium and Boron on Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth of Torenia fournieri Current Review on Genetic Transformation of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Visualization of Microfilament Distribution in Pollen Tubes through in vitro Rice Pollen Germination System The effects of plant growth regulating substances on pollen germination and tube gowth in Fengshui pear (Pyrus serotina) Thechanges of the HMW glutenin subunits of introducingsorghum DNA into spring wheat RAPD VERIFICATION OF RUST RESISTANT WHEAT VARIANTS Research Advances in Inositol Phosphate Signaling in Regulating Pollen Development and Pollen Tube Growth Expression of auxin synthesis gene tms1 under control of tuber-specific promoter enhances potato tuberization in vitro Isolation and Cultural Behavior of Pollen Tube Subprotoplasts in ,Antirrhinum majus L. Cloning and Tissue Expression of Full-length cDNA in Gene Encoding Δ6-desaturase Fatty Acyl of Portunus trituberculatus Comparative nitrogen mineralization and its availability in certain woody plantations in Keerqin Sand Lands, China Detection of Poplar Canker Fungal Pathogens by ArrayTube Technique Effects of nitrogen on growth and flowering of test-tube plantlets of Gomphrena globosa Effects of salinity on accumulation and distribution mode of dry matter and soluble sugar of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) Cloning and analysis of the cytosolic glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPC) gene from Solanum tuberosum and Arabidopsis thaliana A study on the use of fulvic acid to improve growth and resistance in continuous cropping of potato Cloning and sequence analysis of terminase gene of glycoalkaloid biosynthesis
metabolismic pathway in potato
Effects of nitrogen form on the photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ and antioxidant characteristics of Jerusalem artichoke seedling under salt stress Effect on the photosynthetic characteristics of Cd uptake and translocation in seedlings of two Helianthus tuberosus varieties Nutritional evaluation of Helianthus tuberosus meal on lactating dairy cows Studies on Gene Transformation via Pollen Tube Pathway in Walnut Progress in Research on the Resistance Mechanism Against Viruses in Potatoes A New Chinese Chive Cultivar‘Haijiu 2’ A New Chinese Chive Cultivar‘Haijiu 1’ Studies on Composition and Contents of Glucosinolates in Different Tuber Mustard Varieties Pollen Tube Behav ior Following Pollina tion between Ca rdioc rinum gigan teumand Lilium Effects of Plucking Hearts in Bud Stage on the Hormones in the Process of Tuber Formation in Solanum tuberosum L. Development of cDNA Dimeric Probes and Its Application in Diagnosis ofPotato spindle tuber viroid A New Spr ing TuberMustard Cultivar‘Yong Zha 1’ Chemical constituents and anti-tuberculosis activity of root of Rhodiola kirilowii Application of orthogonal design in tissue culture of Dioscorea opposite Pollen Germination and Growth of Platycodon grandiflorum(Jacq.)A.DC Electroantennogram and behavioral responses of Tessaratoma papillosa (Drury) (Hemiptera:Pentatomidae) to components of its metathoracic cland secretions Efficient method for extraction of high quality RNA from microtubers of Pinellia ternata in vitro Diversity of Culturable Bacteria Associated with Tuber panzhihuanensePinus armandii Ectomycorrhizosphere Soil Changes of Leaf Physiology and Anatomy of Poinsettia Plantlet in Transplantation Microtubule Organization in Germinated Pollen of Pinus thunbergii Fertilization Process in Flax and Its Performance Time for Each Stage Effects of Limited Supplemental Irrigation on Potato in the Semiarid Areas of Middle Gansu Province Pigment Component and Content in the Stem Tuber of Solanum tuberosum L. ‘‘‘‘Zhuanxinwu‘‘‘‘ Cloning and Bioinformation Analysiss of StSnRK2.1 Gene in Solanum tuberosum