Morphological and Physiological Disorders of Cotton Resulting from Potassium Deficiency The allelopathy of different development stages of Amaranthus retroflexus L. on root border cells of cucumber Response to aluminum toxicity of four common weeds roots and border cells Stock Sap Flow Characters of Juglans reg ia and Relationship withM eteorological Factors in Dry Season STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF THREE DIFFERENT TREATMENTS ON WOOD PERMEABILITY Experimental study on intervention effect of Grifola frondosa on nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Fine Root Morphology and Biomass Characteristics at Preliminary Stage of Gap Border Trees of Reformed Low Beneficial Cupressus funebris Forests Effects of Naokang Erhao decoction on cognitive ability and hippocampal apoptosis-related proteins in diabetic rats Investigation of a compound, compatibility of Rhodiola crenulata, Cordyceps militaris, and Rheum palmatum, on metabolic syndrome treatment Ⅴ——mechanisms on improving glucose metabolic disorders Suitability assessment for building land consolidation on gentle hillside based on OWA operator:a case in Dali Bai Nationality Borough in Yunnan, China High accuracy simulation of aboveground biomass in Northern China based on IOCSG Biological characteristics and the toxicity response to ferrous iron of rice border cells Dynamical analysis of niche construction in n-population metapopulation Effects of colored environmental noise on the spatial synchrony of heterogeneous population dynamics Mortality in Apis mellifera L. colonies in China from 2009 to 2013 Physiological characteristics and senescence of fine roots in Robinia pseudoacacia plantations of different forest ages in the Loess Plateau Morphologyical anatomical studies on Betulaceae vessel element from Helongjiang Province, China Biosorption and Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals Copper,Lead and Zinc by a Submerged Aquatic Plant Potamogeton crispus L. at Low Temperature Effects of Irrigation Methods on Growth and Water Use Efficiency of Alfalfa in Arid Northwest China Herbs for calming liver and suppressing Yang in treatment of hyperthyroidism with hyperactive liver Yang: Herbal effects on lymphocyte protein expression Fine root architecture and morphology among different branch orders of six subtropical tree species The Special Role of the Borders Between Farming and Ranging Regions in the Sustainable Development Strategies Fine Root Morphology and Biomass of Phoebe zhennan Provenance Seedlings Dominant Height for Chinese Fir Plantation Using Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model Based on Linearization Algorithm Present situation and question and prospect of study on kidney-supplementing and blood-activating method in treating ovaries functional disorders(infertility with dysfunctional ovulation) for stimulating ovaries reactive mechanism to gonadotropic hormones Systematic evaluation of kidney-tonifying and blood-activating traditional Chinese medicines in treatment of ovulatory disorder infertility Study on medication regularity of traditional Chinese medicines in treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder based on data mining PROPERTIES OF COMMUNITY STRUCTURAL COMPLEXITY DESCRIBED BY MEAN LENGTH OF HUFFMAN CODE VARIATION IN ROOT DIAMETER AMONG 45 COMMON TREE SPECIES IN TEMPERATE, SUBTROPICAL AND TROPICAL FORESTS IN CHINA ANATOMICAL AND FUNCTIONAL HETEROGENEITY AMONG DIFFERENT ROOT ORDERS OF PHELLODENDRON AMURENSE FINE ROOT MORPHOLOGY OF TWENTY HARDWOOD SPECIES IN MAOERSHAN NATURAL SECONDARY FOREST IN NORTHEASTERN CHINA PHYTOECOLOGICAL EFFECT OF Al3+ ON THE INDUCTIVITY OF PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH OF BORDER CELLS IN SOYBEAN ROOT Difference and inherent linkage of root characteristics in different root classification of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings Seasonal variation of fine root tissue N concentration of nine common tree species in Dinghushan, Guangdong, China Effects of nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide on induction of a defense response in the root tips and root border cells of soybean plants to Al toxicity Fine root morphology, anatomy and tissue nitrogen and carbon contents of the first five orders in four tropical hardwood species in Hainan Island, China Turbulent characteristics in forest canopy under atmospheric neutral condition. Effects of atmospheric thermally stratified condition on sensible heat within forest canopy. Effect of increased deposition of atmospheric nitrogen on forest ecosystem Land-use, stream order and stream water physical and chemical qualities A Study on Fresh Rhizome Simulation Model and Its Application to Compreh ensive Agronomic Measures for Good quality and Highyield of Curcuma longa L. Content Determination of Baicalin by UV Second Order Derivative Spectra Effects of fertilization on nutrient concentrations of different root orders‘ fine roots in Cinnamomum camphora seedings Advances in studies on mechanism of Baizhu Shaoyao Powder against irritable bowel syndrome Identification of compounds in aqueous extract from aerial parts of Lycopus lucidus by HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS/MS Effects of Rotational Tillage and Alternate Border Irrigation on Photosynthetic Characters of Wheat-maize Double Crops Effects of fertilization methods on border effect of cereal-vegetablestrip intercropping system Studies on the Characteristics of Gap Border Trees in the Subalpine Coniferous Forest in Western Sichuan Dimorphococcopsis Jao——A Genus of Freshwater Chlorococcales(Chlorophyta) Newly Recorded from China KINETICS OF NATIVE POTASSIUM RELEASE AND POTASSIUM SUPPLYING CHARACTERISTICS TN SELECTED SOILS Response of root border cell in red cowpea to aluminum stress Advances in studies on mechanism of Baizhu Shaoyao Powder against irritable bowel syndrome Effects of temperature and soil type on nitrogen mineralization Response of root border cells to drought stress and their effects on physiological characteristics of roots of black soybean seedlings Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Different Order roots in Fraxinus mandshurica Seedlings to Drought Stress Biological Characteristic and the Response to Aluminum Toxicity of Cucumber Border Cells Correlation of Seed Mass with Elevation Determination of Total Alkaloids in Luotuopeng Tablets by First Order Derivative Spectrophotometry An integrated orderly classification system of natural wetland and its application in China Lodging Resistance of Winter Wheat in Response to Nitrogen and Planting Density and Border Effect under Relay Intercropping Condition Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy in the Analysis of Ordered Structure of Starch Grain Modeling and Verification of Sandwich Beam with Wooden Skin and Honey-Comb Core Subjected to Transverse Loading Analysis of Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model Parameter Estimation Methods The Application of the Ordered Plot Clustering to the Vertical Belt Partitioning of Vegetation of Main Mountains Shanxi Soil nitrogen mineralization and its prediction in winter wheat-summer maize rotation system Effects of thinning on  fine-root morphology, biomass and N concentration of different branch orders of Chinese fir. Effects of Cortical Thickness and Stele Diameter on Variations of Root Diameter in Fraxinus mandshurica and Larix gmelinii Karyotype Analysis of Six Wild Strawberry Species Branch quantity distribution simulation for Pinus koraiensis plantation in Heilongjiang Province, China. Seasonal dynamics of quantitative and morphological traits of poplar fine roots and their differences between successive rotation plantations. Nutrient heterogeneity in fine roots of six subtropical natural tree species The role of root border cells in protecting buckwheat root apices from aluminum toxicity and their effect on polysaccharide contents of root tip cell walls Studies on residuals of organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in soil of planting base and Pogostemon cablin Effect of Shexiang Baoxin Pill on time difference expression of IL-18 in border zone myocardium and ventricular arrhythmia of rats with acute myocardial infarction The Organizational Order of Vegetation and Its Global Pattern DIVERSITY ORDERING: METHODS AND AN EXAMPLE Fine root biomass and carbon storage in surface soil of Cinnamomum camphora plantation in Rainy Area of West China. Temperature sensitivity of CO2 fluxes from rhizosphere soil mineralization and root decomposition in Pinus massoniana and Castanopsis sclerophylla forests. Determination of Anthranilic Acid in the leaves of Isatidis indigotica by First Order Derivative UV Sperctrophotometry Development and Influencing Factors of Soybean Root Border Cell

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