Effect of Calcium on Multiresistance in Maize Seedling in Relation to Glutathione Reductase Effect of Ca2+ on Mediating the MeJA-induced Synthesis of Triterpenoid in Suspension Cells of Betula platyphylla Suk. Molecular basis of signal transduction mediated by calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) in plants Regulation of Exogenous Ethylene on Ca2+- ATPase Activity and Lipid Peroxidation of Microsomal Membrane in Strawberry Fruit The Kinetics of Calcium Uptake in Apple Rootstock Roots The Effect of Calmodulin Antagonist and Calcium on Chilling Resistance ofEggplant Seedling Ca Ion Localization in the Path of Pollen Tube Growth Within the Gynoecium of Brassica napus Physical Localization of Genes for CaM and Ca2+- ATPase in Rice by in situ Hybridization Influence of Extract of Mesocarp of Mongolian Snakegourd (Trichosanthes kirilowii) on Transmembrane Ca2+ Influx in Rat Aortic Ring A Preliminary Study on Activity Mechanism and Identification of Extract of Pharbitis purpurea Seeds against Tetranychus cinnabarinus Ca2+-Calmodulin is Involved in Betacyanin Accumulation Induced by Dark in C3 Halophyte Suaeda salsa Nitric Oxide Blocks Blue Light-Induced K+ Influx by Elevating the Cytosolic Ca2+ Concentration in Vicia faba L. Guard Cells AtPEPTIDE RECEPTOR2 mediates the AtPEPTIDE1-induced cytosolic Ca2+ rise, which is required for the suppression of Glutamine Dumper gene expression in Arabidopsis roots Effects of Ca2+ on Wheat Germination and Seedling Development Under Saline Stress Dynamics and Interaction of Ca2+ and Nitric Oxide in Wheat Suspension Cells in the Hypersensitive Response Arsenic induces guard cell death in leaf epidermis of Vicia faba The Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Jat ropha curcas L. Under Sr2+ Stress With Exogenous Ca2+ Effects of Calcium and Calmodulin Antagonist W7 on Antioxidant Systems of Roots of Alfalfa Roots under PEG Stress Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase Gene SiCDPK1 in Setaria italica Regulation Mechanism of Intracellular IP3-Ca2+ on Photosynthesis in Maize Seedlings under UV-B Stress Effects of Total Saponins of Sanchi (Panax pseudo-ginseng var. notoginseng)on TNF, NO and Its Mechanisms Influence of sea pyrimidine on [Ca2+]i in tumor cells Studies on Localization and Change of Ca2+ in Fruit Flesh Cells duringFruit Development of Pear The Effect of Calmodulin Antagonist and Calcium on Chilling Resistance ofEggplant Seedling Research advances in the mechanisms of high nutrient use efficiency in plants Ca2+ Signal Transduction and Its Regulation Role under Drought Stress in Plant Responses of Growth and Physiology of Calcicoles and Calcifuges to Exogenous Ca2+ Response of the Arabidopsis Receptor-like Protein Kinase Encoding Gene CRK45 to Exogenous Calcium Ion Effects of Exogenous Ca2+ on Growth and Dynamic Distribution of Stable Isotope δ13 C,δ15 N of Populus×euramericana‘Nanlin 895‘ Cuttings Cloning and Stress Expression Analysis of Calnexin in Tomato The Calcium Distribution in the Anther of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line of Yunnan Purple Rice during Anther Development Effects of Calcium and Ionophore A23187 on in vitro Development of Early Embryo in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Changes of Ca2+ Distribution in Root Apical Meristematic Cells of Wheat under Cadmium Stress Reparations of Ca2+ and P on N-fixation of alfalfa-rhizobia after acid aluminum stress Exogenous Ca2+ Inhibits Senescence-Retarding Effect of Cytokinins in Detached Rice Leaves Effect of Photoperiod on Calcium Distribution in Photoperiod-sensitive Cytoplasmic Male-sterile Wheat During Anther Development Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on D1 protein phosphorylation and PSⅡ performances of wheat leaf chloroplasts under high temperature and illumination stress. Regurgitant from Orgyia ericae Germar induces calcium influx and accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus (Maxim. ex Kom.) Cheng f. cells Effects of Priming with Sodium Nitroprusside and Ca2+ on Seed Germination and Growth of Wheat under Salt Stress Studies on Localization and Change of Ca2+ in Fruit Flesh Cells duringFruit Development of Pear Effects of Exogenous Calcium and It′s Related Substances on Scattering-planted Rice Seedlings′ Bending Upward Studies on DNA Fragmentation Induced by Calcium Ions in Rice Cell Effect of Total Saponins of Panax notoginseng (TSPNS) on  Myocardial Intracellular Ca2+and Activity of Calcium Pump of Membrane of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in SHR Mechanism of Protective Action of Phyllanthus urinaria L. Against Injuries of Liver Cells A Dynamic Study on Inhihitory Effect of Palustrine on Mg~(2+)-ATPase and Ca~(2+)-ATPase of Brain Synaptic Vesicle Membrane in Rats Effects of Neferine on the 45Ca influx and Efflux Induced by Activation of α-1 Adrenoceptor of Vascular Smooth Muscle 外源Ca2+及NO供体硝普钠(SNP)对盐胁迫下 紫苏种子萌发及幼苗抗氧化酶活性的影响 Effect of tetrandrine on nitroglycerin induced activation of satellite cells in trigeminal ganglia Effect of terpene penetration enhancer and its mechanisms on membrane fluidity and potential of HaCaT keratinocytes Effects of Exogenous Divalent Cations Ca2+ and Cu2+ on Expression of Genes Involved in Ascorbate Metabolism in Rosa roxburghii Fruits Effects of Exogenous Calcium on K+,Ca2+,Mg2+ Content and ATPase Activity in Cucumber Seedlings Under Root-zone Hypoxic Stress Effects of Ca2 + on Respira tory Metabolism in Roots of Cucumber Seedlingsunder Root-zone Hypoxia Stress Effects of Ca2+ on Antioxidant Enzyme Activities During Rooting of Chrysanthemum Cuttings The Differences of Subcellular Ca2+ Distribution in Root Meristem Region ofCucumber Seedling Under Different NO3- Concentrations Stress Screening of effective parts in Jiaoai Decoction with blood enriching function in blood deficiency model rats Protective effects of total flavones of metasequosia on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats The Differences of Subcellular Ca2+ Distribution in Root Meristem Region ofCucumber Seedling Under Different NO3- Concentrations Stress Effects of Exogenous Calcium on K+,Ca2+,Mg2+ Content and ATPase Activity in Cucumber Seedlings Under Root-zone Hypoxic Stress Effect of La on Ca content in tobacco callus and oilseed rape seedling root Effect of EGTA and La2+ on induction of sesquiterpene cyclase gene expression in leaves of Capsicum annuum by several abiotic elicitors Effect of Low Temperature and Pathogen Stress during Storage Periods on Pear Fruit Pulp ATP Contents,H+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase Activity Effect of total flavonoids of Jiawei Wuzi Yanzong prescription on VGCCsinduced by amyloid-β25-35 peptide in CA1 pyramidal neurons of rat hippocampal slice Vasorelaxational effects of total alkali Sophora alopecuroids on rabbit aorta in vitro Studies on protection and mechanism of tetramethylpyrazine on myocardial injury of rats with DHF Effect on factors of energy metabolism in rats skeletal muscle by cold traditional Chinese medicine Effect of matrine on PLA2 activity of LPS-induced inflammatory rats and its mechanism Signal transduction pathway of active oxygen species in Polyporus umbellatus induced by elicitor from Armillaria mellea Annexins: multi-functional complex in the process of plant growth The Impact of Different Ca2+ Spraying Period on Alleviating Pepper Injury Under the Waterlogging Stress Relevant Effects of Ethylene and Ga2+ on Germination of Lettuce Seeds Study on the Binding State of Calcium in Photosystem ⅡOxygen-Evolution Complex Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on Hill’s reaction activity and Ca2+/Mg2+-ATPase activity of Ginkgo biloba L. in two consecutive growth seasons Current progress in eco-physiology of root-sourced chemical signal in plant under drought stress The Impact of Different Ca2+ Spraying Period on Alleviating Pepper Injury Under the Waterlogging Stress Relationship Between Ca2+ and Plant Ethylene Response Influence of Low Temperature on Spatial-temporal Changes of Ca2+ in Winter or Spring Wheat Changes of Ca2+ -ATPase Activities in Cell of Rice Seed lings During the Enhancement of Chilling Resistance Induced by Cold and Salt Pretreatment Comparison of Properties of the Plasma Membrane Ca2+ -ATPase from Wheat Root and Leaf Effect of exogenous Ca2+, ALA, SA and Spd on seed germination and physiological characteristics of Perilla frutescens seedlings under NaCl stress Effects of betaine on [Ca2+]i and potential of cell membrane in HepG2 tumor cells