Research progress on effects of grazing on physical and chemical characteristics of grassland soil Analysis of AHP strategic decisions for the ecological risk of grazing system and management decisions in an alpine meadow at Gannan, Gansu Effects on plant biomass and CNP contents of plants in grazed andfenced steppe grasslands of the Loess Plateau Grassland unilization and feed budget of Tan-sheep under grazing conditions in Ningxia arid grassland Effects of the grazing systems on diurnal variation of photosynthetic characteristic of major plant species of desert steppe A preliminary study on the relationship between soil urease activity and soil fertility in the grazing grasslands of Yongchang county, Gansu province Integrated influence of experimental trampling and simulated precipitation on fractal dimension of soil particle size distributions in the steppes of Huanxian County in Eastern Gansu Province, China Effects of enclosure on the community characteristics of Leymus chinensis in degenerated steppe Analysis of the influence of discounting on grazing behavior in the late grassland contract stage N-alkanes characteristic of roughage from the sheep grazing system in the Songnen Plain farming-pastoral zone Effect of grazing intensity on characteristics of alpine meadow communities in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Integrated crop-livestock production system Response of the ground arthropod community to exclosure of desert steppe in semi-arid regions Response of soil respiration to grazing intensity, water contents, and temperature of soil in different grasslands of Inner Mongolia A COMPARISON OF ROTATION AND CONTINUOUS SEASONAL GRAZING SYSTEMS The Rate of Carbon Dioxide Release from Alpine Scrubby Meadow Soil Under Different Grazing Intensity Dynamics of Grazing Ecosystem between Plant output and Animal Production Effects of Grazing Intensity on the Growth of Yaks STUDY ON UTILIZATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF FOREST-GRASS SYSTEM FOR GRAZING IN LIAONING EASTERN MOUNTAINS Effect of grazing on the plant functional group diversity and community biomass and their relationship along a precipitation gradient in Inner Mongolia Steppe Plant biodiversity of Aretemisia frigida communities on degraded grasslands under different grazing intensities after thirteen-year enclosure Soil seed banks in different grazing exclusion restoring succession stages in the Xiligole degraded steppe Factors affecting plant primary productivity of grasslands:a review Review of household ranch models Effects of density and feed supplement on layer production and yolk cholesterol under grazing conditions Influence of grazing disturbance on stoichiometric characteristics of alpine Rhododendron shrublands underground soil nutrient pool Measurement of transaction cost of rest-grazing policy IMPACTS OF GRAZING ON SOIL CARBON FRACTIONS IN THE GRASSLANDS OF XILIN RIVER BASIN, INNER MONGOLIA Influence of Grazing Rate on Population Structure of Stipa grandis Clonal Morphological Plasticity and Biomass Allocation Pattern of Artemisia frigida and Potentilla acaulis Under Different Grazing Intensities The Effects of Grazing on Age Structure in Clonal Populations of Agropyron michnoi Relationships between grazingpath and Berberis aggregate population characteristics in upper reaches of Minjiang River, Southwest China. Effects of grazing disturbance on leaf traits and their interrelationships of plants in desert steppe. Effects of continuous enclosure and fertilization on soil microbial community structure in alpine meadow. Evaluation on trampling of grazed Gansu wapiti (Cervus elaphus kansuensis Po cock) and its effects on soil property in winter grazing land Study on damaged process of the vegetation under grazing stress in sandy grassland Grazing behavior of Gansu wapiti (Cervus elaphus kansuensis) in summer & winter on the alpine grasslands of Qilianshan Mountain Increased abundance of woody plants in grasslands and savannas Feeding Ecology of Sinocalanus tenellus (Copepoda:Calanoida) Grazing on Phytoplankton in Saline-alkaline Ponds Variation of module of Artemisia frigida population under different grazing intensities Effect of grazing intensity on ecological stoichiometry of Deyeuxia angustifolia and meadow soil Principles for design of rotational grazing systems Effects of grazing duration on polyunsaturated fatty acid deposition and oxidative stability of lamb meat Analysis and Evaluation of the Effect of Grazing on Forest Land and Tree Growth Effect of Grazing Intensity on Population Characteristics and Community Diversity of Seriphidium transiliense Regulatory Effects of Stip grandis on Above-ground Biomass of Plant Community in Grazing Ecosystem Spatial Distribution of Gynaephora menyuanensis under Different Grazing Intensities in Alpine Meadow Effects of Deferred Grazing on Grassland Community Characteristics and Productivity in Alpine Meadow Effects of Difference Method and Fecal Crude Protein Method on Evaluating the Herbage Intake of Grazing Sheep Effects of Different Grazing Intensities on the Soil Seed Bank of Alpine Meadow in the Bangjietang Research Station of Tibet Research Progress on the Carbon Cycle and Impact Factors of Grassland Ecosystem Notes on the Concept of Preference in Grazing Ecology and Grassland Management Application of Numerical Classification to Study the Grazing Retrogressive Succession Stages of the Kobresia Vegetation on the Subalpine Meadow Effects of warming and grazing on soil and ecosystem respirations in grasslands: mini review Research on the Grazing Degradation Model of the Main Steppe Rangelands in Inner Mongolia and Some Considerations for the Establishment of a Computerized Rangeland Monitoring system Effect of Climate Change and Grazing on Populations of Cleistogenes squarrosa in Inner Mongolia Steppe The Divergence and Convergence of Aneurolepidium chinense Steppe and Stipa grandis Steppe under the Grazing Influence in Xilin River Valley, Inner Mongolia Consequences and strategies about the excessive grazing to public grassland in Bashang METEOROLOGICAL EFFECT OF GRAZING FOREST IN THE GRASSLAND EXPERIMENT STATION OF BAIYINTALA REGION Growth and reproduction of Stipa Krylovii population on a grazing gradient Effects of Grazing-blockade by Fencing on the Biomass in Stipa krylovii Steppe of Mongolia Influence of Grazing Pressures on Belowground Productivity and Biomass in Mongolia Steppe Dynamic changes in morphological and physiological characteristics and above-ground nutrients of Carex thunbergii after light grazing Studies on Productivities For Dairy Cows Under Different Grazing System and Grazing Intensity─2.Effect of Grazing on milk yields and weight gain Effects of Different Grazing Intensity for Dairy Cows on Soil Characteristics of Perennial Ryegrass/White Clover Sward A Study on Grazing Pattern and Grazing Internsity on Pasture at Hong Chi Ba The Effect of Sheep Rotational Grazing Intensities on Forage and Animal Production of Qinghai-Tibet Alpine Rangeland in the Summer and Autumn A Study on Intermonth Dynamics of Grazing Intake at the Ewes of Lioaning Cashmere Goat Effect of Grazing Disturbance Gradient on Plant Diversity of Main Grassland Communities in the Songnen Plain of China Plant Compensatory Growth in the Grazing System of Stipa breviflora Desert Steppe──Ⅰ. Plant Net Productivity The Effects of Grazing Pressures on Community Dynamic of Macrofauna in Inner Mongolia Typical Steppe Study on Grassland Dark Sandy Chestnut Compaction by Grazing Intensity and Grazing Season Effects on production characters and quality of Russian wildrye Grass under Different Grazing Intensities Nitrogen Deposits of Lamb as Influenced by Rotational Grazing The Effect of Different Grazing Intensity and Grassland Type on the Lamb Performance Sheep Raising Method During the Ecological Frangibility Period of Grassland Studies on the Relationship Between Grazing Intensities for Yaks and Plant Groups in Kobrecia Parva Alpine Meadow Effects of Grazing Intensity on Reproductive Characteristics of Artemisia frigida Willd. in Stipa breviflora Griseb. Steppe Fiber Performance of Introduced Huacaya Alpacas Grazing on Sown Pasture Effect of Grazing Withdrawal Project on the Economic-social Benefits of Alashan Left Banner,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region