Relationship between Planting Density and Tree Growth Process of Betula alnoides Mid-young Plantations in Pingxiang, Guangxi Influence of Betula platyphylla Plantations at Mountainous Region in East Heilongjiang on Water Quality New records of higher plants from some provinces in China (I) Cloning and Expression Analysis of a B-box-type Protein Gene BlCOL13 in Betula luminifera Wind Pollination Characteristics of Styles in Betulaceae Variation of sugars in different parts of birch in spring by gas-chromatography Responses of crown architecture and competition of birch seedlings (Betula albosinensis) to enriched CO2 under different planting densities Litter decomposition processes in the pure birch (Betula platyphlla) forest and the birch and po;lar (Populus davidiana) mixed forest New taxa of Betula L. from Xinjiang China THE ESTABLISHMENT OF HYPOCOTYL REGENETATION SYSTEM OF BETULA PLATYPHYLLA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS ON INDIVIDUAL GROWTH PROCESS OF BETULA PLATYPHYLLA FROM NORTH OF SHANXI PROVINCE STUDY ON THE RELATION BETWEEN THE STABILITY OF BETULA PLATYPHYLLA POPULATION AND THE FIRE DISTURBANCE Contents of Betulin and Betulinic Acid of Betula platyphylla in Huanglong Mountain Accumulation of Triterpenoids in Betula platyphylla Suspension Culture Induced by a Fungal Elicitor Kinetics of Triterpenoid Production and Nutrient Consumption in Birch (Betula platyphylla) Suspension Cell Effects of Exponential Nitrogen Loading on Growth and Foliar Nutrient Status of Betula alnoides Seedlings Genetic Variation of Natural Populations of Betula luminifera in Fujian and Its Relationship with the Habitat Spatial Pattern Analysis of Individuals in Different Age-classes of Betula platyphylla in Huoshan Mountain of Shanxi Province WATER METABOLISM AND CHANGES OF SEVERAL OSMOTICAIN LEAVES OF BETULA PLATYPHYLLA SEEDLINGS UNDER DROUGHT STRESS STUDY ON THE SPATIAL PATTERN OF BETULA PLATYPHYLLA POPULATION Structural Characteristics of Different Betula platyphylla Communities in Huanglong Mountain Cloning and Expression Analysis of a LFY Gene from Betula luminifera POPULATION STRUCTURE AND SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF BETULA ALBO-SINENSIS AT TAIBAI MOUNTAIN, NORTHWESTERN CHINA Allozyme Diversity in Natural Populations of Betula Alnoides from Guangxi, China Boundary form effects of timberline ecotone on colonization of woody plants and timberline dynamics in Changbai Mountain The water-holding capacity of litter layers in the forests of Larix principis-rupprechtii and Betula albo-sinensis in Liupan Mountain and their rainfall interception process Physiological response of Betula ermanii at different altitudes in Changbai Mountain Geographic Distributions and Ecological Conditions of Betula alnoides in China The effect of climate warming on the structure characteristic of the timberline in Laotudingzi Mountain Consume of soil seeds of Betula albo-sinensis and Abies faxoniana in different natural successional stages of subalpine dark coniferous forest in western Sichuan, China Effect of Initial Planting Spacing on the Growth of Betula alnoides Cultivation Techniques of Betula alnoides The optimum mixture ratio of larch and birch in terms of biodiversity conservation: a case study in Aershan forest area Species composition and point pattern analysis of standing trees in secondary Betula albo-sinensis forest in Xiaolongshan of west Qinling Mountains. Soil nutrient status of pure birch and larch plantations based on their seedlings bioassay. Short-term effects of fire disturbance on greanhouse gases emission from Betula platyphylla- forested wetland in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, Northeast China. Diurnal rhythm of Viburnum awabuki and Betula luminifera volatiles and electroantennogram response of Batocera horsfieldi. Selection of Seedling Growth and Photosynthetic Traits Assistant Evaluated Factors in Betula platyphylla Half-sib Families Effects of Local and Regional Processes on Herbaceous Plant Assemblages in the Betula utilis Forest Gaps of Taibai Mountain Effects of Water,Nitrogen and Methyl Jasmonate Treatment on Triterpenes Accumulation in Birch (Betula platyphylla Suk.) Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Choline Monooxygenase Gene in Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge under Abiotic Stress Morphological Responses and Morphological Plasticity Indices of Seedlings and Saplings of Four Woody Species in Montane Forest of Northern China to Experimental Light Regimes Variation Characteristics of Respiration Efflux of Soil Components in Betula platyphylla Plantation Spatial Distribution Pattern of Populus davidiana and Betula platyphylla Populations in a Typical Natural Secondary Forest in Rocky Mountain Area of Northern Hebei Differential Expression Analysis of Transcripts at Early Developmental Stage of Male Inflorescence Mutant of White Birch(Betula platyphylla)by cDNA-AFLP Structural Features and Properties of Betula schmidtii Entitled as Rigidy and Heavy Wood Photosynthetic Performance and Variation in Leaf Anatomic Structure of Betula microphylla var. paludosa under Different Saline Conditions SUCCESSIONAL TREND OF DISTRIBUTIONAL PATTERN FOR POPULATION IN DALAO RIDGE,YICHANG, HUBEI PROVINCE A NEW DISTRIBUTION OF CORYLUS WANGII HU (BETULACEAE) IN SICHUAN PROVINCE, CHINA Construction and EST Analysis of Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Library of Betula platyphylla Female Inflorescence LIFE HISTORY CHARACTERISTICS AND SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE BETULA PLATYPHYLL A POPULATION IN THE DONGLING MOUNTAIN REGION, BEIJING, CHINA SEED GERMINATION CHARACTERISTICS OF BETULA ALBO-SINENSIS AT MOUNTAIN TAIBAI, CHINA The effect of fire intensity on the natural rehabilitation of forest vegetation A Researches on Stem Sap Flow Dynamics of Betula platyphylla The Growth Difference of Different Betula alnoides Provenances in South Subtropical Mountainous Areas In vitro Propagation of Betula alnoides by Shoot Proliferation Study on the Seed Storage of Betula alnoides Mycorrhizal Dependency and Inoculant Effects on the Growth of Betula alnoides Seedlings Cloning and Expression Analysis of a LFY Gene from Betula luminifera Leaf Litter Decomposition and Its Relationship with Soil Properties in Betula alnoides and Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis Polyamine-mediated triterpenoid synthesis in suspension cells of Betula platyphylla induced by fungal elicitor Effect of putrescine on sucrose metabolism and triterpenoid accumulation in Betula platyphylla suspension cells A NEW SPECIES OF BETULA FROM YUNNAN Study on Intensive Breeding Technique of Accelerating Betula platyphylla Flowering and Seeding Early Effect of Paclobutrazol on Drought-Resistance of Populus alba × Populus berolinensis, Ulmus pumila, and Betula platyphylla Genetic Diversity of Betula luminifera Populations at Different Altitudes in Wuyi Mountains and Its Association with Ecological Factors Analysis of Genetic Linkage Groups on Birch Using RAPD Markers Preliminary Research of Castanopsis hystrix and Betula alnoides Plantation Wood Applied in Furniture and Decoration The Seed Bank in Logging Gaps in Populus davidiana Betula platyphylla Secondary Forests in Changbai Mountain Effects of Prescription Fertilization on the Seedling Growth of Different Families of Betula platyphylla Geostatistical analysis of the pattern of Betula ermanii population in Changbai Mountain Interspecific association of dominant species in Betula luminiferanatural forest communities of Shaowu, Fujian Province Effect of leaf spot on the stem sap flow of Betula platyphylla A Study on Foliar Epidermis in Betulaceae Characteristics of nutrient contents and storages in Castanopsis hystrix and Betula alnoides Diarylheptanoids from leaves of Betula platyphylla Relationship between Total Phenol in White Birch Wood and Wood Rot Fungi Carbon Supply Status in the Betula ermanii in Changbai Mountain Effect of Exogenous GA3 on Flowering Genes Expression of Betula platyphylla by Real-Time Fluorescent Quantitative PCR STUDY ON COHORT STRUCTURE OF BETULA PLATYPHYLLA POPULATION IN VIRGIN FOREST, NORTHERN REGION OF DAXING’ANLING MOUNTAINS, CHINA

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