Geographic Variation of Morphological Characters among Cultivated Neem (Azadirachta indica) Populations in Yunnan, China Character of physiological and biochemical changes during chalkiness formation in early indica rice varieties THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DWARFISM OF INDICA RICE AND ABA/ABA BINDING PROTEINS Study on the Indicator System and Evaluation of Forestry Development in Jiangsu Province Characteristics of Enzyme Activities in Apple Orchard Soil in Weibei Arid Region Screening Cut Chrysanthemum Varieties in Low Potassium Tolerant and Patience Physiology in Seedling Chemical constituents of Pluchea indica(Ⅱ) Protection for national products of geographical indication of geo-authentic crude drug Radix Codonopsis Chemical constituents from Kalimeris indica Studies on the chemical constituents in stem rind of Wikstroemia indica INFLUENCE OF THE CULTURAL CONDITIONS TO CALLUS FORMATION OF AZADIRACHTA INDICA AND ITS AZADIRACHTIN COTENT Applications of mathematical statistics methods on compatibility researches of traditional Chinese medicines formulae Numerical classification of associations in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest based on multivariate regression trees―a case study of 24 hm2 Gutianshan forest plot in China Spatial pattern of forest communities and environmental interpretation in Mulun National Nature Reserve, karst cluster-peak depression region Evaluation of sustainable development of typical small watershed in mountainous area—A case study from Sanduhe small watershed in Beijing Systematic assessment and regional features of soil quality in the aainan Bland Removal of pollution indicating bacteria in simulated stabilization pond systems Assessment of ecosystem health - concept framework and indicator selection Research advance in response and adaptation of bryophytes to environmental change Research advance in response and adaptation of bryophytes to environmental change On forest ecosystem health and its evaluation Egretta garzetta as a bioindicator of environmental pollution in Tai Lake region The effects of different land-use scenarios on habitat carrying of indicator species in the Liaohe River Delta wetlands Plasticity of clonal architecture in response to soil nutrients in the stoloniferous herb Duchesnea indica Focke THEORETICAL ANALYSIS ON THE MEASUREMENT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL-ECONOMIC-NATURAL COMPLEX ECOSYSTEM Experimental studies on the characteristics of gemma development in Barbula indica Changes of Growth, Development and Photosynthesis Indicators of Jerusalem artichoke Relationships between Submerged Plants Community Composition and Hydro-Environmental Factors in Xizhuojiaying Wetland, Beijing Analysis on the Genetic Relationship of Some Mango (Mangifera indica L. )Germplasms by ISSRMarkers Observation of Vessel Elements of Secondary Xylem in Mangifera indica Chemical constituents in stem-leaves of Lagerstroemia indica Screening of anti-inflammatory components in Mangiferae Indicae Semen based on bioactivity-integrated UPLC-Q/TOF analysis Effects of salt stress on some physiological characteristics of Spartina anglica seedling Quantitative Classification and Ordination Analysis on Vegetation in the Minqin Oasis-Desert Ecotone Effects of Low Temperature Stress on Physiological Characters of Critically Endangered Isoetes sinensis Palmer Effects of Piriformospora indica fungus on growth and drought resistance in alfalfa under water deficit stress Triterpenes from Kalimeris indica Characteristics of Enzyme Activities in Apple Orchard Soil in Weibei Arid Region Studies on the chemical constituents of Kalimeris indica (Ⅱ) Progress of the study on determination of free sodium in plant cells Physiological responses of Chorispora bungeana seedings in vitro to drought stress simulated by PEG-6000 Physiological Resistance of Five Fast-Growing Willow Clones to Lead (Pb) Stress Effects of light intensity on biological characteristics, physiological indexes and flavone content of Kalimeris indica Effect of water stress and rewatering on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of Phalaris arundinacea Methods and techniques for comprehensive agricultural eco-economic system assessment Diversity and Indicator Species of Leaf-litter Ants in Eucalyptus grandis Plantations and Secondary Natural Forests Assessing indicators of eco-mobility in the scale of urban communities Response of soil quality indicators to comprehensive amelioration measures in coastal salt-affected land
MUTAGENIC EFFECTS ON INDICA RICE CARRIED BY SATELLITE EFFECTS OF 5-AZACYTIDINE ON THE PROLIFERATION,REGENERATION AND MUTATIONINDUEING TO THE CALLUS FROM INDICA RICE MATURE EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF PROCESSING-FUNCTIONAL INDICA EARLY RICE CULTIVAR "ZHEFU 201" EFFECTS OF ANTHER PRETREATMENT BY MAGNETIC FIELD ON ANTHER CULTURE OF Indica RICE Interrelation between Plant Species Diversity and Soil Factors in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Fenhe River Distribution and Floristic Characteristics of Algae in the Gongbu Nature Reserve,Tibet Selection and Evaluation of Preferential Development Area for Afforestation and Reforestation Project under CDM in China Rice RVA Profile Characteristics and Correlation with the Physical/ Chemical Quality Difference of Nitrogen Accumulation and Translocation in Conventional Indica Rice Cultivars with Different Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Grain Output Differential Expression and Function Analysis of Proteins in Flag Leaves of Rice during Grain-Filling Period Differences and Correlations in Grain Yield, N Uptake and Utilization Between Medium-Maturing Indica and Japonica Rice under Different N Fertilizer Levels Growth and Development Characteristics of Super-High-Yielding Mid-Season Indica Hybrid Rice Effects of Low Temperature Stress during Flowering Stage on Flowering and Seed Setting of Rice in Panxi Region, Sichuan Province Relationship between Root Morphological Characteristics and Yield Components of Major Commercial Indica Rice in South China Dynamic Model and Its Characteristics Analysis for Dry Matter Production after Heading of Indica/JaponicaHybrid Rice of Yongyou Series Impact on evaluation of clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine for level in soft targets of processing technology Assessment indicators system of forest ecosystem health based on the disturbance in Wangqing forestry Present Situation and Prospect of Forest Ecosystem Health Assessment Investigation and Classification of Cultivars of Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) in Shandong Province Content of soil mineral nitrogen as influenced by sample extraction and preservation Studies on Response of Indica Rice Varieties (lines) to Different Levels of Potassium and Sodium in a Field Micro-Plot Trial Cooked Rice Texture and Starch RVA Properties for Indica Rice under Different Ecological Conditions Sustainable development of the three economic patterns in China: The application of  genuine progress indicator in the sustainability assessment of six typical cities. Study on the indicators for assessment of agro-ecoenvironmental quality in saline region of Lower Haihe Plain Research progress in the evaluation of sustainable agriculture The utilization of RAPD technique for the differentiation of mango anthracnose resistance cultivars Stress responses of Canna indica to Cd and its accumulation of Cd Phenotypic variation in cultivated populations of Azadirachta indica in Yunnan, China A comparison of multivariate regression tree and two-way indicator species analysis in plant community classification Spatial distribution patterns of adult population of Pseudorobitis gibbus  (Coleoptera: Apionidae) in Taixing Garden, Tai’an, Shandong, China. Principles, indicators and sampling methods for species monitoring