Conditions for extraction of ergosterol from fruits of Ganoderma lucidum using supercritical fluid extration Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Rhodiola fastigita S. H. Fu A New Diterpenoid Component Torreyagrandate from Leaves of Torreya grandis Fort Endemic in China Studies on chemical constituents from stem bark of Trewia nudiflora Studies on chemical constituents of rhizomes of Smilax china
Progress in study on the chemical constituens about sesquiterpene lactones and steroidal saponins from genus Vernonia and their pharmacological activities Effects of Danshen on number and activity of endothelial progenitor cells of patients with Hypercholesterolemia Chemical constituents from stem barks of Vernonia cumingiana Chemical constituents of Euphorbia sikkimensis A new eremophilane derivative from Ligularia intermedia Influence of alfalfa saponins on cholesterol metabolism and the expressions of ACAT-2
and HMG-CoAr in the liver of hyperlipidemia rats
Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl. EndEmic in China Allelopathy of Pisolithus tinctorius fruitbodies and isolation and identification of allelochemicals Effect of ferulic acid on cholesterol efflux in macrophage foam cell formation and potential mechanism Regulatory effect of coptisine on key genes involved in cholesterol metabolism Studies on the Ckemical Components of Codonopsis pilosula(Franch.) Nannf. var. volibilis (Nannf.) L.T. Shen Effect of Ginger-processing on β-sitosterol and Toltal Alkaloid Contents in Rhizoma Pinelliae Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Stellera chamae jasme L. Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Luffa cylindrica (L.)Roem Comparisons of Pharmacologlcal Effect and LD50 among Four Kinds of Hawthorn Fruit Ckemical Constituents of Rhodiola kirilowii (Regel) Regel Studies on Chemical Constituents from Stems of Oplopanax elatvs Nakai Studies on the Chemical Contsituents of Eupolyphaga sinensis Walkre Studies on the Skinning of Radix Adenophorae Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Osbeckia chinensis L. Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Fruit of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer Effects of Buyang Huau Wu Decoction ou Rat Hyperlipemia Model Studies on the Chemical Constituents Cyclocarya paiiurus(Batal.)Iljinsk A Study on the Chemical Constituents of Aster albscons Hand.-Mazz Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Gossampinus malahorica(L.) iMerr. (Ⅱ) Studies on Chemical Constituents of Pericampylus glaucus (Lam.) Merr. A Comparative Study on Sterols of Ethanol Extract and Water Extract from Hericium erinaceus Effects of Valeriana officinalis var.latifolia on Expression of Transforming Growth Factorβ1 in Hypercholesterolemic Rats An Experimental Study (Ⅱ) on the Inhibition of Prostatic Hyperplasia by Extract of Seeds of Brassica alba Study on Technique of Cholesterol Removal From Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis Eggs Through Subcritical R134a Effects of alfalfa saponins on the lipid metabolism, antioxidation and immunity of weaned piglets Blood lipid regulation of Semen Oryzae cum Monasco and phytosterol esters compound preparation Blood lipid regulation of Semen Oryzae cum Monasco and phytosterol esters compound preparation Chemical constituents from seeds of Hydnocarpus anthelminthica Studies on chemical constituents in bulbs of Bolbostemma paniculatum Studies on Chemical Constituents in the Peels of Citrus changshan-huyou (I) Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Williams Elder (Sambucus wilfamsii) Chemical Constituents from Maqianzi (Strychnos nux-vomica) Studies on the Triterpenes from Xiaolangdu (Euphorbia prolifera) Isolation and indentification of chemical compounds from Drynaria fortunei Chemical constituents of unsaponifiable matter from seed oil of Momordica cochinchinensis Study on chemical constituents of Myricaria paniculata Analysis on crude and wine-processed Siegesbeckia pubescens by UPLC-Q-TOF/MS Chemical constituents in stems with hooks of Uncaria sessilifructus Chemical constituents from leaves of Cajanus cajan Study on chemical constituents of Rabdosia pseudoirrorata Chemical constituents with anti-oxidative activity from fruits of Illicium micranthum Chemical constituents from Toona ciliata var. henryi and their anti-inflammatory activities Triterpenoids and sterols from Melia azedarach and their anti-diabetes activities Chemical constituents from cane of Pileostegia viburnoides Chemical constituents from Orobanche cernua Sterols from roots of Clerodendrum trichotomum and their anti-inflammatory activity Chemical constituents from leaves of Acanthopanax evodiaefolius Determination of Cholesterol in Natural Bezoar by Gas Chromatography Studies on Chemical Constituentε of Anticancer Plant Nyssa sinensis Oliv tudies on the Chemical Constituents of Morinda officinalis How. Studies on the Diterpenoid Constituents in Bulbs of Fritillaria anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin The Infiuence of Zhuangling Agent to Metablism of Lipid in Old Rats Studies on the Anti-Blood Platelet Aggregation Constituents in the Root of Isatis tinctoria L. Stigmasterols from pericarp of Sphaerophysa salsula New steroid glycoside derivatives from Stelmatocrypton khasianum Effect of lowering blood-lipid by extract of Hippophae rhamnoides leaves Antifungal activity screening on 13 crude drug extracts and che mical constituents Effect of Huanglian Jiedu decoction in combination with fluconazole on ergosterol of fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans Studies on Chemical Constituents from Chinese Medicinal Plant Hemistepta lyrata Bunge Effects of Gibberellic Acid on Primary Terpenoids and Δ9 Tetrahydrocannabinol in Cannabis sativa at Flowering Stage Analysis on Composition and Content of Sterols in Three Color Types of Maca, Lepidium meyenii Study on Chemical Components in Leaves of Amentotaxus argotaenia (Hance) Pilger Native to China Chemical Constituents of Thelephora terrestris Active Anti-microbial Ingredients in Mikania micrantha Stems and Leaves Study on Chemical Constituents of Swertia bifolia STUDIES ON THE CONSTITUENTS OF CYNANCHUM OFFICINALE (HEMSL.) TSTANG ET ZHENG STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF ZANTHOXYLUM STENOPHYLLUM HEMLS(Ⅱ) The constituents of the Basidiomycetes Russula cyanoxantha Studies on Chemical Constituents of Cirsium segetum(Bge.) Kitam.