High effective liquid chromatographic analysis of vitamin C in Pinus koraiensis and Picea koraiensis leaves Analysis of Free Amino Acids and Vitamine C in Fruits of Hippophae rhamnoides L., Nitraria tangutorum Bobr. and Berberils dasystachya Maxim CONCENTRATION OF VITAMIN E FROM RAPESEED OIL DEODORIZER DISTILLATE BY MOLECULAR DISTILLATION UV Irradiation Increased the Content of Vitamin D2 in Agaricus bisporus sporocarp The Relationship Between GalUR Expression and Ascorbate Accumulation in Kiwifruit Effects of Eco-Physiological Factors on Vitamin E Content in Soybean Seed Comparative study on protective effects of tea polyphenols and vitamin C on anoxia/hypoglycemia injury in cultured human embryonic renal cell 293 Responses of organic free-radicals production of overwintering conifer needles to low temperature and light Analysis on the Nutrient Composition of Giant Embryo Rice Research Progress in Rice Breeding for Micronutrient Improvement A General Review on the Effects of 60Coγ-Rays Irradiation on vitamin C in Fruits and Vegetables A Comparative Study on Berry Characteristics of Large Berry Cultivars of Sea Buckthorn In Vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration of Sinojackia xylocarpa Hu In Vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration of Sinojackia xylocarpa Hu Analysis of actual effects of combining Xiyanping injection with vitamin C injection in treatment of upper respiratory tract infection Investigation of the Correlations between the Leaf and Fruit Vitamin C Content in Actinidia Ultrasonic-assisted Extraction of Polysaccharide from Eucommia ulmoides and Evaluation of its Antioxidant Activity Effect of organic acids and vitamin on some physiological and biochemical characteristics of wheat STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL COMPONENTS OF FRUITS OF CHINESE SEABUCKTHORN A STUDY ON THE MAIN NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION OF THE FRUITS OF ACTINIDIA CHINENSIS VAR. CHINENSIS Effects of crocetin on experimental atherosclerosis in rats Influence of dietary copper and vitamin A on immune function of broilers Determination of the nutrion components and pesticide residues of green vegetables North Mountainous region in Jinhua City Cooperation in Photosynthetic Efficiency with High Yield and Quality in Processing Tomato Cultivars A Study on the Correlation Between Several Chemical Substances and Capsicum Cultivar Resistance to Myzus persicae (Sulzer) Effect of Fructus Ligustri Lucidi on calcium metabolism and vitamin D-dependent gene expressions in ovariectomized rats Influence of vitamin E tocopherol polyethylene glycol succinate 1000 on baohuoside I across membrane transport of Caco-2 monolayer model Effects of berberine on lipid metabolism and vitamin D receptor as well as insulin-induced gene 2 gene expression of rabbits Vitamin Contents in the Hips of 38 Species of Rosa and Their Relation to Division of Sections Effects of Kao‘s organic compound and T vitamins on the generation of embryogenic callus of wheat immature embryo STUDY ON THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF Aloe STUDY ON THE ACTIVE PRINCIPLES OF NECTARIFEROUS POLLENS OF BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS LINN.VAR.OLEIFERA DC. A Study on the Correlation Between Several Chemical Substances and Capsicum Cultivar Resistance to Myzus persicae (Sulzer) Identification of QTL Associated with Vitamin E Content in Soybean Seeds Variation of Provitamin A and Vitamin E Components at Milk Stage of Kernel Development in Sweet Corn Distribution of Vitamin E Content and Its Correlation with Agronomic Traits and Carotenoids Content in Foxtail Millet Varieties in China A comparative research on quality of Vitmin C Yinqiao tablets from different manufacturers Studies on the Growth Characteristics of Toxic Alexandrium tamarense (Hong Kong Strain Ⅱ ) Major Gene Plus Polygene Inheritance Analysis of Vitamin C Content in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Analysis of vitamin B6 vitamers in tobacco plants by high performance liquid chromatography Preparation characterization and antitumor activity in vitro of berberine hydrochloride polymeric micelles Effect of soil organic nutrition matter on yield and quality of Fuji apple Effects of potassium on sugar, vitamin C, nitrate contents and their relevant enzymes of cucumber in solar-greenhouse Vitamins A, C, and E and b-Carotene Content in Seeds of Seven Species of Vicia L. STUDY ON CONSTITUENTS OF POLLEN OF Zea mays L. Research Progress in Aromatic Prenyltransferases CHANGES IN PHYTOHORMONE AND VITAMIN CONTENTSAND RESPIRATORY RATE IN POLLENS OF RICE, MAIZE AND CHINESE PENNISETUM STORED AT LOW TEMPERATURE Effect of Shouerkang Prescription on Stress in Old Rats Content Determlnation of Nutrient Constltuents in Various Processed Samples of Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wigkt Cadmium-induced root growth inhibition is mediated by hydrogen peroxide production in root tip of Arabidopsis Review on the de novo Synthesis and Metabolic Conversions of Vitamin B6 in Plants Regulating Fruit Growth,Coloration and Nutrient Quality of Litchi chinensis with Exogenous L-Glu Progress in vitamin E synthesis-related enzyme gene cloning and stress physiology in plants Cloning the gene of γ-tocopherol methyltransferase (γ-TMT) from alfalfa and expression analysis in adverse situations Effects of Iodine Application on Growth and Content of Iodine, Amino Acid,Vitamin C an d Fibre in Radish Sprouts Effects of Iodine Application on Growth and Content of Iodine, Amino Acid,Vitamin C an d Fibre in Radish Sprouts Determination of Vitamin C in the Vc Yinqiao Tablet by Diffuse Reflectance FTIR Nutr itive Elements Ana lysis and Eva lua tion ofMaca( L epidium m eyen ii) Cultiva ted in Yunnan Growth effects and accumulations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in rape A Study on Vc Content of Hippophae rhamnoides Fruit and Its Changing Rules Anti-mutation Experiment of White Wax Scale(Ericerus pela) and Analysis of Main Function Factors Isolation and Characterization of Homogentisate Phytyltransferase (HPT) Gene Promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana Comparative Analysis of Carotenoid and Tocopherol Compositions in High-Oil and Normal Maize(Zea mays L.) Inbreds Variation and Distribution of Vitamin E and Composition in the Seeds among Different Rice Varieties Cloning and Bioinformatic Analysis of γ-Tocopherol Methyltransferase Gene (γ-TMT) in Peanut Effect of Vitamin-B1,Vitamin-B12 and Vitamin-H on the growth and carotenoid content of Haematococcus pluvialis Influence of different nitrogen levels on biomass, nitrate and oxalate accumulation in spinach Influence of vitamin E tocopherol polyethylene glycol succinate 1000 on baohuoside I across membrane transport of Caco-2 monolayer model Induction of Plastrum testudinis extract to mesenchymal stem cells differentiation into osteoblast through up-regulating expression of vitamin D receptor Studies on Protective Effect of Total Flavonoids of Astragalus on Liver Damage Paracetamol-Inducedby Vitamin B_1 and B_2 Content in Different Varieties of Rice(Oryza sativa L.) Effects of vitamin C on peroxidization of chloroplast membrane lipid from cucumber ZmcrtRB3 Encodes a Carotenoid Hydroxylase that Affects the Accumulation of α-carotene in Maize Kernel The effect of vitamin E on reproduction of Brachionus calyciflorus (rotifer: monogononta) STUDIES ON CHANGES IN VITAMIN CONTENTS OF SEABUCKTHON FRUIT DURING FRUIT GROWTH AND RIPENING PERIOD Nutritional Composition and Assessment of Gracilaria lemaneiformis Bory Cloning and expression analysis of MPBQ MT gene in safflower Historical story on natural medicinal chemistry: vitamin B12 Advances in Directed Research of VD3 Hydroxylase The Relationship Between GalUR Expression and Ascorbate Accumulation in Kiwifruit

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