Study on chemical constituents from Lactuca indica Studies on the constituents from the herb of Elshotzia rugulosa Advances in studies on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Jasminum Advance on the Chemical and Bioactive Studies on Plants of Davallia Genus The Triterpenes in Salvia umbratica THE STUDY ON VARIATIONS OF INTERNAL STRUCTURE AND THE ACTIVE CONSTITUENT CONTENTS IN THE MAIN ROOTS OF TWO SPECIES OF ASTRAGALUS Lipophilic Chemical Constituents from Cirsium souliei Chemical Constitutents and Fungicidal Activity of Essential Oil from Mikania micrantha Liposoluble Constituents in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Fruits Chemical Constituents of fruits of Polygonum viviparum Study on Volatile Constituents of Populus deltoides with Different Resistant Ability to Batocera horsfieldi Analysis of Aroma Constituents of Camellia Variety Kramer‘s Supreme Chemical Constituents of Leaf Volatile Oil from Three Araucariaceae Chemical Constituents in Rhizospheric Soil Extracts of Pinus massoniana and Liquidambar formosana THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS, DISTRIBUTION AND THE RESOURCE APPRAISAL OF THE GENUS PARIS CHEMICAL C0NSTITUENTS OF CLERODENDRANTHUS SPICATUS STUDIES 0N THE CONSTITUENTS 0F THE ESSENTIAL 0IL 0F CYATHOCLINE PURPUREA STUDIES ON CONSTITUENTS 0F CYNANCHUN OTOPHLLUM SCHNEID NEW DITERPENOID CONSTITUENTS OF RABDO8IA ERI0CALYX STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF PARMELIA CIRRHATA FR. THE ALKALOIDAL CONSTITUENTS OF CULTIVATED CHUAN-WU OF YUNNAN CHEMICAL C0NSTITUENTS 0F AC0NITUM SINOMONTANUM NAKAI Research progress in chemical constituents and harmful substances in aromatic plants Application of on-line technology with HPLC-post-column bioactivity assay in screening active constituents from natural products Phenolic constituents from twigs of Acer rubrum and their anti-oxidation and anti-α-glucosidase activities Evaluation of effectiveness-cytotoxicity correlation and optimization of druggability for activity-based poisonous Chinese materia medica with antitumor activity Research progress in biology, chemical constituents, and biological activities of Rubia cordifolia Preliminary study on serum pharmacochemistry of petroleum ether fraction in ethanol extract from Xiaoyao Powder based on UPLC-PDA Progress in fingerprint technology on Chinese materia medica and prospect of its future development Phospholipid complex and its effect on membrane transport of active constituents of Chinese materia medica Research progress and strategy on material base of fresh herbal medicine Studies on Chemical Constituents of Euphorbia hylonoma Hand. -Mazz Chemical Constituents of Pleurospermum govanianum (Wall ) Benth ex C. B. Clarke var. bicolor Wolff Comparison of New Convenient TCM-decoction with Traditional Dccoction Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Chinese Medicinal Plant Rubus Parviforlius L. Recent Progress in the Study on Chemical Constituents of Herha Cistanche Comparison of Chemical Constituents Between New and Old Processed Producis of Rhizoma Typhonii Influence of the Blight of Morinda officinalis How on Microscopic Structure and Constituents of the Host A New Method of Identifying Chinese Crude Drugs by Comparing the Characteristic Content Patterns of Their Chemical Constituents Studies on the Constituents of the Dry Roots of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch. A Review on the Synthesis of Alkaloidal Constituents of Chinese Medicinal Herbs in Recent Years in China Advances in studies on alkaloid constituents and their pharmacological effect in plants of Sophora Linn. Palaeophytochemical Constituents of Cretaceous Ginkgo coriacea Florin Leaves A New Pregnane from Munronia delavayi Franch (Meliaceae) Chemical Constituents of the Roots of Anemone altaica Fisch. Ex C. A. Mey. A Study on the Volatile Flavor Constituents of Sichuan Preserved Vegetable (Brassica juncea Czern et Coss.) Spatial variability in the content of caffeate and scutellarin of Erigeron breviscapus Volatile Constituents from Platycladus orentalis and Their Antitumor Activities Preliminary Studies of Aromatic Constituents among Three Species ( Variation) of Camellia Preliminary Studies of Aromatic Constituents among Three Species ( Variation) of Camellia Study on polysaccharide S from Tibetan traditional medicine Nardostachys chinensis Bioactive constituents in Herba Epimedii and their developmental strategies Advance in on chemical constituent and bioactivity research of genus Chloranthus Studies on chemical constituents from stem bark of Trewia nudiflora Chemical constituents and anti-tuberculosis activity of root of Rhodiola kirilowii Chemical constituents from herb of Gueldenstaedtia stenophylla Coumarins from branch of Fraxinus sieboldiana and their antioxidative activity Study on hydrolysable tannin constituents of seed of Juglans regia Studies on chemical constituents of rhizome of Matteuccia struthiopteris Study on chemical constituents from stem of Dendrobium aphyllum Studies on chemical constituents from stem barks of Fraxinus paxiana Chemical study on ethyl acetate portion of Ehretia thyrsiflora,Boraginaceae species of Kudingcha Studies on content determination and fingerprint of active constituents in different parts of cortex moutan Studies on chemical constituents of Ranunculus japonicus Advances on investigation of chemical constituents,
pharmacological activities and clinical applications of Capparis spinosa
Studies on chemical constituents of Illicium simonsii Studies on chemical constituents of Tibetan medicine Caryopteris toroetii
Flavones from flowers of Paulownia fortunei Studies on chemical constituents from herbs of Botrychium lanuginosum
Adscription of plasma effective constituents of rat after oral
administration of Gegen Qinlian decoction
Studies on chemical constituents of herbs of Reineckia carnea Chemical constituents from flowers of Carthamus tinctorius Advances in Studies on Platycodon grandiflorum Discovery strategy for effective and active constituents of Chinese material medica based on processes of metabolism and disposition in intra-body Studies on chemical constituents of Salsola collina Studies on chemical constituents from Serissa serissoides Flavones from flowers of Sesamum indicum Phytochemical investigation on Lysimachia fortunei Studies on constituents of Oldenlandia diffusa Advances in study on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of plants of genus Pteris