Inducible Expression of Translation Elongation Factor 1A Gene in Rice Seedlings in Response to Environmental Stresses Isolation of Soybean Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor Gene and Its Application in Plant Insect-resistant Genetic Engineering An Intron Sequence is Present in the 3 UTR of Tomato Cf9 Gene RT-PCR Amplification and Analysis of Citrus Excortis Viroid Transgenic Rice Plants Produced by PEG-Mediated Plasmid Uptake into Protoplasts Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Gene Encoding Rice 10 kD Prolamin Structural and functional diversity of rhizosphere microbial community of nine plant species in the Daqing Saline-alkali soil region Effects of endophytic fungi and Atractylodes lancea powder on rhizosphere microflora and trace elements during continuous peanut cropping Effects of exogenous abscisic acid on heteromorphic seed germination of Suaeda aralocaspica, a typical halophyte of Xinjiang desert region mRNA DIFFERENTIAL DISPLAY AND EST SEQUENCE ANALYSIS OF ABORTED BUD AND NORMAL BUD IN RADISH(Raphanus sativus) Quantitative RT-PCR and its application in botany research Effects of Different Interstocks on Key Enzymes Activities and the Expression of Genes Related to Malic Acid Metabolism in Apple Fruit Cloning and Expression Analysis of Terpene Synthase Gene from Jasminum sambac Development and Application of a Quantitative RT-PCR Approach for Quantification of Grapevine fanleaf virus Effect of Low Phosphorus Stress on Root Growth and Soil Bacterial Diversity in Rhizosphere of Tomatoes Detection of Viruses Infecting Hami Melon and Their Molecular Identification in Xinjiang Function Analysis of Carrot SOC1 Homologues Responding to Photoperiod Identification of the Copy Number of Exogenous Gene in Transgenic Citrus by Quantitative Real-time PCR Molecular Cloning,Subcellular Localization and Expression Analysis of NADPH Oxidase Gene from Tea Plant Development and Application of a Quantitative RT-PCR Approach for Quantification of T3 Genotype of Citrus tristeza virus Establishment and Application of Multiplex PCR Rapid Detection of Potato Viruses Establishment and Genetic Diversity Analysis of SCoT Molecular Marker System for Osmanthus fragrans Establishment and Genetic Diversity Analysis of SCoT Molecular Marker System for Osmanthus fragrans The Detection of Actinidia virus A and Actinidia virus B by RT-PCR and Their Molecular Variation Analysis The Detection of Actinidia virus A and Actinidia virus B by RT-PCR and Their Molecular Variation Analysis Rapid and Large-scale Genetic Analysis of Transgenic Tomato by NPTⅡ Marker Study on the Auto-assembly of Truncated Phytochrome from Synechocystis sp.PCC7120 Comparison of the Approaches for Full-length cDNA Enrichment AP-PCR Analysis for Mitochondria DNA of CMS Rice Honglian Type PCR-RFLP Analysis on Mitochondrial DNA of Actinidia null Cloning and Tissue Expression of Acting1 Gene in Different Fiber Development Phases of Ramie [Boehmeria nivea (Linn.) Gaud] Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Two Fiber Elongation Genes Using a Cotton Fiber Developmental Mutant (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Effect of Wheat/Maize/Soybean and Wheat/Maize/Sweet Potato Relay Strip Intercropping on Bacterial Community Diversity of Rhizosphere Soil and Nitrogen Uptake of Crops Cloning of cDNA Encoding COMT from Chinese White Poplar (Populus tomentosa), Sequence Analysis and Specific Expression Correlation between ginsenoside accumulation and SQS and SQE gene expression in different organs of Panax quinquefolius RT-PCR detection and sequence analysis of coat protein gene of Citrus leaf blotch virus infecting kiwifruit trees Use of conventional and real-time quantitative PCR to detect Pestalotiopsis, the cause of bayberry twig blight GENEAL REVIEW OF THE METHODS OF MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS OF PLANTS AT DAN LEVEL ANALYSIS OF INSECTICIDAL CRYSTAL PROTEIN AND ITS CRY-TYPE GENES OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS ISOLATES FROM CHINA MOLECULAR GENETIC DIVERSITY OF PATHOGENIC FUNGAL GROUP CAUSING TREE CANKER Ⅱ——28S rDNA-PCR-RFLP AND RAPD ANALYSIS OF BOTRYOSPHAERIA SPP MOLECULAR GENETIC DIVERSITY OF PATHOGENIC FUNGAL GROUP CAUSING TREE CANKER Ⅰ. ——EVIDENCE OF TAXA FOR DOTHIORELLA, DOTHICHIZA,CYTOSPORA AND CONIOTHYRIUM IN MOLECULAR LEVEL AMPLIFICATION OF PHYTOPLASMA 16S rDNA FROM 20 INFECTED PLANTS IN CHINA AND THEIR RFLP ANALYSIS RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE SEASONAL TEMPERATURE VARIATION AND THE PHYTOPLASMAL AMOUNTS IN MULBERRY TREES Studies on Cloning and Real-time Expression of McCHS Gene in MalusCrabapple Optimizing Multiple Detection and Phylogenetic Studies on Grapevine leafroll associated virus-3 and Grapevine virus A Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of NRT2 Gene in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Construction of the Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Library and Analysis of Related Genes of Floral Buds in Prunus persica During Dormancy-releasing Monitoring the Temporal Change of the Mild and Severe Strain of Citrus tristeza virus by Real-time RT-PCR Cloning and Expression Analyzing of MdGAI Gene of Columnar Apples Transcriptional Analysis of Sugar Metabolism-related Genes During Strawberry Fruit Development Overexpression of the Potato Late Blight Resistance Genes RB and R3a and Identification of Domains Required for Recognition Specificity of R3a Cloning and Expression Analysis of LlHSF1 from Lilium longiforum Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of nsLTP Gene in Celery Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene and Propylene on Expression of XTH Genes in Persimmon Fruits Multiplex RT-PCR for Simultaneous Detection of Four Grapevine Viruses Cloning,Characterization and Real-time RT-PCR Analysis of a Key Gene beta-Amyrin synthase for Saponin Biosynthesis in Barbarea vulgaris Multiplex RT-PCR for Simultaneous Detection of Four Grapevine Viruses Cloning,Characterization and Real-time RT-PCR Analysis of a Key Gene beta-Amyrin synthase for Saponin Biosynthesis in Barbarea vulgaris The Detection of Dasheen mosaic virus by RT-PCR and Sequence Analysis of Its Coat Protein Gene The Detection of Dasheen mosaic virus by RT-PCR and Sequence Analysis of Its Coat Protein Gene Cloning of Arabidopsis At-pri-miR828 Gene and Its Genetic Transformation into Tomato Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of MaOPR Gene from Banana Identification of Root-specific Genes with Subtractive Suppression Hybridization from Poncirus trifoliate Genetic Relationships of Diospyros kaki and Related Diospyros Species Using Chloroplast DNA PCR-RFLP Markers Cloning and Analysis of Partial B Mating Gene Pheromone Receptor in Agrocybe salicacola (Strophariaceae) Isolation and Identification of an Arabidopsis thaliana Mutant with Serration Leaf Margin 拟南芥光形态突变体的筛选与基因鉴定 Molecular Characterization and Expression Analysis of Puroindo1ine b-2 Alleles in Bread Wheat Molecular Cloning, Expression and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Analysis of Transcription Factor Gene JrCBF in Juglans regia L. Introgression of Resistance to Powdery Mildew Conferred by Chromosome 2R by Crossing Wheat Nullisomic 2D with Rye Down-Regulation of OsGRF1 Gene in Rice rhd1 Mutant Results in Reduced Heading Date Ectopic Expression of the Pttkn1 Gene Induces Alterations in the Morphology of the Leaves and Flowers in Petunia hybrida Vilm. Isolation and Characterization of Ty1/copia-like Reverse Transcriptase Sequences from Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) Single-Embryo RT-PCR: Application for Gene Expression Dynamics and Some Technical Aspects Effects of exotic plant Ageratina adenophora invasion on mycorrhizal fungal community Gene expression profiling in response to allelopathic autotoxicityin melon by cDNA-AFLP Response of anammox bacteria community structure to nitrogen in paddy soils Development of PCR-based Molecular Markers for Waxy and Powdery Mildew Resistance in Wheat Expression Analysis of Key Enzyme Genes of Nitrogen Synthesis from Tea Tree Leave under Different Nitrogen Level