Establishment and Optimization of RAPD-PCR Reaction System for Larix gmelnii(Rupr.) Rupr Using Orthogonal Design Cloning of An Allergen Gene(Sam a1) from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge and Its Prokaryotic Expression Optimization for ISSR-PCR System of Freesia refracta Klatt Through Orthogonal Design Establishment of Cycas micholitzii ISSR-PCR Optimal Conditions with Orthogonal Optimization Method Early detection of rice blast by TaqMan real-time flourescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction Rapid molecular detection of Fusarium oxysporum by PCR RT-LAMP assay for detection of Grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated virus Establishment of detection method for pear decline phytoplasma by Cycleave real-time PCR Confirmation of the insect vector transmitting Phytoplasma sp. associated with Peach yellow disease and detection of the Phytoplasma sp. in vector Molecular identification and specific detection of Badnavirus from taro grown in China Genetic diversity and pathogenicity of Ustilaginoidea virens isolated from different rice false smut balls of a diseased spike Development of a real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR assay for detection of Lei-fsonia xyli subsp. xyli in sugarcane Cloning of cDNA Encoding CCoAOMT from Populus tomentosa and Down-regulation of Lignin Content in Transgenic Plant Expressing Antisense Gene (in English) A Simple and Easy Method for Site-specific Mutagenesis Using Long-distance Inverse PCR in the Presence of Pfu-DNA Polymerase cDNA Cloning,Sequence Analysis and Tissue Expression of Apaf-1 and Apaf-2 Gene of Goats Analysis of Expression Pattern of LHR Gene in the Reproductive System of Yak During the Estrous Cycle A Multiplex PCR for Rapid Detection of Genetically Modified Ingredient in Flue-cured Tobacco Rapid Detection and Identification of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Transferrin Receptor 1 Gene from Swamp Eel, Monopterus albus Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Cathelicidin Gene from Japanese Eel I,Anguilla japonica Cloning and Expression Analysis of Actin Gene in Cinnamomum camphora Preliminary Application of PCR-DGGE to Analyzing Microbial Diversity of Ulva lactuca L. and Dictyota dichotoma Effects of PFOS on Expression of HSP70 in Planarian Dugesia japonica Optimization of Digoxigenin Based Southern Blot for Transgenic Hevea brasiliensis Analysis Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System of Anise(Illicium verum Hook. f.)Based on Orthogonal Design A PCR-RFLP Method for Channa argus and Channa maculate Discrimination Detection and Application of Three Food-borne Bacterial Pathogens by Multiplex PCR Establishment and Application of a Specific PCR Assay for Rapid Identifying Thermoactinomyces intermedius Development of an Internal Amplification Control in the PCR Detection for Salmonella Development of EvaGreen Real-time Fluorescence Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction to Detect Porcine Circovirus Type 2 High-error-rate Random Mutagenesis of GAP Promoter in Pichia pastoris Using an Optimited Error Prone PCR Cloning of IGF-2 Gene cDNA in Tianzhu White Yak Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of Actin Gene Fragment from Elytrigia elongata Molecular Cloning and Analysis of the 3 ' UTR of Porcine Kobuvirus 441 by 3 ' RACE Specific Detection of GM Maize Events Using Aldehyde PCR Chip Normalisation Strategies for Plasma/Serum MicroRNAs Quantitative Analysis Study on Phylogenetic Relationships of Ten Urticaceae Species Based on nrDNA ITS Sequences Abundance and composition of CO2 fixating bacteria in relation to long-term fertilization of paddy soils Cloning of 18S rRNA Gene From Luffa cylindrical and Its Application as an Internal Standard Effect of Aqueous Extracts From Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. Seeds on Its Seed Germination and Genes Relative Expression of GuSQS1 and GubAS Establishment and Application of a Multiplex RT-PCR Detection Method for SPCSV, SPVG and SPFMV Infecting Sweetpotato Cloning and Expression Analysis of FUSCA3 Gene in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Distribution of Grain Hardness and Allelic Variation of Puroindoline Gene in Russian Wheat Varieties Cloning and Expression Analysis of DsPLC under Salt Stress from Dunaliella salina Cloning and Expression Analysis of A Glycine-rich RNA-binding Protein Gene from Tamarix hispida A Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Method for Rapid Detection of Foreign Genes in Insect-resistant Transgenic Populus nigra Biological Activity of the BusuNPV and Its Detection Technology Mitochondrial Genome Fingerprinting in Hybrid Rice and Its Associated Lines Using the Primed Polymerase Chain Reaction Expression analysis of MnSOD gene and C4H gene in Kandelia candel under naphthalene stress Study on rhizosphere microbial community diversity of different plants grownin the constructed wetland mRNA Expression of Heat Shock protein 70 gene in the oyster(Crassostrea hongkongensis) responding to Vibiro alginolyticus challenge A preliminary study on the DNA extraction method from faeces of badger (Meles meles) Black Muntjac Faecal DNA Extraction Techniques in PCR Reaction Primary studies on the detection of Microcystis, cyanobacteria and microcystin synthetase gene by the whole-cell multiplex PCR Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR and its application in microbial ecology Effects of sterilization on growth of cucumber plants and soil microflora in a continuous mono-cropping soil Isolation and identification of the dominant pathogens causing potato Fusarium dry rot in Gansu Province A PCR-based assay for rapid detection and precise differentiation of three quarantine phytoplasmas responsible for yellows diseases in grapevine ISSR analysis of genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum and F. redolens Identification of the pathogenic virus on Ailanthus altissima Detection of genetic variations among Xinjiang isolates of WMV-2 by PCR-SSCP analysis ASO-PCR amplified by the primers with mismatches to detect moderately carbendazim-resistant genotype (codon200TTC→TAC) of Fusarium asiaticum Species specific molecular diagnosis of burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis) Simultaneous detection of five viruses (TMV,CMV,TEV,PVY and TVBMV) infecting tobacco by multiplex RT-PCR Analysis of key virulent factors by pseudo-recombination between Cucumber mosaic virus M and Fny strains Detection of  Burkholderia caryophylli by TaqMan real-time fluorescent PCR Isolation and Characterization of a Flavonol Synthase Gene from Muscari armeniacum Expression Difference of Genes in the Caragana korshinskii Young Leaves under Drought Stress by Electric Field Treatment on Seeds Screening of Reference Genes Used in qRT-PCR and Expression Analysis of PheTFL1 Gene in Moso Bamboo Cloning and Characterization of ItSGT1 Gene from Ipomoea trifida Cloning of Lycium barbarum Callase Gene and Expression Analysis in Male Sterile Material Cloning and Expression Analysis of miR390-Targeted TAS3 Gene from Strawberry Cloning and Expression Characterization of CsPGIP in Cucumis sativus L. Detection and Establishment of ISSR System for Rare Species Thespesia populnea Cloning and Expression Analysis of MaCAM in Banana Cloning and Expression Analysis of 2 oxoglutarate dependent Dioxygenase from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Cloning and Expression of CBF Transcription Factor from Prunus mume Expression Analysis of Two Genes Related to Male Fertility in A Few Types of Male Sterile Wheat Detection of Two Viruses of Gladiolus hybridus by Multiplex RT-PCR Cloning and Expression Analysis of CmAPs in Mutant Short Catkin of Castanea mollissima