Phenotypic and genetic diversity of rhizobia isolated from root modules of Hedysarum spp. grown in the northern and northwestern regions of China Diversity of the organophosphate pesticide-degrading bacteria isolated from organophosphate pesticide polluted soil qRT-PCR Analysis of Gene Expression of AG and SOC1 During Flower Development of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. A Simple and Efficient Method of DNA Extraction from Different Plant Samples ON THE RAPD-PCR ANALYSIS OF DNA POLYMORPHISM OF GREEN PEACH APHID FROM DIFFERENT HOST PLANTS Detection and identification of Pantoea stewartii stewartii using TaqMan probe Cloning and Expression Analyses of DlPPO1 from Dimocarpus longan Lour. Cloning of a New Gene TaDRLea3 2 from Wheat and Its Expression under Different Stresses Treatments Clone,Subcellular Localization and Expression Analysis of MaPIP2-6 Gene in Banana Meristem Differentiation Seedlings and Detoxification Detection of Potato Bringing Virus Cloning and Expression Analysis of SLG Gene in Brassica campestris L. ssp.chinensis Cloning and Sequence Analyzing of Malate Dehydrogenase Gene in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis (Lour.) Olsson) Cloning and Sequence Analyzing of Malate Dehydrogenase Gene in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis (Lour.) Olsson) Multiplex RT-PCR Assay for Simultaneous Detection of Three Latent Apple Viruses Studies of Site Direct Mutagenesis of MxIRT1 Gene of Malus xiaojinensis Studies on 16S rDNA Sequence of Citrus Huanglongbing Bacteria in China Studies on 16S rDNA Sequence of Citrus Huanglongbing Bacteria in China Detection and Sequencing of Apple scar skid viroid from Apricot in Xinjiang Influence of application of GC-clamp on study of soil microbial diversity by PCR-DGGE Induced Expression and Real-time PCR Detection of IFN-γ from PBMC in Red Jungle Fowl Analyzing Polymorphism of SLA-DQA Gene Exon 2 in the Hezuopig The Polymorphism of MC1R Gene in Yak Cloning and Expression of Bloom Helicase Mutant Microbial diversity in continuously planted Chinese fir soil Genetic diversity of 21 Fusarium strains in Section Martiella based on ISSR analysis. Diversity of antagonistic bacteria isolated from rhizosphere of several cash crops. Analysis of conserved flanking elements associated with antibiotic resistance genes dissemination.  Abundance of archaea, crenarchaea and bacteria in selected agricultural soils of China. The Quantitative PCR Technology for Three Oil and Gas Indicating Bacteria and Its Preliminary Application in Oil and Gas Field Soils Directed evolution of β-glucanase from Bacillus subtilis by Error-prone PCR A Rapid and Efficient Yeast Colony PCR Method to Identify Positive Transformants Development and Standardization of Qualitative PCR Detection Method Targeting barnase Gene Development of a DNA Microarray for Detection of 11 Food-borne Pathogens Seasonal variation of soil bacterial community under different degrees of degradation of Hulunbuir grassland Characteristics of bacterial community structure in degraded desert steppe of Inner Mongolia Sequence and Expression Analysis of Cytoplasmic Copper/zinc Superoxide Dismutase Gene in Rice Detection of Citrus Yellow Shoot Pathogen in Shatianyou Pommelo by Electron Microscopy and PCR Method Detection of GLRaV by RT-PCR Detection of the bearing rate of Liberobacter asiaticum, in Citrus psylla and its host plant Murraya panciculata by Nested PCR Application of PCR SSCP in Genetic Analysis of Conifers Evaluation and Validation of Potential Reference Genes for Quantitative Real-Time PCR Analysis in Elaeagnus umbellata The Selection of Reference Genes for Real-Time Quantitative PCR Normalization in Black Locust(Robinia pseudoacacia) Detection of Strawberry mottle virus and Strawberry mild yellow edge virus byMultiplex RT-PCR Detection of Strawberry mottle virus and Strawberry mild yellow edge virus byMultiplex RT-PCR Sequence Analysis of the cDNA Fragments Differentially Expressed in theOvaries of Cymbidium hybridium after Pollination Studies on the Simultaneous Detection of Citrus Huanglongbing Pathogen,Citrus exocortis viroid, Citrus tristeza virus by Multiplex RT-PCR Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Coat Protein Genes of Cucumber mosaicvirus Isolated from Several Vegetable Using RT-PCR Assay to Detect Grapevine rupestris stem pitting associated virus Based on Internal Control Studies on the Simultaneous Detection of Citrus Huanglongbing Pathogen,Citrus exocortis viroid, Citrus tristeza virus by Multiplex RT-PCR Using RT-PCR Assay to Detect Grapevine rupestris stem pitting associated virus Based on Internal Control Sequence Analysis of CP Genes of CMV from Pumpkin in Yunan and Heilongjiang Provinces Detection of Lily symptomless virus and Lily mottle virus by Multiplex RT-PCR Coat Protein Gene Sequence Analysis and Identification of a Potato Virus YHebei Isolate Detection of Lily symptomless virus and Lily mottle virus by Multiplex RT-PCR Tissue Specificity Expression Analysis of Theanine Metabolism Pathway Related Genes in Camellia Sinensis Cloning and Expression Analysis of WRKY4 Gene from Juglans regia L. Cloning of Heat Shock Protein Gene Hsp70 in Agasicles Hygrophila and its Expression in Relation to High Temperatures Expression of Genes for Gibberellins Synthesis and Signal Transduction in Dwarf Mutant DC20 of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) THE TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL EXPRESSION PATTERN OF ANTHOCYANIN RELATED GENES IN RICE (Oryza Sativa L.) DIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSION OF MAIZE S-ADENOSYLMETHIONIN SYNTHETASE GENE FAMILY MEMBERS DURING SALT STRESS Molecular and Functional Comparisons of Reactive Burst Oxygen Species Gene Family in Arabidopsis MICRODISSECTION AND AMPLIFICATION IN VITRO OF CHROMOSOME 1R IN RYE (Secale cereale L.) AND DETERMINATION OF THE AMPLIFIED PRODUCTS Expression of BECTLIN Ⅰ gene in the leaf callus of Nicotiana benthamiana Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Nitrate Reductase Gene from Beta vulgaris by RT-PCR Populus nigra×Populus deltoids “108” Transformed the Chimeric Genes of Spider Insecticidal and Bt Cloning and Sequence Anaylisis of δ-OAT Gene from Erianthus arundinaceus Establishment and Optimization of ISSR-PCR System for Hybrid Rapeseed Cloning and Expression Analysis of the CsMYB Gene from Citrus sinensis Infected by Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus Cloning of Coding Sequence of Glutamin Synthetase from Polygonum sibiricum Laxm. and Its Expression under Alkali Salinity Stress Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cyclophilins A(CyPA) Gene form Chlorella Development of a real-time quantitative PCR assay for the specific detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola in crucifers Detection of Trichoderma asperellum colonization in soils by real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR Detection and identification of the genus Fusarium by DNA barcoding RT-PCR detection and sequence analysis on three grapevine viruses from Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Cloning and Expression Analysis of Mevalonate Diphosphate Decarboxylasa Gene in Eleutherococcus senticosus Cloning and Expression Analysis of MaMDH in Banana under Environmental Stress Clonging and Expression Analysis of B Function MADS-box Genes Involved in Floral Development from Aechmea fasciata Tomato Cell-wall Invertase cDNA Cloning and Antisense Silencing Cloning and Expression Analysis of AP1-like Gene from Sedirea japonica Construction of Full-length cDNA Library and the cDNA Cloning of F3′H in Phalaenopsis