Express Variation of CCR Gene in Different Tissues of Cucurbita pepo Clone and Expression Analyses of CaG6PDH Gene from Pepper Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Line Gene expression of a detoxification enzyme in Tetranychus urticae resistant to fenpropathrin Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Leucoanthocyanidin Reductase (LAR) Gene from Onobrychis viciifolia cv.Gansu Effects of Artificial Diets on Digestive Enzyme Activities in Loxostege sticticalis Cloning and Expression Analysis of Dehydrin Gene from Agropyron cristatum(L.) Gaertn ISSR Maker Analysis of Stylosanthes spp.Strains by Space Mutation Optimization for SRAP-PCR System of Medicago varia Martin. Based on Orthogonal Design Establishment and Optimization of ISSR Reaction System for Agropyron cristatum(L.) Gaertn. The Method for Liquidambar formosana DNA Extracting and the Optimization of PCR Procedure Studies on Resources of Cry-type Genes of Bacillus thuringie-nsis from Different Soil of Forest Site Zone in China Research on the Populations Variation of Alnus cremastogyneI. DNA Extracting and Protocol Optimum for PCR Effects of Agrobacterium tumefaciens on the Symptoms of Paulownia sp. Plantlet in Vitro Cultured Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Chalcone Synthase Gene in Ornamental Peach Molecular Clonging and Expression Analysis of Homological Gene APX from Phalaenopsis Molecular Clonging and Expression Analysis of Homological Gene APX from Phalaenopsis Analysis of Enzyme Activity and Lignin Content and Expression of CCoAOMT Gene in the Pericarp of‘Dangshan Suli’and Its Russet Mutant Development of CAPS Markers and Allele-specific PCR Primers in Citrus Development of CAPS Markers and Allele-specific PCR Primers in Citrus Studies on Differentially Expressed Genes in Flower Bud During DormancyRelease in Prunus pseudocerasus Lindl.‘Duanbing’ Cloning and Expression Analysis of Eugenol Synthase Gene RcEGS1 in Rosa chinensis‘Pallida’ Isolation and Expression Analysis of a cDNA Encoding GlutathionePeroxidase from Banana Isolation and Expression Analysis of a cDNA Encoding GlutathionePeroxidase from Banana The Cause of Etiolation of Root Suckers of Chinese Jujube Isolation and Expression of 9-cis Epoxycarotenoid Dioxygenase Gene in Tree Peony Cloning and Expression Analysis of LlHSF1 from Lilium longiforum Cloning,Subcellular Localization and Expression Analysis of SPL9 and SPL10 Genes from Grapevine Cloning,Subcellular Localization and Expression Analysis of SPL9 and SPL10 Genes from Grapevine Identification and PCR Detection of Phytophthora Blight of Lily Identification and PCR Detection of Phytophthora Blight of Lily Preliminary Identification of GAs-deficient Short Male Catkin Mutant and Expression Analysis of CmGID1 in Castanea mollissima Cloning and Expression Analysis of an NBS-LRR Type Gene from Sugarcane Allelic Composition and Expression of  Vernalization Gene Vrn-1 in Wheat Cultivar Zhengmai 9023 Expression Profiles of Rice Soluble Starch Synthase(SSS) Genes in Response to High Temperature Stress at Filling stage Cloning and Tissue Expression of Important Enzyme Gene UGlcAE in Ramie Pectin Biosynthesis Expression and Cloning of a Novel Stress Responsive Gene (OsMsr1) in Rice Cloning of HvBADH1 Gene from Hulless Barley and Its Transformation in Nicotiana tabacum Cloning and Expression Analysis of the Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase Gene in Brassica juncea Developing Rice Lines Resistant to Bacterial Blight and Blast with Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection Identification of Wheat Chromosomes Sorted by Flow Cytometry Detecting Genetically Modified Soybean by Real-time Quantitative PCR Technique Establishment of Multiplex-PCR for Quality Traits in Common Wheat Analysis of Relative Gene Expression Using Different Real-time Quantitative PCR Molecular and Functional Comparisons of Reactive Burst Oxygen Species Gene Family in Arabidopsis Screening of Germplasm and Establishment of New Evaluation Method for the Resistance to Wheat Crown Root Comparative study on detection of Strawberry vein banding virus by PCR and RT-PCR Analysis of genetic structure of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola population from Anhui province Assessment the biocontrol efficacy of Gliocladium roseum on rice sheath blight using Real-time fluorescent PCR method Simultaneous and Rapid Detection of Four Important Graft\|transmissible Pathogens of Citrus by Multiplex PCR Identification and genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum isolates from bitter gourd Optimization of RT-PCR detection system for rice black-streaked dwarf virus and detection of its natural hosts Identification of four Pratylenchus species based on morphology and PCR-RFLP of rDNA-ITS Cloning of heat shock protein gene, HSP70, in Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici and its expression under high temperature stress Expression analysis of wheat mircoRNA156 family in response to abiotic stress Development and application of nested PCR assay for detection of phytoplasma of sugarcane white leaf Identification of East Asian and European Types of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus by Morphological and ITS PCR-RFLP Methods Genetic Relation of Carpomya vesuviana from Different Geographiec Populations Cloning and Temporal-Spatial Expression of a CBF Homolog Associated with Cold Acclimation from Corylus heterophylla Embryo Rescue and Identification of Hybrids between Sweet Cherry and Chinese Cherry Research on the PCR and Nested-PCR Detection of Citrus HuanglongbingPathogen The Establishm ent of M ultiplex ——CAPS Technique and Its Application for Genetic Characterization in Tomato Simultaneous Identification of Multi-genes、 th Resistance Respectively to Rootknot Nematode and TS、VV by PCR M arkers in Toma to The Establishm ent of M ultiplex ——CAPS Technique and Its Application for Genetic Characterization in Tomato Establishment and Application of Multiplex PCR System Based on Molecular Markers of Glutenin Subunit Genes (Loci) Related to Strong-gluten in Wheat Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles in Pod and Leaf of Two Major Peanut Cultivars in Southern China Expression Analysis of Three Genes from SSH Library Constructed Using Tillering Nodes of Dongnongdongmai 1 under Low Temperature Identification of Fiber Length-Related Genes Using Cotton Oligonucleotide Microarrays Tissue Speciality and Stress Responses in Expression of Three WAX2 Homologous Genes in Rice Cloning and Expression Analysis of aNovel Calmodulin Isoform TaCaM5 from Wheat Isolation and Characterization of Disease Resistance Gene Analogs from Erianthus arundinaceus cDNA Expression of Critical Lignin Metabolism Genes in Flax(Linum usitatissimum) Expression Profile of Landrace Hongyoumai Infected by Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici Using Gene Microarray Diversity of Intestinal Bacteria Communities from Atrijuglans hetaohei (Lepidoptera: Heliodinidae) and Dichocrocis punctiferalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Larvae Estimated by PCR-DGGE and T-RFLP Analysis Establishment of ISSR-PCR in Lycoris radiata Genetic Transformation and Detection of the Cymbidium hybridum Modified by Coat Protein Gene of ORSV Study of genes‘‘‘‘ differential expression in wheat of Taigu genic male-sterile using DDRT-PCR RT-PCR Detection of Cucumber Mosaic Virus in the in vitro Differentiated Shoots of Banana Clone,Phylogenetic and Expression Analysis of BcHSP70-1 Gene from Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis Molecular Cloning and Expression Patterns of PtSS2 from Populus tomentosa Effect of Ripening, Wounding and Ethylene Treatment on Expression of ACC Oxidase Gene of Peach Tissue