RNAi and Expression Analysis of a Gene OsCSLD4,Which Controls Plant Narrow and Rolled Leaf in Rice Authentication of Lonicera japonica using bidirectional PCR amplification of specific alleles PCR-SSCP molecular identification of Panax ginseng and P. quinquefolius based on ITS2 bar coding SNPs Study on optimization of SRAP-PCR reaction System for Pinellia ternata in Suzhou Effects of allitridin on transcription of immediate-early,early and late genes of human cytomegalovirus in vitro Effects of PEG stress on flavonoids accumulation and related gene expression in suspension of Scutellaria baicalensis Cloning of maize WRKY76 and its expression patterns involved in resistance to maize banded sheath blight Optimization of ISSR-PCR system on Kobresia tibetica Detection to Pathogens of Poplar Cankers by the Multiplex PCR Technique Studies on Expression of miRNAs in Thellungiella under Salt Stress Cloning and Expression of a Glutathione-S-transferase Gene from Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai cv.Huobali Cloning and Expression Analysis of Nitrate Reductase Gene in Camellia sinensis cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Genes Related with Desiccation Tolerance during Development and Germination in Brassica napus L.Seeds Establishment and orthogonal optimization of ISSR-PCR amplification system in Salvia miltiorrhiza Initial practice of Real Time PCR for the expression of SS gene in Panax notoginseng Coat Protein Gene Sequence Analysis and Identification of a Potato Virus YHebei Isolate Quick Detection of Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) by One-step RT-PCR Cloning and Expression Analysis of Acid Invertase Gene cDNA Fragment from Tomato Eradication of CymMv from Tissue Cultures of Cymbidium sinense with Chemotherapy Cloning and Expression Analysis of Tolerance to Aluminum-toxicity Candidate Gene GmSTOP1 in Soybean Identification of Bacterial Blight Resistance Gene in Yunnan Wild Rice Differential Expression of ATP Synthesis Related Gene in Fertility Conversion of Wheat BNS Male Sterile Line A Comparison of Cadmium-Accumulation-Associated Genes Expression and Molecular Regulation Mechanism between Two Rice Cultivars (Oryza sativa L. subspecies japonica) Cloning and Functional Characterization of Peanut Gene AhSOS2 Next-generation Sequencing for Molecular Marker Development in Maize Inbred H99 Influence of Maize-soybean Rotation and N fertilizer on Bacterial Community Composition Event-Specific PCR Detection Method of Genetically Modified Maize MIR162 and Its Standardization Functional Analysis of miRNA Resistant to Banded Leaf-Sheath Blight in Maize Cloning and Analysis of MAPK7 Gene Family and Their Promoters from Brassica napus Gene Expression Profile of Sweet Corn Ears under Heat Stress Molecular Cloning of Sucrose Synthase Gene and Expression Analysis under Drought Stress in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of GhSAMDC at Low Temperature Stress in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Cloning and expression analysis of Bax inhibitor-1 gene from medicinal fungus Polyporus umbellatus Establishment and optimization of RAMP-PCR reaction system for DNA of Eupolyphaga sinensis Cloning and expression analysis of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase 1 gene in Houttuynia cordata Specific PCR identification of Fritillaria thunbergii ISSR analysis on genetic diversity of Anoectochilus roxburghi Development of real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR assay for β-actin gene of Panax ginseng Identification of Saigae Tataricae Cornu in Chinese materia medica preparation using DNA barcoding Cloning and differential expression of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase gene in Houttuynia cordata Cloning and sequence analysis of PqGA2ox gene in Panax quinquefolium Cloning and expression analysis of pyruvate decarboxylase gene in Salvia miltiorrhiza Establishment of RAPD for analysis on furs of Equus asinus and discrimination from Equus caballus orientalis The responses of soil microbial taxonomic diversity on vegetation communities and seasons in karst area Gene flow of transgenic corn to cultivated relatives in China Application of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) in microbial ecology Establishment and optimization of sliver staining differential display of microtubers from Pinellia ternata in vitro Identification of Gynostemma from their adulterant Cayratia japonica by PCR-RFLP Studies on expression level of genes related to abscisic acid and gibberellic acid in stratified Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis seeds Establishment and optimization of ISSR-PCR reaction system for Hirudo nipponica Isolation of a cDNA Fragment Homologous to the Large Subunit Geneof ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase from Amorphophallus Cloning and Functional Analysis of MsHSP 17.7 Gene from Alfalfa Candidate Reference Gene Selection for Quantitative RT-PCR Normalization in Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) Root Tissue Optimizing ISSR-PCR System of Carex atrofusca Using Orthogonal Design Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Promoter and Signal Peptide-coding Region in Sporamin Gene from Ipomoea batatas Identification and PCR Detection of the Pathogen Causing Root Rot of Anthurium andraeanum Cloning of the Genes of Remorin Family from Embryogenic Callus and Their Expression Analysis During Somatic Embryogenesis in Dimocarpus longan PCR Assay for Detection of Corynespora cassiicola,the Causal Agent of Corynespora Leaf Spot of Cucumber PCR Assay for Detection of Corynespora cassiicola,the Causal Agent of Corynespora Leaf Spot of Cucumber Cloning and Expression Analysis of OnAP1-like Gene from Oncidium ‘Gower Ramsey’ Cloning and Characterization of Two Genes Encoding Myo-inositol Monophosphatase 1(CmIMP1)and 2(CmIMP2)from Pumpkin Detection of Viruses Infecting Hami Melon and Their Molecular Identification in Xinjiang Function Analysis of Carrot SOC1 Homologues Responding to Photoperiod Community Composition of the AM Fungi of Phellodendron amurense in Different Habitats High specific PCR identification of Bungarus multicinctus and its adulterantsFENG Cheng-qiang1,4, TANG Identification of antiviral activity of Toddalia asiatica against influenza type A virus Allele-specific diagnostic PCR authentication of Dendrobium huoshanense and its allied species of Dendrobium Sw. RNA Extraction and RT-PCR detection of Dendrobium candidum Application of ISSR—PCR to identification of different Dendrobium Sw.species Isolation and Expression of Shikimate/Quinate Hydroxycinnamoyltransferase Gene under Different Temperatures in Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk Identification and Characterization of Viviparous-1 Haplotypes in Wheat Related Species Triticum urartu Analysis of Differential Expression Genes in Dongxiang Wild Rice and Its Introgression Lines under Phosphorus-deficiency Stress Cloning and Expression Analysis of DlARF5a in the Process of Somatic Embryogenesis in Dimocarpus longan Lou. Isolation and expression analysis of resistance related genes in incompatible interaction between watermelon and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveurn Rapid detection and identification of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans race 1 and race 2 Selection of reference genes in wheat stressed by temperature and Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici Development and application of a real-time PCR method for detection of west African strain of Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus Quantification of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in tomato plant by SYBR Green Ⅰ Real-time PCR assays A quarantining sugarcane white leaf disease caused by phytoplasma found in sugarcane field in Yunnan Enhanced resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus in transgenic tobacoo plants with lec-s from soybean