Comparison of detection sensitivity of different primer pairs for citrus huanglongbing pathogen Establishment and application of real time fluorescent PCR approaches for detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.citri Cloning of gene encoding G-protein beta subunit and tissue distribution in the English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae Cloning of Full-length F3‘‘‘‘H of Nanjinghongxu (Prunus mume) by gDNA-based TAIL-PCR Expression Analysis of Wheat TaMlo-A1c Gene by Semi-QRT-PCR Gene Cloning and Sequencing of Common Buckwheat Trypsin Inhibitor Molecular Identification of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Line 101A of Onion Development of SSR Markers and Detection of Hybrid Progenies from Facultative Apomictic Eulaliopsis binata Cloning and Expression Vector Construction of AP2/ERF-B4 Transcription Factor Gene from Brassica napus Huyou15 Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of the Flowering-regulating Transcription Factor PrSOC1 Gene in Tree Peony Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of the Flowering-regulating Transcription Factor PrSOC1 Gene in Tree Peony Identification of Root-specific Genes with Subtractive Suppression Hybridization from Poncirus trifoliate Genetic Relationships of Diospyros kaki and Related Diospyros Species Using Chloroplast DNA PCR-RFLP Markers Identification and Characterization of CsIPT Genes in Cucumber Cloning and Expression Characteristics of a Novel Dehydrin Gene from Hazelnut(Corylus heterophylla Fisch.) Development and Application of Real-time Fluorescent Quantitative PCR for Detection of Pseudomonas tolaasii Effect of Long-term Continuous Cropping of Protected Tomato on Soil
Microbial Community Structure and Diversity
Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of MaOPR Gene from Banana Utilization of a Real-time PCR-based Approach for Rapid Quantitative
Detection of Bacterial Soft Rot of Banana
Effect of Long-term Continuous Cropping of Protected Tomato on Soil
Microbial Community Structure and Diversity
Utilization of a Real-time PCR-based Approach for Rapid Quantitative
Detection of Bacterial Soft Rot of Banana
Identification and PCR Detection of the Pathogen Causing Root Rot of Anthurium andraeanum Comparison of Allele-specific PCR and High Resolution Melting Analysis in SNP Genotyping and Their Application in Pummelo Cultivar Identification Gene Expression Profiling Analysis of pol CMS Fertility-restorer Genes in Chinese Cabbage(Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis Detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae in Authurium andreanum by Immunomagnetic Separation-PCR Gene Expression Profiling Analysis of pol CMS Fertility-restorer Genes in Chinese Cabbage(Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis Detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae in Authurium andreanum by Immunomagnetic Separation-PCR ANALYSIS OF GENE EXPRESSION OF ENZYMES INVOLVED IN STARCH SYNTHESIS AND ENZYMES ACTIVITY IN WHEAT GRAIN Tissue Specificity Express Analysis of Methyltransferase Gene COMT and CCoAOMT in Cotton CLONING AND ANALYSIS OF SUSIBA2-like GENE FROM Oryza sativa CHARACTERIZATION OF A POLYGALACTURONASE INHIBITORY PROTEIN  GENE BcPGIP IN CHINESE CABBAGEPAKCHOI (Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis Makino) EFFECTS OF THE IRRADIATED POLLEN ASSISTING POLLINATION TECHNIQUE ON THE SEEDSET OF LILY’S DISTANT CROSS AND EARLY MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION OF THE HYBRIDS The Genetic Transformation of Strawberry with Winter Flounder Antifreeze Protein Gene OPTIMIZATION OF ISSR-PCR AMPLIFICATION IN Momoradica charanita L. Isolation and sequence analysis of two CYC-like genes, SiCYC1A and SiCYC1B, from zygomorphic and actinomorphic cultivars of Saintpaulia ionantha (Gesneriaceae) Using PCR for studying seasonal distribution of toxic microcystis from scenie sites in Guangzhou RACE clone Hsp70 gene ORF of Scylla serrata and sequence analysis Cloning and Expression Analysis of Lipid Transfer Protein LTP Gene in Carthamus tinctorius Isolation,Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of Endophytic Diazotrophs in Tengxian Medical-use Oryza officinalis Research on the Expression of Porcine Circovirus Capsid Protein in the Bacillus subtilis Effects of GC Clamps on RpoB-PCR-DGGE Fingerprint of Three Types of Food Borne Pathogens Effects of Different Temperature on Starch Metabolism in Different Growth Stages of Tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum) Microbial Diversity of Traditional Soybean Paste During Fermentation in Northeastern China cDNA Cloning, Sequence Analysis and Tissue Expression of Gene MSH4 and MSH5 in Goats Research Advance on miRNA qPCR Methods and Its Application Isolation and Identification of Microorganisms from Spoilage Vinegar Multiple Gene Transformation in Sugarcane and Multiple PCR Detection The Optimization of Southern Blot for Transgenic Sugarcane Plants A Novel Method for Detecting Activity of Mitochondria-targeted Nuclease BIOLOG analysis for fungal communities in environmental samples A comparative study on the diversity of rhizospheric bacteria community structure in constructed wetland and natural wetland with reed domination The effects of the endophytic fungus Ceratobasidum stevensii B6 on Fusarium oxysporum in a continuously cropped watermelon field Detection of Tobacco ringspot virus by RT-Realtime PCR Detection of Rice stripe virus in Laodelphax striatellus Falln Detection of Erwinia amylovora in cherry fruits imported from USA by PCR A duplex PCR method for rapid detection of Burkholderia glumae Technique of molecular detection of Callosobruchus analis and Callosobruchus maculatus Identification of Arabis mosaic virus in tulip seedlings imported from Netherlands Differential gene expression during early stage of incompatible interaction between soybean and Phytophthora sojae Screening of Bacillus strains with high inhibition on rape Sclerotinia disease and its lipopeptide compounds detection SCAR marker and PCR detection of Ustilaginoidea virens Population structure of Rhizoctonia spp. isolated from maize in southwestern China and UP-PCR analysis Effects of continuous soybean monoculture on soil nematode community Cloning DNA Fragment of APETALA1 Homologue of the Citrus MADS-box Differential expression of PAL multigene family in allelopathic rice and its counterpart exposed to stressful conditions The community structure and abundance of microcystin-producing cyanobacteria in surface sediment of Lake Taihu in winter Cloning and Expression of a Profilin Gene from Rapeseed Effects of different fertilization regimes on abundance and community structure of the nirKtype denitrifying bacteria in greenhouse vegetable soils. Endophytic bacterial diversity in Codonopsis pilosula, Ephedra sinica, and Lamiophlomis rotate: A study with LH-PCR. Molecular diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in wild and cultured Gynostemma pentaphyllum roots in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Optimization of real-time quantitative fluorescence PCR system in detecting cytochrome b gene of Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu. Screening and identification of low temperature-adapted antagonistic Bacillus isolated from Kekexili region of West China and the analysis of the isolates lipopeptide compounds. Fungal population structure and its biological effect in rhizosphere soil of continuously cropped potato. Long Amplicon Real-time Quantitative PCR Technology and Its Application in DNA Damage Detection Real-time PCR Cloning and Expression of EhKCR1 from Eutrema halophilum The Determination of the Taxonomic Status of Two Soil Rhizobia from Southern Tibet Effect of intercropping on bacterial community composition in rhizoshpere of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), maize(Zea mays L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) Methods to measure the microbial community structure and functional diversity in polluted soils Microbial diversity in an acetamiprid-polluted upland soil Application of polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electro-(phoresis) (PCR-DGGE) to the analysis of changes of microbial ecological communities in activated sludge systems