Salt tolerance of Glycyrrhiza inflata seedlings in Xinjiang and its ion response to salt stress Production of Flavonoids in Cell Suspension Culture of Glycyrrhiza inflata (Leguminosae) Characters of Leaf Epidermis and Their Systematic Significance in Glycyrrhiza Research progress in interaction between chemical components of Glycyrrhizae Radix and cytochrome P450 enzyme The Cross Compatibility and Hybrid Seed Vigor among Three Glycyrrhiza Species STUDIES ON THE SPORE STAGES,LIFE CYCLE AND CONTROL OF LICORICE RUST Determination and Phylogenetic Analysis of Whole 16S rDNA Sequence in Glycyrrhiza Rhizobia Three New Synonyms of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.ex DC.(Fabaceae l.s.) Geographical variation of Glycyrrhiza uralensis seed germination character on water stress Effects of space flight on glycyrrhizic acid- related gene mutation in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Study on geographical variation of morphologic and germination characteristic of different Glycyrrhiza uralensis provenance seeds Research of seed quality grading of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Study on growth law of Glycyrrhiza uralensis under different planting density Construction and analysis of root cDNA library in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Study on fingerprints correlated with pharmacodynamic of
Paeonia lacliflora and Glycyrrhiza uralensis effective compounds
Fingerprint analysis of Radix Glycyrrhizae by fast HPLC Enhance technique researches on Glycyrrhiza industries, promote three-dimensional rural economic development in Three-north areas Review of pharmacological effects of Glycyrrhiza Radix and its bioactive compounds Identification of differentially expressed genes in different anomalies of Glycyrrhiza uralensis by cDNA AFLP method Effects of molybdenum,boron,manganese and zinc on quality of cultured Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch The underground part growth distribution pattern of Glycyrrhiza uralensis and its effects on glycyrrhizinic acid content Effects of density on seedling growth and glycyrrhizinic acid content in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Study on adscription of plasma effective constituents of rat after administratedwith Paeonia lacliflora and Glycyrrhiza uralensis compound Effect of additives on accumulation of glycyrrhizin in suspension culture
cells of Glycyrrhiza uralensis
Effect of Glycyrrhiza inflata and Daphne genkwa on permeabilities of rhodamine
123, a P-glycoprotein substrate across rat jejunum membranes in vitro
Isolation and Identification of Echinatin from Cultured Cells of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Chemical Constituents of Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat Response of Root to Na+ and Changes of Vascular Tissue of Two Glycyrrhiza Species under NaCl Stress Multi-index determination and optimization of liquirtin separated from polyamide resin Significant impact of different induction conditions on metabolic diversity of callus cell lines of Glycyrrhiza sp. Comparison contents between liquiritin and glycyrrhizic acid in different variant Glycyrrhiza uralensis Research on spectral reflectance characteristics for Glycyrrhizae Radix Toxicokinetics of bakuchiol,hepatic and renal toxicity in rats after single oral administration of Psoraleae Fructus and combination with Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Effect of Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma combined with Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma on p53 and p21 gene expression of IEC-6 cells Chemical constituents of Huoxiang Zhengqi Liquid Effect of Aconiti Radix Preparata combined with Glycyrrhizae Radix in different ratios on monoester alkaloids Research on quality control of Xiangsha Pingwei Pills Mitigation effect of exogenous sucrose on root growth of licorice seedlings under salt stress conditions Theoretical basis of imcompatibility of Euphorbiae Pekinensis Radix and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma based on diuretic and purgative effects on mice Effects of Puerariae Lobatae Radix and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma in Gegen Qinlian Decoction on rat liver metabolism of active ingredients in Scutellaria Radix Research progress on germplasm resources of Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma MORPHOLOGICAL ANATOMICAL STUDIES ON THE ROOTS AND RHIZOMES OF 5 SPECIES IN GLYCYRRHIZA COMPARING STUDIES ON THE COMPONENTS OF GLYCYRRHIZIN IN FIVE KINDS OF GLYCYRRHIZA UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS The identity of Glycyrrhiza korshinskyi Grig. and G . eglandulosa X. Y. Li (Leguminosae) RLC circuit simulation of stomatal oscillation of Glycyrrhiza inflata under atmospheric drought condition Theanalysis and study of nutuient compositionin Glycyrrhiza uralensis THE INTERSPECIFIC HYBRIDIZATION OF GLYCYRRHIZA IN XINJIANG Relationship Analysis of Glycyrrhiza by RAPD Changes of contents and decocted contents of main glycosides in GlycyrrhizaeRadix et Rhizoma under different processing conditions Discussion on processing methods for herbs in San′aotang of prescription and clinical application in syndrome differentiation Quality control of Tongmai Yangxin Pills Microwave extraction of glycyrrhizic acid from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Immunomagnetic separation ELISA for identification of protein in Radix Glycyrrhizae Fingerprints of Radix Glycyrrhizae by HPLC Nutrient properties and fertilizer requirement regularity of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch Changes of Total Flavonoids Content in Vegetative Organs of Glycyrrhiza glabra Different Seasons Relationship between Anatomic Structures and Accumulation of Saponins in Radix of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. Chemical constituents from aerial parts of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Anatomical Study of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Roots and Rhizomes The Ecological Distribution of Genus Glycyrrhiza and Its Utilization in Xinjiang LARGE SCALE CULTURE GLYCYRRHIZA URALENSIS FISCH CELLS IN DRAUGHT TUBE AIRLIFT BIOREACTORS Advances in studies on Sargassum and Genkwa Flos counteract with Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Advances in studies on Sargassum and Genkwa Flos counteract with Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Research and thinking on characteristics and mechanisms of absorption and metabolism of Glycyrrhiza Radix et Rhizoma and its compatible interactions with other herbs Chemical constituents from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Effects of Puerariae Lobatae Radix and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizomain Gegen Qinlian Decoction on rat liver metabolism of active ingredients in Scutellaria Radix Studies on the shade-endurance capacity of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Ri plasmid transformation of Glycyrrhiza uralensis and effects of some factors on growth of hairy roots Response of Plant Growth and Biomass Allocation to Grazing Disturbance in Desert Steppe of Ningxia Development of EST-SSR Primers and Genetic Relationship Analysis in Four Glycyrrhiza L.Species Interaction relationship between secondary metabolites in Glycyrrhiza uralensis at condition of short-term exogenous glycyrrhizic acid simulation Investigating mechanism of toxicity reduction by combination of Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma and Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata on terms of proteins self-assembly Changing rules study of effective components of Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma before and after compatibilities in Sini decoction Pharmacokinetic study on glycyrrhetinic acid in rats ig administrated by Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata Cum Melle Decoction Bioinformatic prediction of microRNAs in Glycyrrhiza uralensis and their target genes Effect of N, P, K combinations fertilizion on the cultivation quality of Glycyrrhiza uralensis seedlings De novo sequencing and analysis of root transcriptome to reveal regulation of gene expression by moderate drought stress in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Inhibitory effect of flavonoids from Glycyrrhiza uralensis on expressions of TGF-β1 and Caspase-3 in thioacetamide-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats Metabonomics on toxicity reduction of Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma for Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata in Sini Tang Research status and sustainable utilization strategy of Glycyrrhiza uralensis

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