Chemical constituents of Nelumbinis Plumula Chemical constituents from leaves of Adinandra nitida A new triterpene saponin from stem of Camellia oleifera Protection of astragalus polysaccharide on lipopolysaccharide-induced cardiac myocytes hypertrophy of rats Pharmacokinetic study on dry powder inhalation administration of α-asarone in rats Patterns and mechanisms influencing plant diversity in an arid desert region riparian zone of the Aqikesu River, Xinjiang, China A New Pregnane from Munronia delavayi Franch (Meliaceae) COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS OF STIPA PURPUREA STEPPE IN SOURCE REGIONS OF CHANGJIANG AND HUANGHE RIVERS, CHINA A New Diterpenoid from Aralia fargesii Chemical Constituents from Fruits of Rosa davidii STUDIES ON PLANT COMMUNITY DIVERSITY IN DONGLINGSHAN MOUNTAIN,BEIJING,CHINA Ⅸ.THE INFLUENCE OF SCALE ON α DIVERSITY STUDY ON THE SPECIES DIVERSITY OF THE SCLERATINAN CORAL COMMUNITY ON LUHUITOU FRINGING REEF Expression of TNF-α Gene in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 and Purification of Its Product by Affinity Chromatography Transgenic Tobacco with αα Mutant Gene Has Higher Tolerance to Heavy Metals Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Spores from Ganoderma lucidum The Chemical Constituents from Podocarpus fleuryi Hickle The Chemical Constituents of Elsholtzia ciliata (Thund.) Hyland Studies on the Structures of Two New Triterpene Saponins C and D from Polygala japoni-ca Houtt ZmcrtRB3 Encodes a Carotenoid Hydroxylase that Affects the Accumulation of α-carotene in Maize Kernel Effects of Gibberellic Acid on Primary Terpenoids and Δ9 Tetrahydrocannabinol in Cannabis sativa at Flowering Stage Studies on Essential Oil Composition in Leaves of Torreya grandis cv. ‘Merrillii‘ and Chemotaxonomy The Existence of Isosteroidal Alkaloids in Fritillaria L.(Liliaceae) and Its Taxonomical Significance The Influence of Different Factors on Cell Growth and α-tocopherol Content of Culture from Carthamus tinctorius Studies on Triterpenoid Constituents Isolated from the Roots of Sabia schumanniana The Puff-Like Structure in Allium cepa and the Effect of α-Amanitin Treatment upon the Structure Isolation and Identification of Saponins from Aralia decaisneana Hance Studies on the Chemical Compositions of Isodon nervosus Activities, Quantitative Changes and Subcellular Localization of |á-Amylase During Development of Apple Fruit Two γ-Methyl Biosides from Dregea volubilis (L.) Benth Simultaneous Determination of Indole-3-Acetic Acid and Abscisic Acid as the Pentafluorobenzyl Derivative with Electron-Capture Gas Chromatography Regional differences in plant diversity in the southern Gurbantonggut desert Elevational changes in species diversity and similarity analysis of a Rhododendron chrysanthum community on Changbai Mountain Release ways of α-solanine in Solanum melomgena L. plant α diversity of communities and their variety along altitude gradient on northern slope of Changbai Mountain Effect of combined treatment of 60Coy-ray and EMS on antioxidase activity and ODAP content in Lathyrus sativus Study on the divergence of three isozyme patterns in different tissues of Calottes emma Gray Colorimetric Method in the Determination of 1-Deoxynojirimycin Isolated from the Mutant Strain of Bacillus subtilis The Research Progress of PGF Induced-Early Response Genes Involved in Luteal Regression A Method for the Activity Assay of Anti-TNF-α Antibodies Expressed by ELAM-1 in HUVEC Surface A Two-step Series Chromatography for the Purification of Anti-TNF-α Monoclonal Antibody Expression, Purification and Bioactivity of Recombinant Human Interleukin-1α Expressed in Pichia pastoris Screening of a Strain Producing Acid-stable α-Amylase and Optimization of Its Fermentation Condition Screening,Identification and Characterization of an Acid q-amylase Producing Strain and Optimization of Its Fermentable Condition Casein Kinase 1α in Cell Signalling Advances in Directed Research of VD3 Hydroxylase Mutation Breeding of Yarrowia lipolytica and Optimization of α-Ketoglutaric Acid Fermentation Conditions Effect of Co-expressing Protein HAC1 on Expression of α-galactosidase in Pichia pastoris The Process Optimization of Pichia pastoris GS115LI for Producing Fused Protein of LL-37 and IFN-α2a The Codon Optimization and Fused Expression of LL-37 and IFN-α2a in Pichia pastoris GS115 Cloning and Sequences Analysis of α-tubulin Genes Family in Populus tomentosa Variation in species composition and diversity of wetland communities under different disturbance intensity in the Sanjiang Plain Characteristics of photosynthetic and transpiration of three common afforestation species in the Loess Plateau The adsorption of BSA on the surfaces of α-MnO2 and δ-MnO2 Repellency of α-pinene against stripped flea beetle,Hyllotreta striolata(F). The α diversity of shrubs community in the arid valley of the Minjiang River he adsorption of lysozyme on the surface of α-MnO2 Effect of grazing on community characteristics and species diversity of Stipa purpurea alpine grassland in Northern Tibet Species diversity of herbaceous communities in the Yiluo River Basin Research on the Relation Between Water Management Based on α Value Method and Growth Response of Rice Cropping in Upland Studies on the Chemical Constituents from the Stems of Chukrasia tabularis and Their α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Diterpenoid Compounds in Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of α-tublin Gene in Longan Floral Reversion Buds THE PROMOTION OF Nd3+ ON α-AMYLASE ACTIVITY INDUCED BY GIBBERELLIC ACID Content Determination and Distribution of α-Solanine in Eggplant Physiological and biochemical effects of essential oils on seed potato storage The growth inhibition of photoactivation and action target on several plants induced by α-terithienyl Cloning and Expression of Two BnPLDα Genes in Brassica napus First report of black spot disease on fruit of Jun jujube caused by Fusarium verticillioides in Xinjiang Isolation, identification and biological characteristics of Fusarium verticillioides from maize ear rot samples in Gansu Province Application of Lα──m Model in the Testing of Spatial Pattern for Insect Population Cloning and Sequence Analysis of α-tubulin Gene from Tremella fuciformis Cloning and Sequence Analysis of α-tubulin Gene from Tremella fuciformis Contents of α-farnesene and Conjugated Trienes in Apple Superficial Scaldand Their Relation with Storage Temperature Elevating Expression of Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Gene in Anabaena sp. PCC7120 Short Filaments Induced by High Temperature and Red Light A COUPLED ONE-STEP METHOD OF REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION(RT)FOR GENERATION OF OPEN READING OF G PROTEIN αSUBUNIT GENE STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS FROM SYCOPSIS TUTCHERII A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE ESTERASE ISOENZYMES AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS IN MILLET(SETARIA ITALICA BEAUV.)UNDER DIFFERENT PHOTOPERIOD TREATMENTS STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF ZANTHOXYLUM MICRANTHUM HEMSL. ALKALOIDS FROM THE ROOT OF ZANTHOXYLUM NITIDUM VAR. FASTUOSUM EFFECTS OF PHOTOPERIOD AND TEMPERATURE ON THE ESTERASE, α-AMYLASE ISOZYMES IN WHEAT (TRITICUM EASTIVUM L.)