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Optimization of cDNA-AFLP reaction system for Carthamus tinctorius
cDNA-AFLP Analysis Reveals Differential Gene Expression in Wheat Adult-Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust
Molecular bases for parallel evolution of translucent bracts in an alpine “glasshouse” plant
Rheum alexandrae
Depend on cDNA-AFLP and MSAP Technical Analysis of Homologous Diploid and Tetraploid Watermelon Under Cold Stress
Differential Expression Analysis of Genic Male Sterility by cDNA-AFLP in Maize
cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Fertility-alteration Genes in a Thermo-sensitive Male Sterile Line of YS Wheat
cDNA-AFLP Analysis on Genes Associated with Vernalization in Vitro in
Brassica campestris
cDNA-AFLP Analysis on Genes Associated with Vernalization in Vitro in
Brassica campestris
Isolation of Cold Stress Genes through cDNA-AFLP from
Volvariella volvacea
Identification of Candidate Expressed Sequences Associated with Race-specific Avirulence Genes by cDNA-Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism
Gene expression of two resistant wheat varieties after
Schizaphis graminum
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cysteine Protease Gene CpCP from Papaya
Molecular Identification and Sequence Analysis of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus(TYLCV)Isolate from Shijiazhuang
cDNA-AFLP analysis on transcriptome of
Salvia miltiorrhiza
under heat stress
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cysteine Protease Gene CpCP from Papaya
Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in the Suspension Cell Culture of
Tripterygium wilfordii
Hook.f.with Elictor MeJA
cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Fertility Changeover Genes Related to Thermo-sensitive TsCMS 7311 Line of Chinese Cabbage
cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Somatic Embryogenesis at Early Stage in TM-1 (Gossypium hirsutum L. )
Sequentia l Expression of Fertility-related Genes Detected by cDNA-AFLP inDifferent Types of Cabbage Male Sterile Lines
Sequentia l Expression of Fertility-related Genes Detected by cDNA-AFLP inDifferent Types of Cabbage Male Sterile Lines
cDNA-AFLP and Its Application in Research about Gene Expressions of Plants
The Analysis of Differential Rxpression of
Glycyrrhiza uralensis
Root Gene by Nitrogen Ions Implantationbased on cDNA-AFLP Method
cDNA-AFLP Analysis on Transcriptomics of
Hevea brasiliensis
Induced by Cold Stress
The Cause of Etiolation of Root Suckers of Chinese Jujube
Identification and Functional Analysis of a Wheat Resistance Analogous Gene
Analysis of Differential Expression Genes in Dongxiang Wild Rice and Its Introgression Lines under Phosphorus-deficiency Stress
Differential Expression Analysis in Flower Buds of CMS and Its Maintaner Line of
Capsicum annuum
Relationship between differential gene expression patterns in leaves of the hybrids and their parents of Sorghum sudanense
cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Dormancy-related Genes in Seed Hypocotyl of
Paeonia lactiflora
Analysis of Disease Resistance Related Genes Expression in CucumbersInoculated by Cladosporium cucumernium Using cDNA-AFLP Method
Analysis of Disease Resistance Related Genes Expression in CucumbersInoculated by Cladosporium cucumernium Using cDNA-AFLP Method
cDNA-AFLP Analysis and Cloning of Fruit Ripening-related Genes from Papaya
cDNA-AFLP Analysis and Cloning of Fruit Ripening-related Genes from Papaya
The Cause of Etiolation of Root Suckers of Chinese Jujube
Screening and Identification of Genes Involved in Regulating Internode Length for Semi-dwarf Peach
MSAP and Differential Expression of Homologous Diploid and Triploid Watermelon Under Cold Stress
Wild Rice Gene Expression in Response to Brown Planthopper (
Nilaparvata lugens
Stål) Feeding and Whitebacked Planthopper (
Sogatella furcifera
Horvath) Feeding
cDNA-AFLP Analysis on Seed Abortion in Longan(
Dimocarpus longan
Screening and Identification of Genes Involved in Regulating Internode Length for Semi-dwarf Peach
MSAP and Differential Expression of Homologous Diploid and Triploid Watermelon Under Cold Stress
Identification of differentially expressed genes in different anomalies of Glycyrrhiza uralensis by cDNA AFLP method
Differential Expression Analysis in Flower Buds of RC
CMS and Its Maintainer Line of
Brassica campestris
cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Genes Related with Desiccation Tolerance during Development and Germination in
Brassica napus
Analysis of gene expression profiling in the incompatible interaction between Chinese wild melon ‘Yuntian-930’ and
Podosphaera xanthii
Molecular characterization of the
Cotton leaf curl Multan virus
Malvaiscus arboreus
Differential Expression Analysis of Transcripts at Early Developmental Stage of Male Inflorescence Mutant of White Birch(
Betula platyphylla
Differential Expression Analysis in Flower Buds of CMS and Its Maintaner Line of
Capsicum annuum
Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes by cDNA-AFLP Approach During Heat Stress in Tomato Leaves
Differential Expression Analysis of cDNA Between Columnar and Non-columnar Apples Using cDNA-AFLP
Changes of endogenous hormone and gene expression during process of somatic embryogenesis in Panax ginseng
Clone and Analysis of Expansin Gene of Cucumber Fruit
Identification and Cloning of
cDNA Fragment That Is Differentially Expressed in a Rice Hybrid and Its Parents
Differential Expression Analysis of cDNA Between Columnar and Non-columnar Apples Using cDNA-AFLP
Investigation Based on cDNA-AFLP Approach for Differential Expressed Genes Responding to Drought Resistance in Dongxiang Wild Rice
Genomic characterization of
Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus
infecting pro-cessing tomato in Xinjiang
Expression of
gene,isolated from Soybean,Enhances the Survival in Prokaryotes to Low Temperature Stress
Differential Gene Expression in Uppermost Internode between Wheat Hybrid and Its Parents
cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Cold-induced Genes in
Medicago ruthenica
Isolation of Differentially Expressed Genes from Wheat Cultivars Jinan 17 and Yumai 34 with Good Bread Quality under Heat Stress during Grain Filling Stage
Gene Differential Expression Analysis by cDNA-AFLP during Gibberellin-induced Stem Elongation in Sugarcane
Establishment of cDNA-AFLP System of Paeonia lactiflora Seed
Establishment of cDNA-AFLP System of Paeonia lactiflora Seed
Gene expression profiling in response to allelopathic autotoxicityin melon by cDNA-AFLP
Gene expression profiling in response to copper stress in
Brassica rapa
L. Chinensis by cDNA-AFLP
Differential Gene Expression in Sugarcane Leaves Regulated by Ethephon During Early Growth Stage
Differential expression of near-isogenic line TcLr19 resistant to wheat leaf rust
Isolation and Analysis of MADS-box Gene from Soybean (
Glycine max
L. Merr.) Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line
Differential Expression Analysis of Longan Cotyledon Embryo by cDNA-AFLP
Investigation Based on cdna-aflp Approach for Differential Expressed Genesis Responding to Deficient-Pi in Wheat
cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Tobacco Infected by TMV
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