ADVANCES ON THE STUDY OF INTERACTIONS OF PHOSPHORUS WITH ZINC AND CADMIUM IN PLANTS Effects of boron-calcium nutrition on suspension-cell of rape cultivars with different boron efficiency STUDIES ON THE PEROXIDASE ISOZYMES OF THE HYBRID PROGENIES OF THE DIFFERENT GENOTYPE WHEAT AND ALBINISM LINE Initial Stand Density and Provenance Effects on the Growth and Wood Basic Density of Masson Pine Interactions between Herbivores and Plant Diversity (Review) Screening of AhCaM-Interactive Proteins in Peanuts Using Yeast Two Hybrid System Epistatic and QTL × Environment Interaction Effects of QTLs for Leaf Traits and Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Soybean Characterization and Functional Analysis of a Small GTP-binding Protein AtRAB Interacting with H+-Pyrophosphatase AVP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana Epistatic Effects and QTL×Environment Interaction Effects of QTLs for Yield and Agronomic Traits in Soybean Characteristic and Function Analysis of a Copper Ion Binding Protein, AtBCB Interacting with G Protein α Subunit GPA1 in Arabidopsis thaliana Resistance Spectrum Difference between Two Broad-spectrum Blast Resistance Genes, Pigm and Pi2, and Their Interaction Effect on Pi1 Genetic Basics of Seed Traits in Soybean with Bayes Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model Method Effect of Cefradine on pharmacokinetics of baicalin in rats in vivo Optim iza tion for SSR-anchored PCR Reaction Systemin Endangered Plant Taxus yunnanensis Progeny Test for the Open-pollinated Families of Eucalyptus urophylla in Multiple Sites Protein interaction network analysis of Panax notoginseng saponins DEFINING PLANT FUNCTIONAL TYPES IN CHINA FOR GLOBAL CHANGE STUDIES QTL mapping and genetic analysis for grain weight in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under different water environments Structural and functional diversification of HORMA domain-containing proteins Interaction of Two Populations of the Blue-Green Algae in Co-Culture Effect of zinc fertilization on cadmium uptake and accumulation in two barley (Hordeum vulgare) cultivars Research on the morphological interactions between Tamarix ramosissima thickets and Nebkhas under different sand supply conditions:a case study in Cele oasis-desert ecotone The relationship between humans and the environment at the urban-rural interface:research progress and prospects GENETIC EXPRESSION OF INDUCED RICE STERILITY UNDER ALIEN-CYTOPLASM THE EFFECT OF BORON-PHOSPHORUS AND BORON-POTASSIUM ON UPTAKE OF ~(32)P AND ~(86)Rb IN COTTON PLANT Plant systemic acquired resistance to insect and a cross-talk between pathogen and insect resistance signal molecules Early Growth Response of Super ior Provenance ofMa sson Pine to D ifferent Planting Den sities Interaction of earthworms and amfungi on maize growth, and nutrogen
and phosphorus uptake
Effect of water and nitrogen coupling on leaf senescence and yield of Zhengmai 9023 wheat during the grain-filling stage STUDY OF NEGATIVE ASSOCIATIONS AMONG VAAND ECTOMYCORRHIZAE OF POPULUS TOMENTOSA Interactions among Different Enzymes of Five Fungal Strains from Alpine Meadow Soil GROWTH PERFORMANCES OF DIFFERENT ECOTYPES OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS IN DIFFERENT ELEVATION SITES IN BEIJING MOUNTAIN AREA A ANALYSIS OF EFFECT OF JAPANESE LARCH INTRODUCTION IN SOUTH OF TAIHANG MOUNTAINS IN SHANXI PROVINCE THE SOIL AMELIORATION EFFECT OF POPLAR-BLACK LOCUST MIXED PLANTATION ON SAND SOIL AND THE INTERACTION OF MUTUAL SUPPLEMENT OF NUTRIENT BETWEEN TREE SPECIES Studies on Dual Mycorrhizas of Eucalyptus globulus and E.urophylla Ⅱ.Inoculant Efficacy on the Growth The mutual allelopathic effect between invasive plant Flaveria bidentis and four forgage species A review of belowground interspecific interactions and allelopathy in silvopasture systems Research ideas on oral absorption of multi-component in Compound Danshen Preparation and their interaction Advances in studies on absorption,metabolism,and drug interaction of dihydroflavones in Aurantii Fructus Immaturus Characteristic of salvianolic acid binding to bovine serumalbumin and structure performance relationship Genetic Analysis of Coleoptile Length in Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) under Different Treatments QTL Analysis on Yield and Its Components in Upland Cotton RIL Recent Findings in Plant Innate Immunity and Possible Impacts on Crop Disease-resistance Breeding Analyses of QTLs for Rice Panicle and Milling Quality Traits and Their Interaction with Environment A Novel Quick Method for Detecting Target DNA Binding Sites of Protein Effect of Interaction of Waterlogging and High Temperature after Anthesis on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Flag Leaf and Yield in Winter Wheat Analysis of Related Interactions and Mapping of QTLs for Seed Weight per Plant in Soybean in Different Years Cloning and Interaction between Transcription Factors SPT and HEC1 of Pistil of Brassica oleracea L.var. capitata L. QTL Mapping and Analysis Based on Embryo and Maternal Genetic Systems for Semi-Essential Amino Acid Contents in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Interaction Analysis of Brassica oleracea L. BoExo70A1 with BoSEC3 and BoExo84 Proteins by Using Yeast Two-hybird System Genetic Effects and Environmental Interactions of Early Maturity in Short-season Cotton Interactions among proteins of floral MADS-box genes in Nuphar pumila (Nymphaeaceae) and the most recent common ancestor of extant angiosperms help understand the underlying mechanisms of the origin of the flower Interaction between exogenous Bt gene and secondary metabolites of crop Interactive effect of genotype and environment on the genetic covariance of characterization of heavy metal accumulation in edible rice grain(Oryza sativaL.) Research Progress of MIKC-type MADS-box Protein Regulation on Flowering Kin selection in plants The expansion pattern of saltmarshes at Chongming Dongtan and its underlying mechanism Effects of indigenous AM fungi and neighboring plants on the growth and phosphorus nutrition of Leymus chinensis Diversity of ecosystem services and landscape multi-functionality: from scientific concepts to integrative assessment Decomposition Characteristics and Interaction of Mixed Leaf Litter Mixtures of Pinus koraiensis and Quercus mongolica in Original Broadleaved-Korean Pine Forest. Identification of Protein Interactions between Flowering Repressors BpFLC and BpSVP from Betula platyphylla Responses of insect communities and populations on habitat fragmentation in grassland landscapes Effects of Different Scions on Rootstock Root System in Persimmon The Single and Interactive Effects of Nitrogen Supply and Light Condition on Hosta ‘Blue Umbrella‘ Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics Analysis of QTLs with Main, Epistasis and G×E Interaction Effects of Starch Paste Viscosity in Rice Stability Analysis of Carotenoid Content and Its Coefficient Correlation with Yellow Alkaline Noodle Color Characteristics in Common Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) Analyzing Site Discrimination in Crop Regional Yield Trials by AMMI Model Effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on anticoagulation and blood drug level of warfarin in healthy wolunteers Reparations of Ca2+ and P on N-fixation of alfalfa-rhizobia after acid aluminum stress Ultrastructural characteristics of compatible Pseudopeziza medicaginis interaction with alfalfa leaf Effects of genotype, environment and their interaction on the main agronomic traits of Panicum miliaceum Interaction between Endophytic Fungi and Seedlings of Two Species of Paphiopedilum during Symbiotic Culture A COMPARISON AND ANALYSIS OF VARIETY STABILITY METHODS Interactions between genotypes and environments in Nicotiana rustica——Ⅰ.Analysis of linear models A Preliminary Study on the Critical-Daylength Evoking the Photoperiodic Sensitive Male Sterility of Rice and Their Responses to Other Environmental Factors Studies on the Combining Ability of Protein Content and Fatty Content in Soybean A Review on the Theories and Methods of Studying Genotype-Environment Interaction Effects of an Interspecific Competition Gradient on the Interactions Between Trifolium repens and its Pathogenic Rust Fungus Uromyces trifolii-repentis (in English) Identification and Interaction Analysis of Six Agronomic Trait Loci of Rice Based on a Recombinant Inbred Population Estimation of Water and Thermal Product Index and Its Application to the Study of Vegetation-Climate Interaction in China