Species composition and diversity of myxomycetes in Dinghu Mountain Nature Reserve Meta-analysis*of*the Response*of*Plant Ecophysiological Variables to Doubled Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations FRUITING CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ABIES CHENSIENSIS The response on dark respiration of some tropical rain forest and coastal desert plant species to the elevation of CO 2 concentrations Comparative study about the anatomical structure for stem of Carum carvi in different elevations of alpine-cold area Analysis of species diversity of plant communities and its correlation with soil characteristics on northern slope of Laotudingzi Mountain,Liaoning Province Effects of Elevation on Surface Layer Soil Active Organic Carbon Content in Shennongjia Nature Reserve Plant diversity patterns along altitudinal gradients in alpine meadows in the Three River Headwater Region, China Stability of Relationship between Climate and Picea crassifolia Radial Growth in Different Elevations The Seed Rain and Soil Seed Bank of Endangered Amygdalus mongolica Adaptability Analysis of American White Moth in the Mount Tai Architectural plasticity of the stoloniferous herb, Duchesnea indica in response to different elevation Grey correlation and cluster analysis on relationship between Cercidiphyllum japonicum community and its environment Morphological variation in cones and seeds in Abies chensiensis Analysis of the tree-ring width chronology of Qilian Mountains at different elevation Species diversity of grassland communities in the Aletai region of the northern Xinjiang province Determination of DEM Based on Multiple-Echo Data of Airborne LiDAR in Mountainous Wooded Area Using Discriminant Analysis Numerical Classification, Ordination and Species Diversity along Elevation Gradients of the Forest Community in Kunyu Mountain Altitudinal Changes in Structure of Middle-aged Picea crassifolia Forests on the Northern Slope of the Qilian Mountains Litter Accumulation and Its Impact Factor of Three Main Forest Communities in Xinglong Mountain, Gansu Province Landscape Pattern and Its Elevation Response of Coastal Shelterbelt Forest in Yuhuan County, Zhejiang Soil stoichiometry characteristics at different elevation gradients of a mountain in an area with high frequency debris flow: a case study in Xiaojiang Watershed, Yunnan Analysis of interspecific associations among major tree species in three forest communities on the north slope of Changbai Mountain Comparison between content of saponins of Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis in different areas of Yunnan province Effects of area, temperature and geometric constraints on elevational patterns of species richness: a case study in the Mountain Taibai, Qinling Mountains, China Variation of reproductive allocation along elevations in Saussurea stella on East Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Responses of radial growth to climate warming in Picea meyeri trees growing at different elevations on the southern slope of Luya Mountain Variations of soil microbial community diversity along an elevational gradient in mid-subtropical forest Trade-off between the biomass and number of flowers in Stellera chamaejasme along an elevation gradient in a degraded alpine grassland Effects of resource allocation and floral traits on the number and mass of Saussurea undulata seeds from different elevations in eastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Changes in flowering resource allocation of Saussurea dzeurensis with elevations Landscape spatial pattern of typical loess hilly-gully watershed based on ALOS imagery. Leaf-form characteristics of plants in Quercus aquifolioides community along an elevational gradient on the Balang Mountain in Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan,China Biomass Partitioning Affects the Growth of Pinus Species from Different Elevations Impact of climate change on bioclimatic types in a mountain area-a case from Sichuan Province, China Pollen dispersal in a mountainous area based on pollen analysis of four natural trap types from Lugu Lake, southwest China Comparison of population density in two sympatric nuthatch species Variations of soil microbial biomass across four different plant communities along an elevation gradient in Wuyi Mountains,China Plant diversity and its elevational gradient patterns in Mengshan Mountain, Shandong, China Altitudinal Patterns of Plant Diversity of China Mountains Changes in Stomatal Conductance, Transpiration and Water Use Efficiency of Ten Species Experienced in High CO2 Concentrations in Biosphere 2 Effect of Geographical Factors on Genetic Variation of Elymus nutans Indigenous in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Genetic Diversity of Acer ginnala Populations at Different Elevation in Qiliyu Based on ISSR Markers Change of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi community in response to elevational gradients on the Tibetan Plateau, China. Effect of the Qinghai-Tibetan Highway on the β diversity of grassland plant communities in the northern region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Determination of species-area relationships and minimum sampling area for the shrub communities in arid valley in the upper reach of the Minjiang River Studies on the Reproduction of White Wax Scales in Areas of Low Elevation THE RESEARCHE OF EFFECT OF ELEVATION ON THE GROWTH AND BEARING OF TUNGOIL TREE Size structure and spatial pattern of Quercus liaotungensis population along elevation gradient in Dongling Mountain, Beijing Soil CO2 emission distribution along an elevation gradient and the controlling factors in the forest ecosystem Effect of global warming on insect: a literature review nteractive Effect of Split Application of Nitrogen and CO2 Elevation on Photosynthesis,Matter Accumulation and Yield of Winter Wheat Correlation of Seed Mass with Elevation Influence of elevation factor on soil profile texture configuration: a case study of the alluvial plain of Fengqiu County Altitudinal variation of leaf traits of Quercus baronii in Yunqiu Mountain The relationship between aroma and taste of flue-cured tobacco leaves and elevation in Dalou Mountmnous Region of Northern of Guizhou Species diversity and distribution pattern of non-volant small mammals along the elevational gradient on eastern slope of Gongga Mountain The Pattern of Variations of Hippophea gyantsensis(Rousi) Lian along an Elevation Gradient in Lhasa Valley,Tibet,China Ecological regionalization of wheat cultivation in Shanxi Province of China Microbial community diversity in tea root zone soils at different elevations Influence of elevation on growth duration of maize (Zea mays L.) Responses of tissue non-structural carbohydrates and leaf nitrogen contents to altitude in two dwarf bamboos in Wolong STUDY ON THE ADAPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF STOMATAL COMPLEX OF THE ANAPHALIS FLAVESCENS TO THE DIFFERENT ELEVATIONS RELATION OF LAND USE AND COVER CHANGE TO TOPOGRAPHY IN XISHUANGBANNA, SOUTHWEST CHINA Influences of slope aspect on the growth of Sabina przewalskii along an elevation gradient in China’s Qinghai Province Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon-Nitrogen in the Korean Pine Mixed Forests along Elevation Gradient Variation of Soil Microbial Community along Elevation in the Shennongjia Mountain Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Nitrogen Transformation along Subalpine Elevational Gradient of Western Sichuan DEM-based ecological purification system analysis and design. Application of 3S techniques in ecological landscape planning of Harbin suburb Soil microbial diversity under typical vegetation zones along an elevation gradient in Helan Mountains Spatial heterogeneity of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen at small scale in subalpine meadow and Picea meyeri forest in Luya Mountain Tide elevations for four mangrove species along western coast of Guangxi, China Vegetation index feature and spatial-temporal process analysis of
desert grassland in the Fukang area of Xinjiang
Estimation of net primary productivity in arid region based on coupling model. Biodiversity of main coniferous forests at low elevation of Three Gorges Reservoir area Photosynthetic characteristics of full expansion leaves of flue-cured tobacco in different elevations Influence of Grassland Ecosystems Shift on Soil Organic Carbon in the Karst Mountain Area of Guizhou Province Plant Diversity and Its Elevational Gradient Patterns in Wulu Mountain, Shanxi, China Dynamic characteristics of litterfall and nutrient return of four typical forests along the altitudinal gradients in Mt. Shennongjia, China

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