Effect of Antisense RNA of the MLPK Gene on Self-incompatibility in Cabbage Insertion Mutation of Pollen SFB Gene in Self-compatibility of Japanese Apricot Cultivars Native to China Cloning of TPI Gene from Embryogenic Callus and Its Expression Analysis During Somatic Embryogenesis in Longan Karyotype Analysis of Six Banana Cultivars in Relation to A Genomes The Character of MhHSP70 from Malus hupehensis and Its Response to the Stress of Cadmium and Osmosis Influence of Main-branch-girdling on Berry Coloring and Expression of Some Related Genes in‘Fujiminori’Grapevine  A New Salvia splendens Cultivar‘Hongfen Jiaren’
A New Ornamental Cabbage Hybrid‘Beijing Peony Red 2’
A New Spring Radish Hybrid‘Lingcui’ Research Progress of Rhododendron Breeding In vitro Shoot Rooting and Plantlet Transplanting of Tree Peonies Progress in Chromosome Research in Lily Cross-breeding Progress in Molecular Breeding of Lily Research Progress on the Mechanism of Petal Conical Epidermal Cells Formation and Attraction to Pollinating Insects Progress of Study on Sex Differentiation in Melon Research Progress on the Interaction Between Cucurbits and Fusarium oxysporum The Research Progress and Comparative Analysis of Cucurbits Genetic Linkage Maps Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of NRT2 Gene in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage QTL Analysis of Resistance to Bacterial Spot Race T3 in Tomato Screening and Identification of Cucumber–Sour Cucumber Introgression Lines Resistant to the Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita Construction of the Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Library and Analysis of Related Genes of Floral Buds in Prunus persica During Dormancy-releasing Characterization and Phylogenetic Utility of Non-coding Chloroplast Regions trnL-trnF and accD-psaI in Pyrus Effects of Chlorocholine Chloride on Photosynthesis Metabolism and Terpene Trilactones Biosynthesis in The Leaf of Ginkgo biloba Analysis on Karyotype and Its Evolutional Trend of Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla Germplasms Resources Sequence Analysis of Lotus(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn)Seed Defensin Gene and Plant Expression Vector Construction Scanning Electron Microscope Observation on Pollinium Morphology of Five Most Common Cultivated Orchid Genera(Orchidaceae) Histological Structure Observation on the Floral Development of Anemone Type Chrysanthemum Cloning and Expression of an OguCMS-related Anther-preferential Transcription Factor in Brassica oleracea Isolation of Parthenocarpy Related ESTs in Parthenocarpic Eggplant Using Suppression Subtraction Hybridization(SSH) Effects of Calcium on Antioxidant Enzymes Activities of Cucumber Seedlings Under Salt Stress Prokaryotic Expression of Banana Transcription Factor MaWRKY1 Gene and Preparation of Its Polyclonal Antibody Study on Forage-livestock Dynamic Balance in Saibei Precinct of Zhangjiakou City Response of Underground Biomass to Grazing Trampling in Steppe Grassland of Huanxian County,Gansu Province,Northwestern China Primary Productivity Response of Astragalus adsurgens and Medicago Sativa to Interspecific Competition in Weibei Arid Highland on the Loess Plateau of China Effects of Zinc,Iron,and Molybdenum Combined Application on the Yield and Quality of Alfalfa Root Distribution and Soil Water Dynamics of Medicago sativa L. and Stipa breviflora Griseb. Effects of Varying Amounts of Oil Spillage on Grassland Community of Abandoned Cropland in Loess Hilly Region Spatial Variation of Plant Diversity of Leymus chinensis Patch Following Environment Fragmentation in Songnen Plain A Freliminary Study of the Effects of Deferred Spring Grazing on the Pasture Vegetation Analysis of Constrains and Management Strategy for Animal Production in Grassland of Northern China Detecition of Genetic Diversity of Stipa grandis in Inner Mongolia Using RAPD Markers A Preliminary Study on the Population Variation of Stipa krylovii Effects of Fertilizer Applications on the Seed Germination of Elymus sibiricus and Agropyron desertorum Genetic Diversity of Ceratoides Germplasm by RAPD Analysis Genetic Differentiation of Stipa Krylovii in Different Degraded Soil Effect of Ridge & Terraced Cultivation on Rice Yield and Root Trait Prediction for Soybean Grain Yield Using Active Sensor GreenSeeker Effects of Harvesting Date on Yield Loss Percentage of Mechanical Harvesting and Seed Quality in Rapeseed Genetic Analysis and Gene Fine Mapping of Yellow-Green Leaf Mutant ygl80 in Rice Cloning and Expression Analysis of Copper and Zinc Superoxide Dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD) Gene from Brassica campestris L. Mappingof QTLs for OilseedGermination RateunderStresses of Salinity and Drought in Brassica napus L. Based on SNP Genetic Map Signal Transduction Pathway of ZmHSF-Like Gene Responding to Different Abiotic Stresses Chemical constituents of Nelumbinis Plumula Chemical constituents of Isodon flavidus produced in Leishan Chemical constituents from seeds of Caesalpinia sappan A new tricyclic alkaloid from twigs of Cassia fistula and its cytotoxicity Research on chemical constituents from Re-Du-Ning Injection (Ⅲ) Historical story on natural medicinal chemistry: Drugs from ocean Discussion on origin change reason of Sichuan genuine crude drugs Cyathulae Radix Study on in vitro controlled release of danshensu based on PEG modified of mesoporous silica nanoparticles Chemical constituents from leaves of Adinandra nitida Rapid analysis on chemical constituents in roots of Rheum pumilum by UPLC coupled with hybrid quadrupole-orbit trap MS Investigation of three coumarin components in thorns of Gleditsia sinensis and their cytotoxic activity to tumor cells LC-MS guided discovery, structural elucidation of a new curcuminoids, and its cytotoxicity Chemical constituents of Lonicera japonica roots and anti-inflammatory activity Study on flavonoid glycosides from Gentiana veitchiorum A new triterpene saponin from stem of Camellia oleifera Ginkgo biloba leaves history: A model of research and development for Chinese materia medica/phytomedicine Advances in study on resveratrol Review on process analytical technology application in production process of Chinese medicine injection Research progress in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology for natural lignan production Research progress in functional classification of Chinese materia medica on improving organism immune function Isolation and identification of endophytic fungi from Polygonatum sibiricum in Mountain Tai and study on their antimicrobial activity Preliminary study on dynamic change of polysaccharide contents of Ganoderma-Epimedy fungal substance Gene cloning and expression level of chalcone isomerase during florescence and content of flavonoids in Fagopyrum dibotrys Cloning of β-amyrin synthase gene from Panax quinquefolius and its bioinformatics analysis Effects of icariin and icaritin on proliferation of breast cancer T47D cells Mechanism of polypeptide from scorpion venom increasing inhibition of 5-fluorouacil on H22 hepatoma Matrix formulation optimizing of Periplaneta americana Cream by D-optimal mixture design Preparation of puerarin self-microemulsifying osmotic pump controlled-release capsule