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Grain filling
Infection of
Ustilaginoidea virens
intercepts rice seed formation but activates grain-filling-related genes
Effect of nitrogen supply on yield and grain filling in summer maize with different crop density
Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and genotypes on the nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation of winter wheat grain during grain-filling period in a sub-humid farmland eco-system
Optimization of Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Condition for Rice Grain Protein and Comparison of Relevant Proteomic Methods
Effect of Conservation Tillage on drymatter accumulating and Yield of Winter Wheat in Oasis Area
Effect of Temperature at Different Durations after Anthesis on Rice Quality and Variations between Positions on a Panicle
Mechanism and Regulation in the Filling of Inferior Spikelets of Rice
Grain filling dynamics and germination characteristics of
Bupleurum chinense
Effects of Sulphur Application on Characteristics of Grain Filling and Grain Yield of Winter Wheat Cultivar ‘Yumai 50‘
Relationship between grain filling and accumulation and remobilization of water soluble carbohydrates in leaf and stem of winter wheat during the grain filling in different water conditions
Effects of nitrogen fertilization on photosynthetic performance in maize leaf at grain filling stage
Character of physiological and biochemical changes during chalkiness formation in early indica rice varieties
Effects of controlling irrigation on endogenous hormone content and grain filling rate of wheat under rain proof shelter condition
Study on Grain Filling Heterosis Law of CHA Hybrids in Wheat
Effects of Transient High Temperature during Grain Filling Period on Starch Formation in Wheat (
Triticum aestivum
Analysis of the dynamics and characteristics of grain filling in summer maize under waterlogging stress
Effects of sowing date and rate on grain filling characteristics of winter wheat under chilling injury
Effect of irrigation during grain filling stage and applying phosphate on the photosynthetic efficiency and yield of winter wheat in the fluvo-aquic soil area
Concentrations of Cytokinin and Abscisic Acid in the Roots and Grains and Relationship with Grain Filling and Cooking Quality of Rice
Responses of Ethylene and ACC in Rice Grains to Soil Moisture and Their Relation to Grain Filling
Isolation of Differentially Expressed Genes from Wheat Cultivars Jinan 17 and Yumai 34 with Good Bread Quality under Heat Stress during Grain Filling Stage
Characterization and Genetic Analysis of Grain Filling Rate of Ludao and Restorer Line C-Bao in
Oryza sativa
Post-Anthesis Changes in concentrations of Polyamines in Superior and Inferior Apikelets and Their Relation with Grain Filling of Super Rice
Photosynthetic Performance and Material Transport of Post-anthesis Plants (Review)
Effect of N rate on growth and grain filling of wheat in Sichuan Basin
Differential Expression and Function Analysis of Proteins in Flag Leaves of Rice during Grain-Filling Period
Effect of PASP-KT-NAA on Leaf Senescence and Grain Filling Rate during the Grain-Filling Period in Different Temperature Zones
Responses of the Yield and the Grain Filling to Different Post-Anthesis Soil Drought Analyzed with Single Segment Substitution Line (SSSL) in Rice (
Oryza sativa
Effect of Brassinolide on Leaf Photosynthetic Function and Yield in Spring Maize Filling Stage
Free Polyamines in Grains in Response to Soil Drought and Their Relationship with Grain Filling of Wheat
Effect of CHA BAU-9403 on Source-translocation-sink during Grain-filling Stage in Wheat
Studies on grain filling characteristics of
Fritillaria przewalskii
Regulating effect of nitrogen fertilization on grain filling and activities of enzymes involved in starch synthesis of Yumai49-198
Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for Post-Anthesis Dry Matter Accumulation in Wheat
Physiological characteristics of grain filling in high quality winter wheat under different fertilizer application dose and plant density
Effects of Sulphur Application on Characteristics of Grain Filling and Grain Yield of Winter Wheat Cultivar ‘‘‘‘Yumai 50 ‘‘‘‘
Effect of Abscisic Acid Treatment on
Gene Expression in Two Wheat Cultivars during Grain Filling Stage under Drought Stress
Relationship of Leaf Photosynthetic Characteristics and Root Physiological Traits with Grain Yield in Super Rice
Characteristics of Grain Filling in Wheat Growing in Sichuan Basin
Changes in Carbohydrate Accumulation and Activities of Enzymes Involved in Starch Synthesis in Maize Kernels at Different Positions on an Ear during Grain Filling
Effects of Chemical Regulation on Grain Relative Plumpness and Its Relationship with Yield and Grain Quality of Large Panicle
Ear Growth and Grain Filling Characteristics of Different Cultivars in Waxy Maize
Acceleration of Grain Growth and Development Process by FACE during Early Grain Filling Stage of Rice (
Oryza sativa
Effects of Soil Moisture and Nitrogen on Abscisic Acid and Cytokinin Contents in the Aboveground Plant Parts of Rice
Changes of Chlorophyll Content & Grain Filling Characteristics of the Super High-yielding Rice Cultivars with Different Plant and Panicle Types
The Physiological and Biochemical Differences of Grain Quality Formation in Japonica Cultivars with Different Panicle Types
Effects of Controlled Soil Drought on Remobilization of Stem-stored Carbohydrate and Grain Filling of Wheat with Unfavorably-delayed Senescence
Effects of 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene on physiological characteristics during grain filling stage and grain yield of rice of different genotypes
Effect of Nitrogen Application Methods on Crop Yield and Grain Filling Characteristics of Maize in Maize-Soybean Relay Strip Intercropping System
Charactering Light and Temperature Effects on Rice Grain Filling Using Extended Richards Equation
Morphology and Physiology of Roots and Their Relationships with Yield Formation in Super Rice
Effects of Exogenous ABA and 6-BA on Protein Content and Grain Filling Process in Different Types of Stay-Green Wheat
Changes of Arabinoxylan Content in Malting Barley under Different Environments and Cultivation Conditions
Effects of Wheat Straw-Residue Applied to Field and Nitrogen Management on Photosynthate Transportation of Stem and Sheath and Grain-Filling Characteristics in Super Hybrid Rice
Differential Expressions of the Proteins Related to Grain Filling between Superior and Inferior Spikelets of Super Rice after Anthesis
Effects of nitrogen application rate on light-response curves of flag leaves in super-high yielding winter wheat at grain filling stage
Studies on the grain filling properties in super large spike wheat
Changes in Activities of Three Enzymes Associated with Star ch Synthesis in Rice Grains during Grain Filling
Regulation of ABA and GA to the Grain Filling of Rice
Changes in Zeatin and Zeatin Riboside Content in Rice Grains and Roots during Grain Filling and the Relationship to Grain Plumpness
Analysis on Grain Filling Characteristics for Different Rice Types
Changes and Regulations of Sucrose Synthase Activity in Rice Grains during Grain Filling
Effects of Postponing Nitrogen Application on Grain Filling Characteristics and Yield Components of Winter Wheat Suffered Waterlogging after Anthesis
Studies on therelationship between grain sink activity ofJaponica/Indica hybrid rice and its grain filling
Protein expression characteristics and their response to nitrogen application during grain-filling stage of rice (
Oryza Sativa.
Contribution of the ear and the flag leaf to grain filling in durum wheat inferred from the carbon isotope signature: Genotypic and growing conditions effects
Effects of low temperature on formation of spikelets and grain filling of indica inbred rice during panicle initiation in early-season.
Influence of drought on leaf photosynthetic capacity and root growth of soybeans at grain filling stage.
Effects of N and S application on grain filling characteristics and yield of winter wheat.
Comprehensive evaluated on heat tolerance at grain filling stage of different rice varieties
QTL Mapping for Grain Filling Rate and Thousand-Grain Weight in Dif-ferent Ecological Environments in Wheat
Effects of Different Irrigation Regimes on Some Physiology Characteristics and Grain Yield in Paddy Rice during Grain Filling
Relationship between the Efficient Amount of Nitrogen Application for Grain Filling and the SPAD Value at Full Panicle Stage in Mid-Season Hybrid Rice
Comparative Study on Physiological Traits Related with Grain Filling and Photosynthesis of Flag Leaf in Early Aging and Normal Near-Isogenic Lines of Common Wheat
Effects of Water Stress on Some Physiological Characteristics in Rice during Grain Filling Stage
Light Energy Utilization Efficiency of High Oil Corn 115 at Grain Filling Stage
Analysis of Differential Expression of Proteins in Rice Leaf Sheath during Grain Filling
Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on the Amino Acids in Root Exudates and Grains of Rice during Grain Filling
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