Construction of Eukaryotic Expression Vector for Glypican-3 and Its Expression in Cell Prokaryotic Expression, Purification and Activity Analysis of Recombinant Carboxypeptidase G2 A Two-step Series Chromatography for the Purification of Anti-TNF-α Monoclonal Antibody Responses of Garden Greening Plants to Air Pollution in Guangdong Province and the Accumulation of Pollutants in Leaves Effect of Purification on Antioxidative Activity of Lignan Fractions from Schisandra chinensis Purification Ability of Different Grasses to Eutrophic Water During the Cold Season Isolation, purification and bioassay of toxin proteins secreted by different physiological races of tomato leaf mould pathogen, Cladosporium fulvum Studies on flavonoids from Derris eriocarpa Advance of researches on epigallocatechin gallate PoJysaccharjdes from Undaria pinnatifida Isolation and purification of polysaccharides from untia dillenii and their properties Isolation and purification of neohesperidin reference substance from Fructus Aurantii Separation and Purification of Antihypertensive Peptides Derived from Pepper Seed Protein Uitrasonic Assisted Extraction and Purification and Determination of Schizophyllian Polysaccharose PURIFICATION AND PROPERTIES OF SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE IN LEEK PLASMA Study on Purification Process of Total Flavonoids from Euonymus alatus(Thuhb) Sieb. by Macroporous Resins Purification and Identification of Populus ussuriensis Genomic DNA The Characteristics of Accumulation of Sulphur from the Air by the Main Plants and Soils in Beijing and Their Indicative and Purgative Abilities Comparison of the methods for extracting and purifying microbial total DNA from an aeolian sandy soil. DEM-based ecological purification system analysis and design. Ecological restoration effect of closed and half-closed degraded wetlands in Northwest Yunnan Plateau, Southwest China. Isolation,Purification and Transient Expression of Mesophyll Protoplast in Tartary Buckwheat Physiological Responses of Three Ground Cover Plants under Sulfur Dioxide Stress Cd- absorption of Wood Species in Beijing Fangshan District PURIFlCATI0N 0F PLANT PROTOPLASTS Purification of total saponins from Asparagus officinalis by macroporous resin Application of ceramic filter membrane in purification technology of water extract from Shensong Yangxin Capsule Separation and purification of flavonoids from chrysanthemum indicun with macroporous resin Study on separation and purification of total flavones from Smilax china by macroporous absorption resin Study on Purification Effect of Paspalum distichum L. on Swine Wastewater Cutting effects on growth and wastewater purification of Cyperus alternifolius in constructed wetland Application of CITYGREEN model in air purification, carbon fixation and oxygen release by greenbelt system of Shenzhen City Isolation and Purification of ABA Binding Protein from Abaxial Epiderm of Vicia faba Leaf Partial Purification of the Plasma Membrane H+ ATPase from Wheat Roots Purification and Characteristics Analysis of the Antifungal Protein Produced by Paenibacillus sp. Bg1 Preliminary purification and characterization of antifungal substance produced by Bacillus cereus strain, BC98-I Purification of active components SN06 in fermentation of Streptomyces rimosus MY02 Progress in Studies on Toxin of Entomopathogenic Fungi Purification and enzymatic characterization of phospholipase A2 from latex of Hevea brasiliensis PURIFICATION AND SOME PROPERTIES OF COPPER/ZINC SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE IN ACTINIDIA CHINENSIS FRUITS Study on Mass Production of Phycobilins from PC Rich Strain of Spirulina platensis Research on purification technology of total flavonoids in leaves of Ginkgo biloba Research on purification technology of total flavonoids in leaves of Ginkgo biloba Advance in studies on extraction and purification technology for active fractions of Tripterygium wilfordii Production and properties of matallothionein in Cordyceps kyusyuensis under Zn2+ stress Cloning and Characterization of L-aspartate-α-decarboxylase from Corynebacterium glutamicum Rapid and Efficient Recycling DNA Fragments from Non-denaturing Polyacrylamide Gel Eukaryotic Expression,Purification and Activity Testing of Human C-Src Protein Tyrosine Kinase Transferring and cycling of heavy metals in and out of poplar tree before and after its leaf fallen Advances in extraction and purification of soil microorganism Purification and Characterization of Low Molecular Weight RNA of Chloroplasts Purification and Characterization of Total mRNA from Apium graveoleus L.Leaves STUDY OF THE PURIFICATION AND ACCUMULATION OF SILVFR IN WASTE WETER BY AQUATIC PLANTS EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ON ALGAE GROWTH AND SEWAGE PURIFICATION PROKARYOTIC EXPRESSION AND PARTIAL CHARACTERIZATION OF
Separation, Identification and rapid Purification of Iron crab allergen Prokaryotic Expression, Refolding and Antifungal Activity of a Rice Chitinase in vitro ESTABLISHMENT OF HPT-ELISA METHOD AND ITS APPLICATION IN HPT-MONITORING OF TRANSGENIC PLANTS Purification and properties of β-glucosidase from antifungal Streptomyces spp.R15 Ecosystem Service Value’s Prediction of Forest Carbon Fixation,Oxygen Release and Air Purification of Wutong Mountain in Shenzhen AN EFFICENT METHOD FOR THE PURIFICATION OF CHLOROPLAST DNA FROM HIGHER PLANTS PURIFICATION AND PHYSICHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A LECTIN FROM WISTARIA SINENSIS SWEET PURIFICATION AND PROPERTIES OF MANGANESE SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE IN LEEK MITOCHONDRIA An Optimized Isolation and Purification Method for Armillaria mellea Complexes Hydrophobic Constituents of Polygonatum odoratum Rhizome from the Qinling Mountains and Their Antisepsis Activity Chemical constituents from Lagotis brevituba Purification of stevioside ST and RA by macroporous resin Purification and enzymatic characterization of pyridoxamine pyruvate aminotrans ferase from the Tobacco Studies on isolation、purification、structural identifi cation and its antitumor activity of polysaccharides from Momordica grosvenori swingle’s root Indoor potted plants of Marantaceae and Pteridophy-tes for purification of formaldehyde polluted air Biological response of Iris pseudacorus leaf and its effect on water purification A New Method for Purifing Cyt b6f Protein Complex A Higher Plant Myosin in Luffa cylindrica: Electron Microscopic Visualization Purification of 120-Kilodalton Phytochrome from Oryza Sativa L Evaluation of Environmental Quality of Atmosphere by Determination of Element content in Plants and Soils in Tianjin Study of the Renaturation and Purification of LL-37-haFGF Fusion Protein Comparison on Antioxidant Capacity of Polysaccharide Fraction From Sargassum fusiforme in vitro Isolation and Purification of C-phycocyanin from Nostoc flagelliforme Prokaryotic Expression Analysis of A NBS-type PtDRG01 Gene Isolated from Populus tomentosa Cart. Response of Tyrosinase in Cinnamomum camphora to NAA Induction and Its Biochemical Characteristics