Effects of soil drought stress on photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidant enzyme activities in Hippophae rhamnoides Linn. seedings Influence of dehydration and rehydration on photosynthetic chlorophyll characteristics and reactive oxygen species metabolism in Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis Cloning and Functional Characterization of Three Superoxide Dismutases Genes from Halophyte Salicornia europaea and Thellungiella halophila Developmental Anatomy of Dictamnus dasycarpus Roots A New Autumn Early Maturing Chinese Cabbage Cultivar‘Weibai 9’ A New Autumn Early Maturing Chinese Cabbage Cultivar‘Weibai 9’ The Volatile Constituents Analysis of Scindapsus aureum and Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis and Their Inhibition Against Five Fungi The Volatile Constituents Analysis of Scindapsus aureum and Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis and Their Inhibition Against Five Fungi STUDY ON THE BIRD BANDING IN AUTUMN IN LONGQINGGUAN,YUNNAN PROVINCE A STUDY ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL-ECOLOGY OF BRUGUIERA GYMNORHIZA SEEDLINGS AFTER INTRODUCED TO SHENZHEN BAY FROM DIFFERENT AREAS Density and Biomass Dynamics of Hippophae rhamnoides L.subsp.sinensis Population in Mu Us Sandland Lectotypifications of Four Names of Chinese Taxa in Gymnospermae Alkaloids fromthe Flowers of Colchium autumnale Correlation of in vitro release between total flavonoids and different ingredients in sustained-release pellets of Ginkgo biloba extract by f2 fit factor method Chemical constituents from Melilotus officinalis Establishment of small molecular monoclonal antibody technology platform in Chinese materia medica Research on antiviral constituents in Re-Du-Ning Injection (I) Phenolic acids from fruits of Euscaphis fukienensis The Protection of Seed Oil of Hippophae rharmnoides on Ischemic Cerebral Infarction in Rats Studies on chemical constituents in bark of Dictamnus dasycarpus Effect of vitexia-rhamnoside(V-R) on vasomotor factors expression of endothelial cell Effects of combined application of manganese,nitrogen and potassium on amino acid content of winter wheat Dynamic relationship between soil active Mn and pH, Eh in acid soils and its biological response Phylogeny and Classification of the Moss Family Mielichhoferiaceae in China Inferred from Chloroplast DNA Sequences and Morphology Phylogeny and Classification of the Moss Family Mielichhoferiaceae in China Inferred from Chloroplast DNA Sequences and Morphology Determination of flavonoids in buds of Herba Artemisiae Scopariae by HPLC Studies on thermal stabilities of typhaneoside and isorhamnetin-3-O-neohesperidoside A STUDY IN THE GYMNOSPERM FLORA OF DAYAOSHAN MOUNTAIN IN GUANGXI AND IT‘S SIGNIFICANCE IN FORESTRY STUDY ON WEED ECOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS IN AUTUMN-HARVESTED DRY CROP FIELDS IN JINHUA,ZHEJING PROVINCE A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON POPULATION GENETIC STRUCTURE AND BREEDING SYSTEM BETWEEN BUTOMUS UMBELLATUS AND LIMNOCHARIS FLAVA (BUTOMACEAE) STUDIES ON CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF ZANTHOXYLUM ECHINOCARPUM HEMSLEY Niche breadth of Gymnosporangium haraeanum Impact of salinity on accumulation of several metal elements in Bruguiera gymnorrhiza seedlings and Ca effect Effect of Mn application depth on Mn deficiency of two wheat genotypes Effect of environmental condition on Mn deficiency of different wheat varieties Role of nitrogen-fixing trees in mixed forest Ⅰ. Nitrogen fixation and tree growth of mixed stand with Hippophae rhamnoides Relationship between Mn forms and active Mn in soils of north China Infectiveness of Frankia strains from Hippophae rhamnoides Effects of trunk injection of Mn on yield and quality of Ziziphus Jujuba cv. Huizao in Xinjiang Establishment of PCR Assay for Detecting of Lymantria dispar Multiple-embedded Nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV) MorphologicalRecords of Immature Stages and Biology of Pap ilio memnonand P. helenus ( Lepidoptera: Papilion idae) Effects of Inoculation with Plant Growth-promoting Bacteria on Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Seedlings An Elite Variety of Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. mongolica‘Zongqiu‘ A New Hippophae rhamnoides Cultivar ‘Liaofu 1’ Apomarsupella verrucosa (Nichols.)Vana and Its New Synonym Analysis on Volatile Components and Fatty Acids in Hypocotyl of Bruguiera gymnorhiza Chemical constituents in Ecdysanthera rosea Chemical constituents of Limonium sinense Effects of Fe, Mn, and Zn on rhizome yields and disogenin contents of Dioscorea zingiberensis Chemical constituents from leaves of Gymnema sylvestre Chemical constituents in hypoglycemic active fraction in leaves of Myrica rubra Chemical constituents from leaves of Gymnema sylvestre Chemical constituents in hypoglycemic active fraction in leaves of Myrica rubra Determination of palmatine hydrochloride in Gymnospermium altaicum by HPLC Determination of palmatine hydrochloride in Gymnospermium altaicum by HPLC Study on chemical constituents of Potentilla discolor Simultaneous determination of five flavonoids in extract of Lysimachia clethroides by HPLC Determination of rhamnosylvitexin in hawthorn leaves flavonoids phospholipid complex by HPLC Rapid determination of salidroside, tyrosol, and rosavin in Rhodiola rosea extract by HPLC using a fused-core column Chemical constituents from pericarp of longan fruits Analysis of ochratoxin A in Chinese materia medica herbs by immunoaffinity column-HPLC Chemical constituents in herb of Pronephrium triphyllum Determenation of dehydroandrographolide in Chuanxinlian Tablets by solvent flotation-HPLC Chemical constituents from stem of Thladiantha dubia Chemical constituents of ethyl acetate fraction from pine needles of Cedrus deodara Study on method for extracting and separating oridonin in Rabdosia rubescens Development of HPLC fingerprint bar code technique for authentication and quality assessment of Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza Protective effect of garlicin on hepa ticf ibrosis induced by dimethyln itrosa mine inrats Determination of amino acids in Alisma orientale by pre-column derivatization of RP-HPLC Effects of Delaying and Shortening the New Low Oxygen CA CombinationTreatment Time on the Storage of Apples Studies on the ISSR Marker Analyses of the Columnar Gene in Apple Efects of in Vitro M icroenvironment on Physiological Characteristics during ExVitro Acclimatization of Strawberry Plantlets Accumulation and Distribution of Manganese in Shoots of Apple Cultivars withDifferent Sensitivity to Manganese Efects of in Vitro M icroenvironment on Physiological Characteristics during ExVitro Acclimatization of Strawberry Plantlets Effects of 1-MCP on Physiological Changes of ‘Jonagold’Apples at Ambient Temperature after Harvest Relationship between the Morphological Charateristics of Leaf Surface andDrought Resistance of Sea Buckthorn Relationship between the Morphological Charateristics of Leaf Surface andDrought Resistance of Sea Buckthorn Differential Expression Analysis of cDNA Between Columnar and Non-columnar Apples Using cDNA-AFLP Separation and purification of bergapten from Notopterygii Rhizoma et Radix by silica gel column and high-speed counter-current chromatography Chemical constituents of Lobelia chinensis