Comparison of the physiological characteristics of paper mulberry(Broussonetia papyrifera)and mulberry(Morus alba)under simulated drought stress Effects of osmotic stress on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of wheat seedling EFFECT OF EXOGENOUS MELATONIN ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND CHLOROPHYLL
THE DIURNAL VARIATION OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF A XANTHA MUTANT IN RICE(Oryza sativa L.) Changes of Photosystem Ⅱ and Respiratory Enzyme Activity in Transgenic Tobacco Enriched BADH Gene Effects of Strong Light and Active Oxygen on Photosynthesis in Soybean Effects of nitrogen supply on photosynthesis in larch seedlings Response of grapes to low light intensity and high humidity Responses of Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Simulated SO2 Pollution in Eight Liana Species in South China Responses of Vegetative Growth and Photosynthesis to Temperature in the Invasive Species Alternanthera philoxeroides and Its Indigenous Congener A. sessilis STUDIES ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS IN RICE HYBRID PROGENIES AND THEIR PARENTS I. CHLOROPHYLL CONTENT, CHLOROPHYLL-PROTEIN COMPLEX AND CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE KINETICS THE APPLICATION OF CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE TECHNIQUE IN THE STUDY OF RESPONSES OF PLANTS TO ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSES Effects of Uranium on Photosynthesis of Spinach Leaves Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Celtis sinensis and Ulmus pumila L. Seedling under Salt Stress Effect of 5 Aminolevulinic Acid on Low Light Tolerance of Apple Leaves Effects of Shading on Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Oil Peony Influence of Nitric Oxide on Growth and Photosynthesis of Brassica pekinensis Seedlings under Low Light Intensity Photosynthetic and Physiological Characteristics of Camellia petelotii Seedlings under Drought Stress Effects of Seed-coating Agents on Physiological,Biochemical and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Leaves of Rice Seedlings Dynamic Response of Photosynthetic System to Light Intensity Step Change on Tomato Leaf Dynamic Response of Photosynthetic System to Light Intensity Step Change on Tomato Leaf Effects of Heat Shock Stress on the Photosystem Activity of Tomato Fruit Surface Effects of Heat Shock Stress on the Photosystem Activity of Tomato Fruit Surface Studies on the Photosynthetic Improvement in the Leaves of Field Tree Peony through Shading Treatment in Summer Comparison of Growth and Photosynthesis in Response to Salt Stress in Populus Hybridization Clones and Their Parent Species Effects of Supplemental Lighting on Growth and Photosynthesis of Tobacco Leaves Physiological,Biochemical and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characters of Light Green Stripe Mutant in Oncidium Photosynthetic Apparatus in Leaves of Glycyrrhiza uralensis under Low Level UV-B Radiation Effect of nitrogenous fertilizer levels on photosynthetic functions of maize ear leaves at grain filling stage Comparison of root development and fluorescent physiological characteristicsof sweet potato exposure to drought stress in different growth stages Effects of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and energy dissipation of Sarcandra glabra under drought stress Main factors and mechanism leading to the decrease of photosynthetic efficiency of oilseed rape exposure to potassium deficiency Effects of nitrogen application rate on growth and nutrient accumulation of Santalum album L. seedlings Differences of leaf gas exchange traits, chlorophyll fluorescencecharacteristics and chloroplast ultrastructure of Nicotianatabacum L.K326 under organic fertilization and chemical fertilization Effects of soil progressive drought during the flowering and boll-forming stage on gas exchange parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of the subtending leaf to cotton boll. Effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid on photosynthetic characteristics of tomato seedlings under NaCl stress. Effects of shade and competition of Chenopodium album on photosynthesis, fluorescence and growth characteristics of Flaveria bidentis. Effects of simulating acid rain on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Quercus glauca. Effects of shade on photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence of Ardisia violacea. Effects of photoperiod on photosynthesis and PSⅡ performance in peach during dormancy induction. Photosynthetic activity of Gloiopeltis furcata (intertidal red macroalga) in response to desiccation. A preliminary study on the reasonability of using the primary change rate of non-photochemical quenching as an indicator of photoprotective capacity of phytoplankton Effects of soil moisture content on morphological and photosynthetic characteristics of Leymus chinensis and Medicago sativa Influence of dust stress on the photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Pistacia vera L. Regulatory effects of salicylic acid on protease Deg5 and PSⅡfunction of wheat chloroplasts under heat and high light stress Effect of flooding stress on growth and photosynthesis characteristics of Salix integra Response of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Pterocarya stenoptera seedlings to submergence and drought alternation ANALYSIS ON CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE OF HUSK LEAVES OF TWO GENOTYPE MAIZE REGULATION OF NITROGEN LEVEL ON CHARACTERS OF GAS EXCHANGE AND ENERGY CONVERSION IN WHEAT SEEDLING LEAF EFFECT OF NITROGEN FERTILIZATION ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENT AND FLUORESCENCE CHARACTERISTICS IN LEAVES OF WINTER WHEAT CULTIVARS ON DRYLAND Effects of Shading on Fast Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Dynamics of ‘Baojiahong’ Peach Leaves Effects of Salt Stress on the Growth and Leaf Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Acer palmatum Seedlings Impacts of NaCl Stress on the Growth and Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics of Highbush Blueberry Seedling Effects of Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Apparatus in Sinosenecio jishouensis Comparison on Characteristics of the Fast Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Kinetics between Pinus Species and Populus Species Responses of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Four Garden Tree Species to Desiccation Stress and Analysis of Their Drought Tolerance THE INFLUENCE OF CHILLING TEMPERATURE ON THE CHANGES IN CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE IN VIVO IN RICE FLAG LEAVES Effects of High Temperature on Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Active Oxygen Resistance Activity, and Grain Quality in Grain-Filling Periods in Rice Plants Influence of Drought Stress on Plant Growth and Photosynthetic Traits in Maize Seedings High Light Tolerance is Enhanced by Overexpressed PEPC in Rice under Drought Stress Effects of cadmium stress on growth and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Salix aureo pendula seedlings Effects of nitrogen fixing bacteria on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in sugarcane at elongating stage Characteristics of CO2 Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Transgenic Rice with C4 Genes Changes of photosynthesis parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence around sprout tumble of Pinellia ternata under high temperature stress Characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence and comparison of drought resistance among different species of karst plants Effects of aluminum stress on growth and characters of photosynthesis and transpiration in polygonaceae plants Effect of Temperature on Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Ulva fasciata Enhancement of Photophosphorylation and Photosynthesis in Rice by Low Concentrations of NaHSO3 Under Field Conditions Role of Simulated Acid Rain on Acer negundo and Plant Nitrition Effect of Tourism and Industrialization on the Atmospheric Quality of Subtropical Forests and on Chlorophyll Flourescence of Two Species of Woody Plants Comparative Study of the Photooxidative Response in Leaf Discs from Plants with Different Photosynthetic Pathways Changes of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics in water spinach after applying quinhydrone in soil Dissipation mechanism of excessive energy in umbilical orange under phosphorus deficiency and strong light stress Changes of light energy distribution in reaction centers of Citrus unshiu leaf photosystem under different light intensities Effects of exogenous nitric oxide at different concentrations on the growth and physiology of winter wheat seedlings Effect of atmospheric NH3 and hydroponic solution nitrogen levels on chlorophyⅡ fluorescence of corn genotypes with different nitrogen efficiencies Effects of sulfur nutrition on photosythesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of
tobacco leaves
Leaf morphology and photosynthetic characteristics of seedlings of a deciduous and an evergreen broad-leaved species under different light regimes in subtropical Effect of shading on photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in leaves of Fritillaria cirrhosa