The influence of medicated serum with root of Crataegus cuneata on human sperm motility parameters in vitro Determination of 20(S)-ginsengnoside Rh2 in the alkali-hydrolysis product of saponins from leaves of Panax qinquefolium by RP-HPLC Comparative analysis of ginsenosides from red ginseng Effect of andrographolide on QS regulating virulence factors production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Determination of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rg1 in Rupixiao tablets by HPLC Protective effects of Denghuang injection on cerebral infarction in animal Quantitative analysis of the nucleosides in Cordyceps sinensiswith capillary zone electrophoresis The correlation between 2D-IR and HPLC in dried Rehmannia glutinosa processed by Different Processing Techniques Studies on the chemical constituents in seeds of Atriplex centralasiatica Effect of Ca2+ on growth in protocorm-like bodies of Pinellia ternata and accumulation of secondary metabolites during suspension culture Chemical constituents in Ecdysanthera rosea Chemical constituents of Limonium sinense Effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza extracts on formation of morphine physical dependence in mice and its possible mechanism Discussion on inducing tumor dormancy by Chinese materia medica as a proventive and therapeutic strategy Technology optimization for extracting total favonoids from Gynostemma pentaphyllum by cellulase Chemical constituents in hypoglycemic active fraction in leaves of Myrica rubra Chemical constituents in hypoglycemic active fraction in leaves of Myrica rubra Chemical constituents from fruits of Dimocarpus longan Chemical constituents from Osbeckia chinensis Chemical constituents from fruits of Dimocarpus longan Determination of anthraquinones and bianthrones in rhubarb from different sources by HPLC Determination of palmatine hydrochloride in Gymnospermium altaicum by HPLC Determination of palmatine hydrochloride in Gymnospermium altaicum by HPLC Study on chemical constituents of Potentilla discolor Simultaneous determination of five flavonoids in extract of Lysimachia clethroides by HPLC Preparation of Panax notoginseng saponins ion-sensitive in situ nasal gel Determination of catalpol and aucubin in fresh Rehmannia glutinosa by HPLC Determination of rhamnosylvitexin in hawthorn leaves flavonoids phospholipid complex by HPLC Optimized compatibility of sedative-hypnotic components in Ziziphi Spinosae Semen by uniform design Chemical constituents from pericarp of longan fruits Pregnane glycosides from stems of Marsdenia tenacissima Chemical constituents from Phyllanthus reticulates var. glaber Chemical constituents from branches of Daphne genkwa Chemical constituents in roots and rhizomes of Trillium tschonoskii Chemical constituents in herb of Pronephrium triphyllum Responses of soil microbial biomass, community structure and soil enzyme to below-ground carbon changein the warm-temperate forest ecosystem Chemical constituents from stem of Thladiantha dubia Chemical constituents of ethyl acetate fraction from pine needles of Cedrus deodara Triterpenoids from barks of Ilex rotunda (I) Analysis of monosaccharide compositions of ESP-B1 from Ephedrae Herba by HPLC pre-column derivatization Studies on the Steroid Alkaloids from Stems and Leaves of Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim. Effects of Semen Ziziphis Spinosae Oil and Ziziphis Spinosae Extract on Decrease of Serum Lipoprotein and Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation Studies on the Saponins in the Fruit Pedicels of Panax notoginseng(Burk. )F. H. Chen(continue) Studies on Cultivation Techniques for Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch. in Summer Studies on the Antitumor Effect of Clerodendrum bungei Steud or C.foetidum Bge. Effects of Seeds,Leaves and Fruits of Ziziphus Spinosa and Jujuboside A on Central Nervous System Function Studies on Chemical Constituents from Solvent Extracts of Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf Studies on the Sapogenins and Prosapogenins in Ardisia pusilla A. DC Analysis of Meiotic Behavior of Haploid Chinese Cabbage and Selection of a Chromosome Monosomic Plant Gynostemma New Cultivar‘En Wuye Mi’ Cloning of Pokeweed Antiviral Protein Gene from Phytolacca acinosa and its Transfer to Pepper(Capsicum annuum L) Purification and Identification of a Pathogenesis-related Protein in Intercellular Fluids of Cucumber Leaves Induced by BTH A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE PARASITIC WASPS OF DRYOCOSMUM KURlPHILUS Y. STUDY ON UTILIZATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF FOREST-GRASS SYSTEM FOR GRAZING IN LIAONING EASTERN MOUNTAINS Physiological Diagnosis Indices of Ancient Pines, Pinus tabulaeformis Effect of Spinosad to Detoxifying Enzymes Activity in Lymantria dispar Larva Chemical constituents in root of Actinidia chinensis Chemical constituents from roots of Lindera aggregata Application and development trend of nanosuspension technology in Chinese materia medica preparation Identification of DNA barcoding in plants of Rehmannia Libosch. ex Fisch. et Mey. and origin of cultivated Rehmannia glutinosa A new triterpene saponin from roots of Dolichos falcata Spectrum-effect relationship of active fraction from Hedysari Radix on improving immunity Comparative study on contents and pharmacokinetics of raw and steamed Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma and its anti-platelet aggregation activity Preparation and dissolution determination of herpetrione nanosuspensions capsule Chemical constituents of Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus Chemical constituents from leaves of Ilex cornuta International research trends of pharmacognosy on molecular level——based on analysis of SCI literature Progress on molecular biology of Isaria farinosa, pathogen of host of Ophiocordyceps sinensis during the artificial culture Inhibitory effect of ilexpernoside C from Ilex pernyi on aggregated LDL-induced foam cells formation Ginsenoside Rh2-induced inhibition of histone deacetylase 6 promotes K562 cells autophagy and apoptosis in vivo Effects of Tongluo Xingnao effervescent tablets on blood rheology, iNOS, VEGF and LDH-5 in MID rats Triterpenoids from roots of Rosa laevigata Clinical analysis of two diagnosis methods for herb-induced liver injury Protective effects of notoginsenoside R1 against amyloid-β(1-42) induced mitochondrial apopototic death in SH-SY5Y cells The Vasodilative Effect of Cultured Cordyceps sinensis (Berk)Sacc. Mycelia in Anesthetized Dogs Effects of the Seeds of Ziziphus spinosa Hu on the lmmune Function of Mice Rapid Propagation of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino via Tissue Culture Pharmacognostical Studies on the Peel of Citrus reticulata Blanco cv. zhangshuensis and Citrus reticulata Blanco var. kinokuni (Tanaka) H. H. Hu Produced in Jiangxi Effects of Ziziphus spinosa Hu on Serum Lipoprotein and Experimental Atherosclerosis Recent Advances in the Study of Chemical Constituents of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey.