Development of Diagnostic Microscopic and Chemical Markers of Some Euphorbia Latexes REVISION ON EUPHORBIA LINN. (S.L.) FROM CHINA TAXONOMIC REVISION ON EUPHORBIAN SPECIES FROM SW CHINA Chemical constituents from Phyllanthus reticulates var. glaber Determination of Esculetin in Semen Euphorbiae lathyridis L. by TLCS and Comparison on the Quality in Different Areas Ingenane diterpene ester constituents from Tibetan medicine Euphorbia wallichii Continued from Guihaia 26:1-4.2006.Noteworthy taxa from Southern China Chemical constituents of aerial part of Acalypha australis Study on detoxication of Euphorbia Pekinensis Radix processed with vinegar on rat small intestinal crypt epithelial cells IEC-6 Modern Pollen Morphology of Euphorbiaceae Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Actin Gene from Energy Plant Euphorbia lathyris Efects of Start Fertilizers on Growth of Poinsettia Studies on Leaf Epidermis Micromorphology of Euphorbia from Anhui Province Chemical constituents from Euphorbia stracheyi Study on antitumor constituents of Euphorbia lunulata Study on antitumor constituents of Euphorbia lunulata Correlation between inhibition activity of endophytic fungus from Euphorbia pekinensis and its host Megasporogenesis and Development of Megagametophyte of Flueggea suffruticosa(Pall.) Baill. Microsporogenesis and Development of Male Gametophyte in Flueggea suffruticosa(Pall.) Baill. Microsporogenesis and Development of Male Gametophyte of Euphorbia fischeriana Cloning and Analysis of hmgr Gene conserved fragments in Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr Vegetation Indices of Euphorbia jolkinii As An Indicator Plant of Grassland Degradation Chemical constituents from Euphorbia lunulata Chemical constituents of Euphorbia dracunculoides Studies on chemical constituents from leaves of Sapium sebiferum The Comparative Study on the Relationship between the Activity of IAA Oxidase and the Rooting of Cuttings of Eucalyptus and Other Species A NEW POLYSUBSTITUTED DITERPENESTER AND ERGOSTANOL TYPE NEW TRITERPENOID FROM EUPHORBIA PROLIFERA Pollen Morphology of Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae) Studies on Three Fossil Woods of Euphorbiaceae Excavated from Wuhan Area Comparison of the Distribution of Laticifers in Diploid and Tetraploid of Euphorbia tirucalli L Non-terpenoid Constituents from the Seeds of Euphorbia lathyris A Revision of Chinese Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae) Karyotypes of eight species of Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae) from China Identification of medicinal plants used as Tibetan Traditional medicine Chuan-bu based on nrDNA markers Taxonomic Studies on Original Plants of Radix Euphorbiae Ebracteolatae Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Euphorbia nematocypha Hand.-Mazz. Identification of plants in Euphorbiaceae in Hainan by ITS2 barcoding sequence Effects of Night Temperature on Flowering and Physiological Index of Poinsettia Under Short-day Chemical constituents of Euphorbia sikkimensis Study of effect of Humifuse Euphorbia Herb on alleviating insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic model KK-Ay mice Analysis on Morphology and Structure of the Leaf and Stem of 10 Euphorbia Species in Shaanxi Province One Newly Recorded Naturalized Plant of China Mainland from Fujian Province Studies on Chemical Constituents from Euphorbia fischeriana Steud. Comparative Studies on the Faity Acids Contained in four Species of Medicinal Plants from Family Euphorbiaceae and Their Endophytic Fungi Studies on Chemical Constituents of Euphorbia ebracteolata Ilayata Chemical constituents from the root of Croton lachynocarpus Triterpene biosynthesis in Euphorbia pekinensis induced by methyl jasmonate Karyotypes of Six Populations of Four Species in the Genus Mallotus(Euphorbiaceae)from China The Antioxidant Property of Anthocyanidin in Euphorbia pulcherrima Acarocidal Actions of Euphorbia fischeriana against Tetranychus cinnabarinus Contacted Activities of Extracts from Different Parts of Euphorbia fischeriana against Tetranychus cinnabarinus NEW MATERIALS FOR CHINESE EUPHORBIA Chemical constituents in whole herb of Euphorbia lunulata Study on in vivo antiviral activity of four diterpenoids from ethanol extracts of Euphorbia kansui Diterpenoids from Euphorbia wallichii Studies on chemical constituents of Sapium chihsinianum Chemical constituents from roots of Euphorbia yinshanica Determination of extraction process and antioxidant activity of the total flavonoids from Euphorbia hirta Floral organogenesis of three species of Jatropha (Euphorbiaceae) Coumarins from Excoecaria acerifolia Chemical constituents from aerial part of fresh Euphorbia fischeriana Research progress on biology, chemical constituents in Euphorbia kansui, and their pharmacological effects Studies on the chemical constituents from the aerial parts of Breynia fruticosa ITS sequence analysis on medicinal plants of Euphorbia L. in Anhui and Jiangsu Provinces Advances in studies on chemical constituents in Euphorbia helioscopia and their biological activities Chemical constituents in cane of Mallotus milliettii Chemical constituents in roots of Euphorbia pekinensis Ontogeny of the Ovule and Fleshy Seed Appendage in Homalanthus populifolius (Euphorbiaceae) Studies on constituents from roots of Euphorbia hylonoma Phenolic Constituents from the Leaves of Cephalomappa sinensis Numerical Analysis of the Euphorbiaceae Cloning and Analysis of a cDNA Encoding Key Enzyme Gene(hmgr)of the MVA Pathway in Medicinal Plant Euphorbia pekinensis Chemical constituents from Euphorbia tirucalli Studies on Chemical constituents in seeds of Euphorbia lathyris Studies on chemical constituents of fruits of Bridelia tomentosa Studies on the Chemical Constituents of? Yuexiandaji (Euphorbia ebracteolata) Antifungi of Euphorbia humifusa extract and its effect on ultrastructure of dermatophytes Isolation and Identification of Antitumor Constituents of Diterpenoids Lectone in Exphorbia fischeriana Steud. Studies on the Polyphenols from Leaves of Euphorbia hirta L Studies on Active Constituents of Root of Euphorbia ebracteolata Hayata Euphorbiaceae

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