Effect of Huanglian Jiedu decoction in combination with fluconazole on ergosterol of fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans Inhibitory effects of butyl alcohol extract of Baitouweng decoction on yeast-to-hyphae transition of Candida albicans isolates from VVC in alkaline pH environment Molecular action mechanism of desoxyrhaponticin and serum albumin characterized by spectroscopy combined with molecular modelling Study on inhibitory effect of different extract fractions from Longdan Xiegan decoction on biofilms of Candida albicans Raman spectroscopic analysis of Paeoniae Radix Alba decoction based on raman technology Studies on Alkaloids Albertisia laurefolia SEED GERMINATION CHARACTERISTICS OF BETULA ALBO-SINENSIS AT MOUNTAIN TAIBAI, CHINA BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES AND ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY OF ARABLE SOILS AFFECTED BY LONG-TERM DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION SYSTEMS Soil heterotrophic respiration and its temperature sensitivity in different-aged orange plantations in Three Gorges Reservoir area of China Effect of controlled release fertilizer on nitrous oxide emission from paddy field under plastic film mulching cultivation. Physiological responses to salt stress of plants derived from heteromorphic seeds of Chenopodium album Differential analysis of soil bacteria diversity in different mixed forests of Dalbergia odorifera Effect of branch number on the growth and development of Morus alba saplings The water-holding capacity of litter layers in the forests of Larix principis-rupprechtii and Betula albo-sinensis in Liupan Mountain and their rainfall interception process Surface energy exchanges in grassland ecosystems along a precipitation gradient Two New Forms of Rehmannia chingii Li from Zhejiang Preparation and Optimization of Mesophyll Protoplasts of Populus alba×P.berolinensis Yinzhong A New Hybrid Cultivar of Amorphophallus‘E-moyu 1’ Developing Rice Lines Resistant to Bacterial Blight and Blast with Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection Effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on soil microbial biomass under rice-wheat rotation Soil biochemical characters of Pinus koraiensis and Pinus sylvestriformis plantations under different elevated CO2 concentration A New Grifolin Derivative from the Mushroom Albatrellus yasuda (Polyporaceae) Spectroscopic study on interaction of quercitrin with human serum albumin Spectroscopic study on interaction of quercitrin with human serum albumin Chemical constituents of Guizhi Fuling Capsula (II) Thinking and primary practice on discovery of pharmacodynamic material basis of Chinese materia medica assisted by virtual screening method Interaction between curcumin and bovine serum albumin by fluorescence Rapid determination of moisture content in drying process of Paeoniae Radix Alba by NIRS Processing of Medicinal Peony Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Isodon albopilosus (C. Y. Wu et H. W. Li) Hara Antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic effects of Brassica alba extracts Identification of root bark of Morusalba and its confusable species by IR-fingerprint MEASUREMENT OF GENOME CHANGES OF GREENABLE ALBINO MUTATION LINE c.v. W25 Studies on Sampling Schemes of Core Collection of Canarium album L. in Eastern Guangdong, China Chemical Constituents of Essential Oils from Michelia alba Dc. at Perianth Development Stages by GC-MS Expression of Synthetic Porcine Alpha-Lactalbumin in Transgenic Arabidopsis Toxic Effects of Anthracene on Three Species of Marine Microalgae POPULATION STRUCTURE AND SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF BETULA ALBO-SINENSIS AT TAIBAI MOUNTAIN, NORTHWESTERN CHINA Effect of lactic acid bacteria and fermentation substrates on the quality of Mulberry (Morus alba) leaf silage A Study on Climatic Adaptability of Dalbergia sissoo DISCRIMINATION OF SINOBAMBUSA NEPHROAURITA FROM INDOSASA ALBO-HISPIULA BY WOOD ANATOMICAL COMPARISON A NEW VARIETY OF ROSA ACICULARIS LINDL NEW TAXA OF MAZUS AND ROSA FROM YUNNAN PROVINCE Additions to the Orchidaceae of China The Extraction Process of Biochanin A from Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen Leaves Effects of pH Value and Potential Coupling on the Preparation of Vinorelbine Tartrate Loaded Bovine Serum Albumin Nanoparticles Expression Analysis and Stress Response Detection of the Phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase gene (CaP5P) in Chenopodium album Distinction of Verticillium dahliae and V. albo-atrum from other allied species THE ORDINATION OF BETULA ALBO SINENSIS FOREST IN THE TAIBAI MOUNTAIN Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth, Heartwood Formation and Oil Composition of Young Santalum album Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Chalcone Isomerase Gene from Mulberry (Morus alba) Role of D1 Protein Turnover and Xanthophylls Cycle in Protecting of Photosystem Ⅱ Functions in Leaves of Morus alba under NaCl Stress Evaluation of Growth and Heartwood Formation of Young Sandal Plantations in Guangdong Province, South China Physiological and Biochemical Response of Albizzia kalkora Seeds to Ultra-dry Storage Evaluation of Selective Efficiency of Molecular Markers Linked with a Novel Gene Xa39 Resistant to Bacterial Blight in Rice Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of a Marginal Albino Leaf Mutant mal in Rice Map-Based Cloning of a Green-Revertible Albino and High-Tillering Dwarf Gene hw-1(t) in Rice Analysis of Genetic Diversity between Island and Mainland Natural Populations of Chenopodium album L. in Dalian Area by ISSR Fingerprint study of Wuji Pill by UPLC-MS/MS Behaviour on effect of herb pair of Bupleuri Radix and Paeoniae Alba Radix in chronic unpredictable mild stress depression model of rats Comparation on effects of Moutan Cortex, Paeoniae Rubra Radix, and Paeoniae Alba Radix on acute blood stasis model rats Analysis of lignan components in Schizandrae Fructus residue extracts and their protective effects on acute-hepatic damnification rat Inhibitory effects of curcumin on hyphal development and biofilm formation of five kinds of non-Candida albicans Simultaneous quantitative determination of six active compounds from Paeoniae Rubra Radix and Paeoniae Alba Radix by HPLC Studies on pharmacodynamic characteristics of aristolochic acid I in rats Chemical Constituents from the Leaves of Dalbergia hainanensis Consume of soil seeds of Betula albo-sinensis and Abies faxoniana in different natural successional stages of subalpine dark coniferous forest in western Sichuan, China Ingestion of selected HAB-forming dinoflagellates Geranium pratense f.albiflora, a new form of Geraniaceae from Ningxia of China Study on regeneration system from callus of Rehmannia chingii falbiflora Cloning and sequence analysis of full length of mulberry (Morus alba) actin gene Cloning and bioinformatic analysis of SAMS gene in a mangrove tree Sonneratia alba Preliminary Studies of Betula albo-sinensis Forest in Taibai Mountain The Contingency Table Applied to Exploring Larix potaninii Distribution Study on the soluble salt ions contents of Populus alba L.var.pyramidalis growing in salinity soils Antifungal Activity of Litsea cubeba Oil Against Candida albicans Efficient Expression and Biological Activity Detection of Fusion Protein of Onconase with Human Serum Albumin in Pichia pastoris Identification of Bacillus sp. LAY and Its Antimicrobial Activity Against Candida albicans Isolation,Screening and Identification of Bacteria Antagonistic to Colletotrichum fructicola Bending Spore of Corn Leaf Spot Fungus REMI Albino Mutant Screening and Determination of Pathogenic Transformation

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