CHANGES IN BELOWGROUND CARBON ALLOCATION IN A CHINESE FIR CHRONOSEQUENCE IN FUJIAN PROVINCE, CHINA Changes of milk yields and their nutrient composition in confined 0-30 days postpartum sheep Preliminary Research on Mixed Stands of Liriodendron chinense etc. with Cunninghamia lanceolata FINE AND FAST-GROWING FUELWOOD SPECIES SELECTION IN THE CENTRAL-NORTH HAINAN PROVINCE Effects of tree species diversity on fine-root biomass and morphological characteristics in subtropical Castanopsis carlesii forests. Fine root biomass and carbon storage in surface soil of Cinnamomum camphora plantation in Rainy Area of West China. Fine root biomass of four main vegetation types in Daluo Mountain of Ningxia, Northwest China. Effects of broadleaf plantation and Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantation on soil carbon and nitrogen pools. Spatial heterogeneity of fine roots in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest and their sampling strategy based on soil coring method Effects of cutting disturbance on spatial heterogeneity of fine root biomass of Larix principis-rupprechtii Analysis on Antioxidant Activities in vitro of Refined Powder of Phyllanthus emblica L. Effects of Selective Cutting on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Fine Root Biomass in Mixed Broadleaved Korean Pine Forest Effect of the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Dynamic Characteristics of Fine Root Growth and Biomass of Alfalfa Researches on Model for Fine Root Vertical Distribution of Robinia pseudoacacia Plantation Space-Time Dynamics of Fine Root Biomass of Six Forests in Maoershan Forest Region Study on Relations of Growth and Vertical Distribution of Fine Root System of Main Planting Tree Species to Soil Density in the Weibei Loess Plateau Comparision on Fine Root Production,Distribution and Turnover Between Plantations of Fokienia Hodginsii and Cunninghamia Lanceolata STUDY ON SELECTION OF EUCALYPTUS FINE CLONE FOR FIBER TIMBER IN SOUTHERN HILLY LAND OF FUJIAN TURNOVER PROCESS AND ENERGY CHANGE OF FINE ROOTS OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS AND QUERCUS ALIENA VAR.ACUTESERRATA NATURAL FORESTS IN QINLING MOUNTAINS New Viewpoints on the Species of Xinyi and Mulan Chromosome Observation of Six Moss Species from Northeast China Seasonal change patterns in the production and mortality of fine roots in cotton and alfalfa Effect of nitrogen fertilizer source on mineral element content of forage and in
the blood of grazing Guizhou semi-fine sheep
Influence of superfine grinding on physicochemical properties of Drynariae Rhizoma Determination of schisandrol A in Shenqi Wuweizi Dispersing Tablets by HPLC Preparation and physicochemical properties of three kinds of superfine powder of Chinese materia medica SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF FINE ROOT BIOMASS, ROOT LENGTH DENSITY, SPECIFIC ROOT LENGTH AND SOIL RESOURCE AVAILABILITY IN A LARIX GMELINI PLANTATION A REVIEW: FACTORS INFLUENCING FINE ROOT LONGEVITY IN FOREST ECOSYSTEMS Distribution Dynamics of Artemisia halodendron Absorbent Roots in Different Kinds of Sandy Land Spatial Autocorrelation of Genetic Structure in a Population of Cyclobalanopsis glauca in Huangshan, Anhui Seasonal dynamics of carbon and nitrogen in fine roots and their differences between successive rotation poplar plantations. Fine root production in initial stage of Castanopsis carlesii under different regeneration modes in Sanming, Fujian Province, China. Response of fine root decomposition to simulated nitrogen deposition in Pleioblastus amarus plantation, Rainy Area of West China. Diameter frequency distribution for 0-5mm roots in six mid-subtropical forests subject to different regeneration approaches Identification and fine mapping of quantitative trait loci for the number of vascular bundle in maize stem Biomass of Fine Root and Its Relationship with Water-Stable Aggregate in Compound Lands of Triploid Populus tomentosa on Lands Converted from Agricultural Lands Fine Mapping of Quantitative Traits Loci for Seed Shape Traits in Soybean Effect of particle design on micromeritic property of dental ulcer powder Effects of fertilization on nutrient concentrations of different root orders‘ fine roots in Cinnamomum camphora seedings Characterization and Fine Mapping of the ibf Mutant in Rice Direct Determination of Arsenic Species in Arsenic Hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata by EXAFS Fine-root character and its action mechanism of forest at its initial reestablished stage on degraded red soil Biomass and net primary productivity of secondary evergreen broadleaved forest in Huangmian Forest Farm,Guangxi Response of fine roots to soil nutrient spatial heterogeneity Nitrogen cycling and its dynamic feature in fine roots of poplar trees and herbs Dynamics of nutrient and energy for fine roots of Casuarina equisetifolia plantations on coastal sandy soil STUDY ON FINE VARIETIES AND SEX RATIO OF THE POPULATION OF THE WHITE WAX INSECT (ERICERUS PELA CHAVANNES) Fine Mapping of qBlsr5a, a QTL Controlling Resistance to Bacterial Leaf Streak in Rice Distribution patterns and carbon and nitrogen contents of Castanopsis platyacantha fine roots, the constructive species of evergreen broad-leaved secondary forest in Wawushan Mountain of Sichuan Province Provenance Analysis of Mongolian Oak at Seedling Stage Ultrafine Comminution Assistant Extraction Craft of Oat Polysaccharide from Naked Oat Bran Temporal dynamics and influencing factors of fine roots in five Chinese temperate forest ecosystems The Plant Fine Roots Image Monitor Analysis System Based on Linear CCD Impact Factors on Fine Roots Seasonal Dynamics in Fraxinus mandshurica Plantation Difference of Fine Root Vertical Distribution of Robinia pseudoacacia under the Different Climate Regions in the Loess Plateau Fine Roots Distribution Characteristics of Zanthoxylum bungeanum in the Rocky Mountainous Area of Hebei Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on the fine root characteristics and soil respiration in a Pleioblastus amarus plantation in Rainy Area of West China. Seasonal variations of fine root production and mortality in Larix gmelinii plantation in 2004-2008. Dynamics of soil microbial biomass during early fine roots decomposition of three species in alpine region Nutrient heterogeneity in fine roots of six subtropical natural tree species Estimating fine root production and mortality in subtropical Altingia grlilipes and Castanopsis carlesii forests Carbon dynamics of fine root (grass root) decomposition and active soil organic carbon in various models of land use conversion from agricultural lands into forest lands Influence of limestone powder doses on fine root growth of seriously damaged forests of Pinus massoniana in the acid rain region of Chongqing, China Fine Root Morphology and Biomass of Phoebe zhennan Provenance Seedlings Dynamics of Standing Crop of N and P for Fine Roots of Mixed Forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodendron odorum Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Fine Root Biomass in Four Forest Types in Xiaoxing‘an Mountains Interaction of Litter Decomposition and Fine-Root Growth Fine Root Biomass and Morphology of Alnus formosana in Silvopasture Systems Establishing Precision Management Techniques for Sheep and Feed Balance Research in Pastoral Areas Correlation of comminution degree and astragalus polysaccharides yield in Mt. Hengshan Astragalus membranaceus Chemical constituents from seeds of Taxus yunnanensis Optimization of wet ultrafine grinding technology for Hirudo extraction Comparison on in vitro dissolution behavior of notoginsenoside R1, ginsenosides Rb1 and Rg1 between ordinary fine and ultrafine powder of Panax notoginseng Determination of schisandrol A in Shenqi Wuweizi Dispersing Tablets by HPLC Study on Improvement of Dissolution Rate of Water-honeyed Pills of Six Herbs with Rehmunnia by Technique of Super Fine Crushing Bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids from roots of Thalictrum atriplex The spatial distribution and seasonal dynamics of fine roots in a young Caragana korshinskii plantation Spatial heterogeneity of fine roots and appropriate sampling methods in a subtropical Chinese fir plantation δ15N in fine roots of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations of different ages and implications for soil nitrogen cycling rates Increased litterfall regulates fine root biomass and distribution in three typical forests in subtropical China

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