Advances in studies on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Farfugium japonicum Secondary metabolites of endophytic Guignardia mangiferae from Smilax glabra and their antitumor activities Advances in studies on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Farfugium japonicum Advances in studies on chemical constituents in roots of Actinidia chinensis and their pharmacological activities Advances in studies on antitumor activities of drugs for activating blood and resolving stasis in targeting fibninolytic system Advances in studies on antitumor of Chinese materia medica with heat-clearing and toxin-resolving functions Advances in studies on chemical constituents in roots of Actinidia chinensis and their pharmacological activities Advances in studies on antitumor activities of drugs for activating blood and resolving stasis in targeting fibninolytic system Advances in studies on antitumor of Chinese materia medica with heat-clearing and toxin-resolving functions Advances in studies on structural modifications and biological activities of 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid Antitumor effect of artesunate on oral squamous carcinoma Tca8113 cells and their transplanted tumor Advances in studies on chemical constituents of podophyllum taxaand their bioactivities Antitumor effect of artesunate on oral squamous carcinoma Tca8113 cells and their transplanted tumor Advances in studies on chemical constituents of podophyllum taxa and their bioactivities Chemical constituents of antitumor active fraction of Lysimachia clethroides Process routing design on structure modifier of A-ring cleavage of ursolic acid Chemical constituents of antitumor active fraction of Lysimachia clethroides Studies on the Antitumor Effect of Clerodendrum bungei Steud or C.foetidum Bge. Antitumor Effect in Vitro and Immuno-Response in Vivo of Fructus Mume New progress in study on melittin Effect of Haimidin on lipid fluidity in erythrocyte membrane and DNA content innormal and H22 tumor bearing mice Advances in bioactive studying and applying of Magnoliaceae plants in recent five years Antitumor effects of different extract fractions from Qinglongyi Advances in research of chem ical constituents and pharmacological activities of Pongam ia pinnata Pharmacological activities of momorcharin Inhibitory effect of Helleborus thibetanus extracts on the proliferation of tumor cells and expression of COX-2 mRNA Research progress in condensed tannins Influence of prenylation at C-8 of ring A of flavonoid on bioactivity of parent compound Isolation, purification, structural elucidation, and antitumor activity in vitro of lentinan LNT2 Research progress on chemistry and pharmacology of hydrolyzable tannin monomer Preparation of curcumin-loaded mPEG-PLA nanoparticles and its quality evaluation Reseach progress on lanostane-type triterpenoids in plants of Schisandraceae and their pharmacological activities Research progress in study on chemical constituents and antitumor effects in Hedysarum polybotrys Study on preparation of butyryl galactose ester-modified coix component microemulsions and their anticancer activity in vitro Research progress on chemical constituents, pharmacological effects, and clinical application of Tripterygium hypoglaucum Research progress on chemical constituents in plants from Viscum L. and their pharmacological activities Research progress in chemcial constituents of saponins from Aralia elata and their pharmacological activities Research progress in alkaloids in plants of Nuphar Smith and their pharmacological effects Advances in studies on chemical constituents of Garcinia mangostana and bioactivities of xanthenones Structure modification of dammarane-type ginsenosides (aglycone) focusing on antitumor activities Isolation of two benzopyran isoflavones from fruits of Cudrania cochinchinensis and their antitumor activities Evaluation of effectiveness-cytotoxicity correlation and optimization of druggability for activity-based poisonous Chinese materia medica with antitumor activity Advances in studies on chemical constituents in plants from Juglandaceae and their bioactivities Antitumor effect of iridoid ester fraction from Patriniae Radix and its mechanism Research progress on flavonoids of Medicago sativa and their pharmacological activities Research progress on nano preparation of antitumor drug—taxanes Advances in studies on pharmacological effects of piperlongumine Mechanism of escin sodium in inhibition of human leukemia Jurkat cells proliferation Chemical constituents from stem barks of Garcinia paucinervis Advances in studies on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Alstonia scholaris The Antitumor Activity of Diosgenin in vivo and in vitro Extraction and Separation of Antitumor Components from Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss.ex Fr.) Karst. Advances in studies on antitumor activity of Chinese herbal medicines and their active components Studies on antitumor activity of A7 extracted from one fungal mycelium Study on pharmacodynamics of Chinese herbal drug Guijiu and its lignan Studies on effect of YANGZHENG COMPOUND MIXTURE on immunity Chemical constituents from Hedysarum polybotrys and their antitumor activities Antitumor effect of phlomio1 in vivo and in vitro Antitumor effects and the mechanism of two kinds of bromophenolsfrom marine algae Antitumor activities of liposoluble components of caulis Marsdeniae tenocissimae and analysis on its chemical constituents Studies on the Pharmacological Action of Various Processed Mylabris phalerata Pallas Antitumor Effect of Abalone Polysaccharide on Human Nasopharyngeal Cancer Inoculated on Nude Mice Advance in studies on antitumor and immunomodulatory effects of wogonin Research progress of emodin anti-gallbladder carcinoma Preparation of total alkaloids from Sophora alopecuroides freeze-dried powders and investigation of its antitumor effects Advances in research of antitumor activities and mechanisms of flavonoid compounds in Scutellaria baicalensis Comparison of antioxidative and antitumor activities of six flavonoids from Epimedium koreanum Antitumour effect of total saponins of Rubus parvifolius on malignant melanoma Studies on Chemical Compositions and Cytotoxicities from Roots of Aphanamixis grandifolia Bl. Research progress on chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of alkaloids from plants of Lycoris Herb. Interactions between tumor cells and vascular endothelial cells and intervention by Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix Preparation and in vitro evaluation of ampelopsin-loaded nanomicelles Antitumor activity of steroid saponins extracted from Paris polyphylla var.yunnanensis against lung adenocarcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Advances in studies on chemical constituents from Cortex Periplocae and its pharmacological effects Investigation of three coumarin components in thorns of Gleditsia sinensis and their cytotoxic activity to tumor cells Antitumor activity of water-soluble polysaccharides from Codium fragile and its immunomodulation Advances in studies on chemical constituents in medicinal plants of Pyrus L. and their pharmacological activities Advances in studies on pharmacological effect and structure-activity relationship of chrysin and its derivatives Volatile Constituents from Platycladus orentalis and Their Antitumor Activities Crystallization separation of antitumor constituent 20(R)-25-OCH3-PPD

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