Advances in Studies on Triterpenes Constituents and Their Biological Activities in Species of Maytenus Chemical constituents from Ampelopsis cantoniensis and their anti-angiogenic activities A new linear diterpene from stem barks of Aphanamixis polystachya Research progress on chemical constituents of plants from Mallotus Lour. and their pharmacological activities Research progress on biology, chemical constituents in Euphorbia kansui, and their pharmacological effects Research progress on chemical constituents of Crocus sativus and their pharmacological activities Research progress on cembranoid type ring diterpenes Bioactive isomalabaricane triterpenes isolated from marine sponge Rhabdastrella aff. Distincta Triterpenes from herb of Potentilla chinesis Grey Relational Analysis of Suitable Ganoderma Strains for Liquid Fermentation Anticancer activity of diterpenes from Veronica sibirica in vitro Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Japanese Buckeye Seed Study on in vivo antioxidant effect of TPD in Rosmarinus officinalis Chemical constituents in roots of Ilex Cornuta Secondary metabolites of marine fungus Eutypella scoparia from the South China Sea and their antitumor activities Advances in studies on chemical constituents in Kadsura coccinea and their pharmacological activities Advances in studies on chemical constituents in Kadsura coccinea and their pharmacological activities  Chemical constituents from air-dried Piper longum Triterpenes from Corallodiscus kingianus Study on triterpenes from of Ligularia xanthotricha Diterpenes from Tripterygium wilfordii and their anti-cancer activities Sesquiterpenes from Dendrobium nobile Triterpenes with protein tyrosine phosphotase 1B inhibitory activity from Macaranga adenantha Transformation of alisol B 23-acetate in processing of Alisma orientalis Secondary metabolites of endophytic Guignardia mangiferae from Smilax glabra and their antitumor activities Study on chemical constituents of Microctis Folium Antitumor constituents from seeds of Caesalpinia minax Antitumor constituents from seeds of Caesalpinia minax Variation of 4 kinds of compounds in Psoralea corylifolia processed by different methods Response of Endogenous Jasmonates and Sesquiterpenes to Mechanical Wound in Aquilaria sinensis Stem Eudesmane sesquiterpenes from twigs of Manglietia hookeri Studies on terpenoids from Zygophyllum fabago Triterpenes from Butter-and-Eggs (Linaria vulgaris) Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Japanese Buckeye Seed (Aesculus turbinata) Ⅰ.Isolation and Identification of Escins Ⅰa and Ⅰb Chemical constituents and their pharmacological research progress in medicinal plants of Glechoma Linn. Advances in studies Off biological activities of asiatic acid and its derivatives Survey in studies on chemical constituents of sesquiterpene and the irphysio logical activities in plants of Helianthus L. Chemical constituents of Lignum Aquilariae Resinatum(Ⅱ) Anticancer activity of diterpenes from Veronica sibirica in vitro Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Pyrus Communis Variance in Relative Concentration of Induced Volatile Monoterpenes Composition of Pinus tabulaeformis by Dendroctonus valens ANALYSIS OF MASSON PINE NEEDLE VOLATILES AND THEIR ELECTROANTENNOGRAM ACTIVITY WITH MASSON PINE CATERPILLAR Preparation of Lingyi Formula multicomponent microemulsion and its anti-lung cancer activity A new iridoid from Valeriana officinalis var. latiofolia Olfactory Reception of Conspecific Aggregation Pheromone and Host Volatile Terpenes by Asian Larch Bark Beetle, Ips subelongatus Post-modification Enzymes Involved in the Biosynthesis of Plant Terpenoids Study on Chemical Components of Oleoresin from Different Wild Sindora glabra Individuals in Jianfengling, Hainan, China HOST PLANT CHARACTERISTICS ASSOCIATED WITH THE DISTRIBUTION PATTERN OF THE PINE SAWFLY, NEODIPRION XIANGYUNICUS Progress in the Triterpenoids from the Genus Lysimachia L. Study on chemical constituents from the roots of Saussurea lappa Study on triterpenes from Solanum torvum Flavonoids and nor-sesquiterpenes of Pedicularis densispica Triterpenes from root of Rhaponticum uniflorum Studies on triterpenes chemical constituents in rhizome of Alisma gramineum Studies on diterpenes in needles of Pinus sylvestris Process mechanism of Atractylodes macrocephala and conversion of sesquiterpenes Advances in studies on aldose reductase inhibitors from plants Sesquiterpene components of Laurencia tristicha Chemical constituents in roots of Euphorbia pekinensis Sesquiterpenes from stems of Schisandra henryi var. henryi Chemical constituents from Barringtonia racemosa A new triterpene from fungal fruiting bodies of Ganoderma sinense Chemical constituents from Paraixeris serotina Chemical constituents from Paraixeris serotina A NEW DITERPENE FROM PARAQUILEGIA ANEMONOIDES STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF SIBIRAEA ANGUSTATA Studies on the Diterpenes from the Leaves of Taxodium ascendens(Ⅰ) Effect of fungal elicitors on N and P utilization and triterpene synthesis of Betula platyphylla suspension cell culture system Chemical constituents from roots of Ilex asprella Chemical constituents from fruit body of Lactarius vellereus Secondary metabolites of marine fungus Eutypella scoparia from the South China Sea and their antitumor activities RP-HPLC-ELSD fingerprint of triterpenes in Poria RP-HPLC-ELSD fingerprint of triterpenes in Poria Protection of terpenes and flavonoids from Chrysanthemi Indici Flos on immunological liver injury Chemical constituents from barks of Cinnamomum cassia growing in China Chemical constituents of Tamarix ramosissima Chemical constituents in roots of Myrica nana The Triterpenes in Salvia umbratica An inventory of BVOC emissions for a subtropical urban-rural complex: Greater Taizhou Area Effects of Dendrolimus punctatus, MeJA and Terpenes Treatment on the Contents of Eighteen Amino Acids in Pinus massoniana Seedlings