Studies on chemical constituents from rhizome of Anemone flaccida Progress in the Triterpenoids from the Genus Lysimachia L. A new triterpene from Vernonia chunii Chemical constituents from roots of Euphorbia songarica Effect of fungal elicitors on N and P utilization and triterpene synthesis of Betula platyphylla suspension cell culture system Study on components from stem barks of Morus yunnanensis Chemical constituents from roots of Ilex asprella Studies on chemcial constituents in Patrinia scabiosaefolia Triterpenes from aerial parts of Clematoclethra scandens subsp. actinidioides Triterpene compounds of Ainsliaea yunnanensis Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Japanese Buckeye Seed Gene cloning of squalene synthase in Alisma orientalis and its bioinformatic analysis Chemical constituents from Alisma orientalis extracts with hypoglycemic effect Chemical constituents of Sabia parviflora Research progress on chemical constituents, pharmacological effects, and clinical application of Tripterygium hypoglaucum Study progress on triterpenoids in Ganoderma lucidum Research progress on chemical constituents in plants from Viscum L. and their pharmacological activities Chemical constituents from Spiraea salicifolia Advances in Studies on Triterpenes Constituents and Their Biological Activities in Species of Maytenus Studies on chemical constituents in herb of Centella asiatica Review of pharmacological effects of Glycyrrhiza Radix and its bioactive compounds Triterpenes and triterpene glycosides from aerial part of Paraboea glutinosa Studies on chemical constituents of aerial roots of Ficus microcarpa A new cycloartane triterpene saponin from rhizome of Actaea asiatica Triterpenes from Corallodiscus kingianus The Structure of Triptodihydroxy Acid Methyl Ester and wilfortrine Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Pyrus Communis Triterpene Glycosides in the Leaves of Acanthopanax giraldii A Zanhic Acid Based Bisglycoside from Aster poliothamnus Chemical constituents from leaves of Garcinia xanthochymus The Triterpenes in Salvia umbratica Chemical Constituents from Barks of Endospermum chinensis Benth Study on triterpenes from Solanum torvum Chemical constituents from Poria cocos Advances in studies Off biological activities of asiatic acid and its derivatives Triterpenoids from canes with leaves of Trachelospermum jasminoides A novel lupane triterpene from seeds of Ziziphus jujuba var.spinosa Chemical constituents of Lignum Aquilariae Resinatum(Ⅱ) Studies on Chemical Constituents from the Stems of Schisandra sphaerandra Studies on Chemical Constituents of Cirsium segetum(Bge.) Kitam. Studies on Chcmical Constituents of Artemisia roxbugiana Wall Two new triterpene glycosides from sea cucumber Holothuria nobilis Chemical constituents of whole herb of Dicliptera chinensis The pentacyclic triterpene of Ainsliaea yunnanensis Study on the Structure of a New Triterpene Saponin B from Polygala japoniea Houtt Studies on the Constituents of Chinese Traditional Drug Suan Zau Ren Triterpene acids from roots of Symplocos laurina Preparation of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides and triterpenes microemulsion and its anticancer effect in mice with transplant Heps tumors Chemical constituents from roots of Phlomis umbrosa Chemical constituents of Alisma orientalis and their immunosuppressive function Saponins from roots of Securidaca inappendiculata with cytotoxic activities Chemical constituents of Ophiorrhiza rosea Two new triterpene glycosides from Stichopus variegatus RP-HPLC-ELSD fingerprint of triterpenes in Poria RP-HPLC-ELSD fingerprint of triterpenes in Poria Advances in studies on chemical constituents of Xanthoceras sorbifolia and their pharmacological activities STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF SIBIRAEA ANGUSTATA TRITERPENOID SAPONINS AND TRITERPENES FROM ILEX KWANGTUNGENSIS Advances in Studies on Key Post-modification Enzymes in Triterpenoid Saponins Biosynthesis Effects of Water,Nitrogen and Methyl Jasmonate Treatment on Triterpenes Accumulation in Birch (Betula platyphylla Suk.) The Chemical Constituents from Dracocephalum tanguticum Maxim. Constituents of Millettia nitida var. hirsutissima Triterpenes from Corallodiscus kingianus Study on triterpenes from of Ligularia xanthotricha Chemical constituents of mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum Triterpenes with protein tyrosine phosphotase 1B inhibitory activity from Macaranga adenantha Transformation of alisol B 23-acetate in processing of Alisma orientalis Chemical constituents of Erigeron annus Advances on chemical constituents and pharmacological activity of genus Scilla Structure identification of triterpenes from fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum by NMR spectra and X-ray diffraction analysis Chemical constituents of unsaponifiable matter from seed oil of Momordica cochinchinensis Chemical constituents from Pteris deltodon Chemical constituents from leaves of Ilex chinensis Research progress on active components of Antrodia cinnamomea and their pharmacological effects 20(R)-Ginsenoside-Rh19, a novel ginsenoside from alkaline hydrolysates of total saponins in stems-leaves of Panax ginseng Two new triterpene glycosides from Stichopus variegatus Preparation of Lingyi Formula multicomponent microemulsion and its anti-lung cancer activity Studies on the Triterpenes from Xiaolangdu (Euphorbia prolifera) Triterpenes constituents from male flowers of Eucommia ulmoides Chemical constituents from stems of Hedyotis hedyotidea and their immunosuppressive activity