The Identification and Content Determination of Phenolic Acid Compounds in Flax Seeds Change of Anti-hepatitis Active Substance during Different Growth Period in Cultivated Halenia ellipitica Determination of Glycinebetaine in Kalidium foliatum and Halostachys caspica Chronical Treatment with NaCl by RP-HPLC Determination of notoginsenoside R1, ginsenoside Rg1, Rb1, and scutellarin in Baogan Pill by RP-HPLC Content determination of epigoitrin in Radix Isatidis and its preparation by RP-HPLC Determination of three alkaloids in total alkaloids exfracts from Lotus plumule by RP-HPLC Simultaneous determination of 5 active components in fructus cnidii by HPLC Determination of loniceroside A and C in Lonicerae japonicae by RP-HPLC Identification of HWM-GS in Glu-B1 Loci by HPLC and the Effects of 7OE on Wheat Dough Strength Determination of baicalin in Fengtongyan Granule by HPLC Determination of Stilbene Derivative in Shengfa Powders by HPLC Determination of Epimedin C and Icariin in Herba Epimedii by HPLC Simultaneous isolation and preparation of four iridoid glycosides from Lamiophlomis rotata by preparative RP-HPLC Determination of β-eudesmol in rhizome of Atractylodes lancea by RP-HPLC Determination of cinnamic acid in rat plasma after oral administration of subing orally disintegrating tablets and study of its Pharmacokinetics behavior Fast and simultaneous determination of four index components in Qingwei Huanglian tablets by RP-HPLC Determination of 20(S)-ginsengnoside Rh2 in the alkali-hydrolysis product of saponins from leaves of Panax qinquefolium by RP-HPLC Solubilities of ephedrine and d-pseudo-ephedrine from different sizes of ultramicro-particles of the compound traditional Chinese herbs Maxing Shigan decoction Determination of fraxinellone in root bark of Dictamnus dasycarpus by RP-HPLC Determination of scopolamine and atropine in Flos Daturae by RP-HPLC Determination of safflor yellow A by RP-HPLC and resources quality comparison in Carthamus tinctorius Simultaneous determination of three active constituents in Cortex Moutan by RP-HPLC Determination of gallic acid in Melastoma dodecandrum by RP-HPLC Study on pharmacokinetics of emodin in Rhizoma Polygontum Cuspidatum and its compound Quantitative analysis of quercetin in bud of Sophora japonica by RP-HPLC Quality analysis of seedling leaves of Ginkgo biloba Quantitative determination of ferulic acid in BUXUEYIMU GRANULES by RP-HPLC RP-HPLC determination of daidzein, genistein, daidzin and genistin in soybean extract Determination of content of benzoic acid in SIWUTANG by RP-HPLC Simultaneous determination of four components in Gastrodia elata by RP-HPLC Simultaneous determination of four constituents in wild Gentiana lawrencei from Qinghai province by RP-HPLC Determination of chelerythrine in Chelidonium majus by RP-HPLC Simultaneous determination of five effective components in Rhizoma Chuanxiong by RP-HPLC Quantitative analysis of five components in the rhizome of Angelica polymorpha by RP-HPLC under different UV wavelengths Simultaneous determination of six alkaloids in Coptis chinensis of different regions by RP-HPLC Extraction of triterpenoids from fruits of Ganoderma lucidumby supercritical fluid extraction Dermal pharmacokinetic study of Baijiezi Tufang by microdialysis combined with RP-HPLC Dermal pharmacokinetic study of Baijiezi Tufang by microdialysis combined with RP-HPLC Correlation between quality of Alisma orientale in Sichuan Province and rhizosphere soil physicochemical property Determination of macrozamin in Rhizoma Heterosmilacis Japonicae by RP-HPLC Study on variation of actinoside C in leaves of Actinidia kolomikta with different growth periods by RP-HPLC Determination of three glycosides from herbs of Swertia punicea by RP-HPLC Separation and determination of puerarin, daidzin and daidzein in stems and leaves of Pueraria thomsonii by RP-HPLC Simultaneous determination of four glycosylflavones from Lophatherum gracile by RP-HPLC RP-HPLC determination of flavonoids in several flowers Effect of herba schizonepetae volatile oil (STO) on activity of 5-lipoxygenase in rat thoracic cavity leukocytes Simultaneous determination of four constituents in wild Gentiana lawrencei from Qinghai province by RP-HPLC RP-HPLC determination of tiliroside in Daphne genkwa Determination of aristolochic acid A in Radix Aristolociae and Herba Asari by RP-HPLC Determination of ligustilide in volatile Oil from rhizome of Ligusticum Chuanxiong by RP-HPLC Study on HPLC fingerprint of Swertia mussotii var.mussotii from north-west area of Sichuan province Ⅰ Simultaneous determination of eight organic acids in Fructus Mume by RP-HPLC Determination of main flavone glycosides in Flos Chrysanthemi and observation of factors influenced contents Determination of astragulin in Thesium chinese by RP-HPLC RP-HPLC Analysis of single, merging, and boiled together Lonicera japonica and Forsythia suspense Flavor Substances and Lipid Composition in Oyster Juice Determination of punicalagin and ellagic acid in Vaginal Effervescent Tablets of Punica granatum peel extracts by RP-HPLC Assay of Guanfu Base A in Korean Monkshood (Aconitum coreanum) at Different Stages of Reaping by RP-HPLC Determination of Astragaloside N in the Hairy Root Cultures of Membranous Milkvetch (Astragalus membranaceus) by RP-HPLC Assay of related substances of docetaxel and its injection by HPLC Determination of liensinie in seed of Nelumbo nucifera by ion pair RP-HPLC Determination of dihydromyricetin in Ampelopsis grossedentata by RP-HPLC Simultaneously determination of atropine sulphate,diphenhydramine hydrochloride, capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin in pain-relieving plaster for arthritis by RP-HPLC RP-HPLC-ELSD fingerprint of triterpenes in Poria RP-HPLC-ELSD fingerprint of triterpenes in Poria Simultaneous isolation and preparation of four iridoid glycosides from Lamiophlomis rotata by preparative RP-HPLC Determination of baicalin in Fengtongyan Granule by HPLC Fingerprint study on Xiaochaihu Granules-medicinal materials based on peak pattern matching The Changes of Five Flavonoids Contents in Crataegus chlorosarca Leaves Simultaneous determination of plantainoside D and verbascoside from stem of Chirita longgangensis var. hongyao by RP-HPLC Determination of Gastrodin in Santong Fengshikang Capsule by RP-HPLC Determination of Cyasterone in Medicinal Cyathula(Cyathula officinalis) Root by RP-HPLC Determination of Citric Acid in Compound Chinese Herbal Prepara tion“Zhixieting” Oral Liquid by RP-HPLC Determination of Paclitaxel in Yew (Taxus)by γ-A1203Solid-phase Extraction and RP-HPLC Contents of effective components in flowers of Eriobotrya japonica Determination of theacrine in rat plasma by RP-HPLC Determination of dactylorhin A and militarine in three varieties of Cremastrae Pseudobulbus/Pleiones Pseudobulbus by HPLC Determination of Flavonoids in Different Parts of Five Epimedium Plants Determination of Puerarin in Gegen Qinlian Tablets by RP-HPLC RP-HPLC Determination of Berberine in Cortex Phellodendri